-- Syntactic validity of the typing and reduction relations.

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Reducibility R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Hidden R

open import Definition.Untyped M hiding (wk)
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typed.EqRelInstance R
open import Definition.Typed.Weakening R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Injectivity R

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product as Σ

    n : Nat
    Γ : Con Term n
    A B t u : Term n
    p q : M


  -- If two types are equal, then they are well-formed.

  syntacticEq : Γ  A  B  Γ  A × Γ  B
  syntacticEq {Γ} {A} {B} =
    Γ  A  B                →⟨ reducible-⊩≡ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  A  B           →⟨ wf-⊩≡ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  A × Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  B  →⟨ Σ.map escape-⊩ escape-⊩ 
    Γ  A × Γ  B            


  -- If a term is well-typed, then its type is well-formed.

  syntacticTerm : Γ  t  A  Γ  A
  syntacticTerm {Γ} {t} {A} =
    Γ  t  A       →⟨ reducible-⊩∷ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  t  A  →⟨ wf-⊩∷ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  A      →⟨ escape-⊩ 
    Γ  A           


  -- If two terms are equal at a given type, then they have that type,
  -- and the type is well-formed.

  syntacticEqTerm : Γ  t  u  A  (Γ  A) × Γ  t  A × Γ  u  A
  syntacticEqTerm {Γ} {t} {u} {A} =
    Γ  t  u  A                    →⟨ reducible-⊩≡∷ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  t  u  A               →⟨ wf-⊩≡∷ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  t  A × Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  u  A  →⟨  (⊩t , ⊩u)  escape-⊩ (wf-⊩∷ ⊩t) , escape-⊩∷ ⊩t , escape-⊩∷ ⊩u) 
    (Γ  A) × Γ  t  A × Γ  u  A  

-- Syntactic validity of type reductions.
syntacticRed :  {A B}  Γ  A ⇒* B  Γ  A × Γ  B
syntacticRed D = syntacticEq (subset* D)


  -- The relation _⊢_⇒*_ is contained in _⊢_:⇒*:_.

  ⇒*→:⇒*: : Γ  A ⇒* B  Γ  A :⇒*: B
  ⇒*→:⇒*: A⇒*B =
    case syntacticRed A⇒*B of λ
      (⊢A , ⊢B) 
    [ ⊢A , ⊢B , A⇒*B ]

-- Syntactic validity of term reductions.
syntacticRedTerm :  {t u A}  Γ  t ⇒* u  A  Γ  A × (Γ  t  A × Γ  u  A)
syntacticRedTerm d = syntacticEqTerm (subset*Term d)


  -- The relation _⊢_⇒*_∷_ is contained in _⊢_:⇒*:_∷_.

  ⇒*∷→:⇒*:∷ : Γ  t ⇒* u  A  Γ  t :⇒*: u  A
  ⇒*∷→:⇒*:∷ t⇒*u =
    case syntacticRedTerm t⇒*u of λ
      (_ , ⊢t , ⊢u) 
    [ ⊢t , ⊢u , t⇒*u ]

-- Syntactic validity of Π-types.
syntacticΠ :  {F G}  Γ  Π p , q  F  G  Γ  F × Γ  F  G
syntacticΠ ΠFG with injectivity (refl ΠFG)
syntacticΠ ΠFG | F≡F , G≡G , _ = proj₁ (syntacticEq F≡F) , proj₁ (syntacticEq G≡G)

syntacticΣ :  {m F G}  Γ  Σ⟨ m  p , q  F  G  Γ  F × Γ  F  G
syntacticΣ ΣFG with Σ-injectivity (refl ΣFG)
syntacticΣ ΣFG | F≡F , G≡G , _ = proj₁ (syntacticEq F≡F) , proj₁ (syntacticEq G≡G)

-- Syntactic validity of context lookup

syntacticVar :  {x A}  x  A  Γ   Γ  Γ  A
syntacticVar here (_  ⊢A) = wk₁ ⊢A ⊢A
syntacticVar (there x) (⊢Γ  ⊢B) = wk₁ ⊢B (syntacticVar x ⊢Γ)