-- Substitution theorems for reduction closures.

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.RedSteps
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open Type-restrictions R

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Properties M
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.EqRelInstance R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typed.RedSteps R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.DerivedRules R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inversion R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Substitution R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic R
open import Definition.Typed.Reasoning.Reduction R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Reducibility R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Hidden R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties R
import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Introductions R as I

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Relation

    n : Nat
    Γ : Con Term n
    A B C t t′ t₁ t₂ u u₁ u₂ v v₁ v₂ w₁ w₂ : Term n
    p q q′ r : M


  -- A variant of snd-subst for _⊢_⇒*_∷_.

  snd-subst* :
    Γ  t ⇒* u  Σˢ p , q  A  B 
    Γ  snd p t ⇒* snd p u  B [ fst p t ]₀
  snd-subst* t⇒*u =
    case inversion-ΠΣ $ syntacticTerm $ redFirst*Term t⇒*u of λ
      (_ , ⊢B , _) 
    case t⇒*u of λ where
      (id ⊢t)       id (sndⱼ′ ⊢t)
      (t⇒v  v⇨*u) 
        snd-subst′ t⇒v 
        conv* (snd-subst* v⇨*u)
          (substTypeEq (refl ⊢B) (sym (fst-cong′ (subsetTerm t⇒v))))

private opaque

  -- A lemma that can be used to prove lemmas like snd-subst*.

  subst→subst* :
    Γ  A  B 
    (∀ {u} 
     Γ  u  A 
     Γ  t [ u ]₀  B [ u ]₀) 
    (∀ {u₁ u₂} 
     Γ  u₁  u₂  A 
     Γ  t [ u₁ ]₀  t [ u₂ ]₀  B [ u₁ ]₀) 
    Γ  u₁ ⇒* u₂  A 
    Γ  t [ u₁ ]₀ ⇒* t [ u₂ ]₀  B [ u₁ ]₀
  subst→subst* {B} {u₁} {u₂} t ⊢B ⊢t[] t[]⇒t[] = λ where
    (id ⊢u)                       id (⊢t[] ⊢u)
    (_⇨_ {t′ = u₃} u₁⇒u₃ u₃⇒*u₂) 
      t [ u₁ ]₀  B [ u₁ ]₀  ⇒⟨ t[]⇒t[] u₁⇒u₃ ⟩∷
                               substTypeEq (refl ⊢B) (subsetTerm u₁⇒u₃) ⟩⇒
      t [ u₃ ]₀  B [ u₃ ]₀  ⇒*⟨ subst→subst* t ⊢B ⊢t[] t[]⇒t[] u₃⇒*u₂ ⟩∎∷
      t [ u₂ ]₀              

private opaque

  -- The lemma subst→subst* is private because it can be rather
  -- awkward to use: tastes may vary, but the following proof is at
  -- least (at the time of writing) longer than snd-subst*, even if
  -- one does not count the where clause.

  snd-subst*′ :
    Γ  t ⇒* u  Σˢ p , q  A  B 
    Γ  snd p t ⇒* snd p u  B [ fst p t ]₀
  snd-subst*′ {p} {B} t⇒*u =
    case syntacticTerm $ redFirst*Term t⇒*u of λ
    case inversion-ΠΣ ⊢ΣAB of λ
      (_ , ⊢B , _) 
    PE.subst (_⊢_⇒*_∷_ _ _ _) (lemma _) $
    subst→subst* (snd p (var x0))
      (subst↑Type ⊢B (fstⱼ′ (var₀ ⊢ΣAB)))
         PE.subst (_⊢_∷_ _ _) (PE.sym $ lemma _) $
         sndⱼ′ ⊢u)
         PE.subst (_⊢_⇒_∷_ _ _ _) (PE.sym $ lemma _) $
         snd-subst′ u₁⇒u₂)
    lemma :  t  B [ fst p (var x0) ]↑ [ t ]₀ PE.≡ B [ fst p t ]₀
    lemma _ = []↑-[]₀ B


  -- A variant of natrec-subst for _⊢_⇒*_∷_.

  natrec-subst* :
    Γ    A 
    Γ  t  A [ zero ]₀ 
    Γ    A  u  A [ suc (var x1) ]↑² 
    Γ  v₁ ⇒* v₂   
    Γ  natrec p q r A t u v₁ ⇒* natrec p q r A t u v₂  A [ v₁ ]₀
  natrec-subst* ⊢A ⊢t ⊢u v₁⇒*v₂ =
    I.natrec-subst* (fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢A) ⊢t ⊢u v₁⇒*v₂
      (reducible-⊩∷ (syntacticRedTerm v₁⇒*v₂ .proj₂ .proj₂))


  -- A variant of prodrec-subst for _⊢_⇒*_∷_.

  prodrec-subst* :
    Γ  Σʷ p , q  A  B  C 
    Γ  t₁ ⇒* t₂  Σʷ p , q  A  B 
    Γ  A  B  u  C [ prodʷ p (var x1) (var x0) ]↑² 
    Γ  prodrec r p q′ C t₁ u ⇒* prodrec r p q′ C t₂ u  C [ t₁ ]₀
  prodrec-subst* ⊢C t₁⇒*t₂ ⊢u =
    case t₁⇒*t₂ of λ where
      (id ⊢t₁)          id (prodrecⱼ′ ⊢C ⊢t₁ ⊢u)
      (t₁⇒t₃  t₃⇒*t₂) 
        prodrec-subst′ ⊢C ⊢u t₁⇒t₃ 
        conv* (prodrec-subst* ⊢C t₃⇒*t₂ ⊢u)
          (substTypeEq (refl ⊢C) (sym (subsetTerm t₁⇒t₃)))

-- Unitrec substitution of reduction closures

unitrec-subst* :
  Γ  t ⇒* t′  Unitʷ 
  Γ  Unitʷ  A 
  Γ  u  A [ starʷ ]₀ 
  ¬ Unitʷ-η 
  Γ  unitrec p q A t u ⇒* unitrec p q A t′ u  A [ t ]₀
unitrec-subst* (id x) ⊢A ⊢u _ =
  id (unitrecⱼ ⊢A x ⊢u (⊢∷Unit→Unit-allowed x))
unitrec-subst* (x  d) ⊢A ⊢u not-ok =
  unitrec-subst ⊢A ⊢u x ok not-ok 
  conv* (unitrec-subst* d ⊢A ⊢u not-ok)
        (substTypeEq (refl ⊢A) (sym (subsetTerm x)))
  ok = ⊢∷Unit→Unit-allowed (redFirstTerm x)


  -- A variant of K-subst for _⊢_⇒*_∷_.

  K-subst* :
    Γ  Id A t t  B 
    Γ  u  B [ rfl ]₀ 
    Γ  v₁ ⇒* v₂  Id A t t 
    Γ  K p A t B u v₁ ⇒* K p A t B u v₂  B [ v₁ ]₀
  K-subst* ⊢B ⊢u v₁⇒*v₂ ok =
    I.K-subst* (fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢B) ⊢u v₁⇒*v₂
      (reducible-⊩∷ (syntacticRedTerm v₁⇒*v₂ .proj₂ .proj₂)) ok


  -- A variant of J-subst for _⊢_⇒*_∷_.

  J-subst* :
    Γ  A  Id (wk1 A) (wk1 t) (var x0)  B 
    Γ  u  B [ t , rfl ]₁₀ 
    Γ  w₁ ⇒* w₂  Id A t v 
    Γ  J p q A t B u v w₁ ⇒* J p q A t B u v w₂  B [ v , w₁ ]₁₀
  J-subst* ⊢B ⊢u w₁⇒*w₂ =
    case syntacticRedTerm w₁⇒*w₂ of λ
      (⊢Id , _ , ⊢w₂) 
    I.J-subst* (fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢B) ⊢u
      (reducible-⊩∷ (inversion-Id ⊢Id .proj₂ .proj₂)) w₁⇒*w₂
      (reducible-⊩∷ ⊢w₂)