-- Derived rules related to the unit types

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.DerivedRules.Unit
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (TR : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open Type-restrictions TR

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Typed TR
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.DerivedRules.Identity TR
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inversion TR
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Reduction TR
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Substitution TR
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic TR
open import Definition.Typed.Properties TR
open import Definition.Typed.Reasoning.Term TR
open import Definition.Untyped.Unit 𝕄

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

private variable
  Γ                       : Con Term _
  A A₁ A₂ t t₁ t₂ u u₁ u₂ : Term _
  s                       : Strength
  p q                     : M

-- A definitional η-rule


  -- A definitional η-rule for unit types with η-equality.

  Unit-η-≡ :
    Unit-with-η s 
    Γ  t  Unit s 
    Γ  star s  t  Unit s
  Unit-η-≡ η ⊢t =
    η-unit (starⱼ (wfTerm ⊢t) (⊢∷Unit→Unit-allowed ⊢t)) ⊢t η

-- Lemmas related to unitrec


  -- A generalisation of unitrec-cong.

  unitrec-cong′ :
    Γ  Unitʷ  A₁  A₂ 
    Γ  t₁  t₂  Unitʷ 
    Γ  u₁  u₂  A₁ [ starʷ ]₀ 
    Γ  unitrec p q A₁ t₁ u₁  unitrec p q A₂ t₂ u₂  A₁ [ t₁ ]₀
  unitrec-cong′ {A₁} {A₂} {t₁} {t₂} {u₁} {u₂} {p} {q} A₁≡A₂ t₁≡t₂ u₁≡u₂ ok =
    case Unitʷ-η? of λ where
      (no no-η) 
        unitrec-cong A₁≡A₂ t₁≡t₂ u₁≡u₂ ok no-η
      (yes η) 
        case syntacticEq A₁≡A₂ of λ
          (⊢A₁ , ⊢A₂) 
        case syntacticEqTerm t₁≡t₂ of λ
          (_ , ⊢t₁ , ⊢t₂) 
        case syntacticEqTerm u₁≡u₂ of λ
          (_ , ⊢u₁ , ⊢u₂) 
        unitrec p q A₁ t₁ u₁  ≡⟨ unitrec-β-η ⊢A₁ ⊢t₁ ⊢u₁ ok η ⟩⊢
        u₁                    ≡⟨ conv u₁≡u₂
                                   (substTypeEq (refl ⊢A₁) (Unit-η-≡ (inj₂ η) ⊢t₁)) ⟩⊢
        u₂                    ≡˘⟨ conv (unitrec-β-η ⊢A₂ ⊢t₂ (conv ⊢u₂ (substTypeEq A₁≡A₂ (refl (starⱼ (wfTerm ⊢t₁) ok)))) ok η)
                                    (sym (substTypeEq A₁≡A₂ t₁≡t₂)) ⟩⊢∎
        unitrec p q A₂ t₂ u₂  


  -- A generalisation of _⊢_≡_∷_.unitrec-β.

  unitrec-β-≡ :
    Γ  Unitʷ  A 
    Γ  t  A [ starʷ ]₀ 
    Γ  unitrec p q A starʷ t  t  A [ starʷ ]₀
  unitrec-β-≡ ⊢A ⊢t =
    case wf ⊢A of λ {
      (⊢Γ  ⊢Unit) 
    case inversion-Unit ⊢Unit of λ
    case Unitʷ-η? of λ where
      (yes ok) 
        unitrec-β-η ⊢A (starⱼ ⊢Γ Unit-ok) ⊢t Unit-ok ok
      (no not-ok) 
        unitrec-β ⊢A ⊢t Unit-ok not-ok }


  -- A generalisation of _⊢_⇒_∷_.unitrec-β.

  unitrec-β-⇒ :
    Γ  Unitʷ  A 
    Γ  t  A [ starʷ ]₀ 
    Γ  unitrec p q A starʷ t  t  A [ starʷ ]₀
  unitrec-β-⇒ ⊢A ⊢t =
    case wf ⊢A of λ {
      (⊢Γ  ⊢Unit) 
    case inversion-Unit ⊢Unit of λ
    case Unitʷ-η? of λ where
      (yes ok) 
        unitrec-β-η ⊢A (starⱼ ⊢Γ Unit-ok) ⊢t Unit-ok ok
      (no not-ok) 
        unitrec-β ⊢A ⊢t Unit-ok not-ok }

-- Lemmas related to unitrec⟨_⟩

  unfolding unitrec⟨_⟩

  -- A typing rule for unitrec⟨_⟩.

  ⊢unitrec⟨⟩ :
    Γ  Unit s  A 
    Γ  t  Unit s 
    Γ  u  A [ star s ]₀ 
    Γ  unitrec⟨ s  p q A t u  A [ t ]₀
  ⊢unitrec⟨⟩ {s = 𝕨} ⊢A ⊢t ⊢u =
    unitrecⱼ ⊢A ⊢t ⊢u (⊢∷Unit→Unit-allowed ⊢t)
  ⊢unitrec⟨⟩ {s = 𝕤} ⊢A ⊢t ⊢u =
    conv ⊢u (substTypeEq (refl ⊢A) (Unit-η-≡ (inj₁ PE.refl) ⊢t))

  unfolding unitrec⟨_⟩

  -- A reduction rule for unitrec⟨_⟩.

  unitrec⟨⟩-β-⇒* :
    (s PE.≡ 𝕨  Γ  Unit s  A) 
    Γ  t  A [ star s ]₀ 
    Γ  unitrec⟨ s  p q A (star s) t ⇒* t  A [ star s ]₀
  unitrec⟨⟩-β-⇒* {s = 𝕨} ⊢A ⊢t =
    redMany $ unitrec-β-⇒ (⊢A PE.refl) ⊢t
  unitrec⟨⟩-β-⇒* {s = 𝕤} ⊢A ⊢t =
    id ⊢t


  -- An equality rule for unitrec⟨_⟩.

  unitrec⟨⟩-β-≡ :
    (s PE.≡ 𝕨  Γ  Unit s  A) 
    Γ  t  A [ star s ]₀ 
    Γ  unitrec⟨ s  p q A (star s) t  t  A [ star s ]₀
  unitrec⟨⟩-β-≡ ⊢A ⊢t =
    subset*Term (unitrec⟨⟩-β-⇒* ⊢A ⊢t)

  unfolding unitrec⟨_⟩

  -- Another reduction rule for unitrec⟨_⟩.

  unitrec⟨⟩-subst :
    Γ  Unit s  A 
    Γ  u  A [ star s ]₀ 
    Γ  t₁  t₂  Unit s 
    s PE.≡ 𝕤  ¬ Unitʷ-η 
    Γ  unitrec⟨ s  p q A t₁ u ⇒* unitrec⟨ s  p q A t₂ u  A [ t₁ ]₀
  unitrec⟨⟩-subst {s = 𝕨} ⊢A ⊢u t₁⇒t₂ (inj₂ not-ok) =
    redMany $
    unitrec-subst ⊢A ⊢u t₁⇒t₂
      (inversion-Unit $ syntacticEqTerm (subsetTerm t₁⇒t₂) .proj₁)
  unitrec⟨⟩-subst {s = 𝕤} {p} {q} ⊢A ⊢u t₁⇒t₂ _ =
    id $
    ⊢unitrec⟨⟩ {p = p} {q = q} ⊢A
      (syntacticEqTerm (subsetTerm t₁⇒t₂) .proj₂ .proj₁) ⊢u

  unfolding unitrec⟨_⟩

  -- Another equality rule for unitrec⟨_⟩.

  unitrec⟨⟩-cong :
    Γ  Unit s  A₁  A₂ 
    Γ  t₁  t₂  Unit s 
    Γ  u₁  u₂  A₁ [ star s ]₀ 
    Γ  unitrec⟨ s  p q A₁ t₁ u₁  unitrec⟨ s  p q A₂ t₂ u₂ 
      A₁ [ t₁ ]₀
  unitrec⟨⟩-cong {s = 𝕨} A₁≡A₂ t₁≡t₂ u₁≡u₂ =
    unitrec-cong′ A₁≡A₂ t₁≡t₂ u₁≡u₂ $
    inversion-Unit $ syntacticEqTerm t₁≡t₂ .proj₁
  unitrec⟨⟩-cong {s = 𝕤} A₁≡A₂ t₁≡t₂ u₁≡u₂ =
    conv u₁≡u₂ $
    substTypeEq (refl (syntacticEq A₁≡A₂ .proj₁))
      (Unit-η-≡ (inj₁ PE.refl) $ syntacticEqTerm t₁≡t₂ .proj₂ .proj₁)

-- A lemma related to Unit-η

  unfolding Unit-η

  -- A typing rule for Unit-η.

  ⊢Unit-η :
    Γ  t  Unit s 
    Γ  Unit-η s p t  Id (Unit s) (star s) t
  ⊢Unit-η ⊢t =
    case syntacticTerm ⊢t of λ
    case wf ⊢Unit of λ
    case inversion-Unit ⊢Unit of λ
      (Idⱼ (starⱼ (⊢→⊢∙ (Unitⱼ ⊢Γ ok)) ok) (var₀ ⊢Unit))
      (rflⱼ (starⱼ ⊢Γ ok))