-- A variant of Graded.Derived.Erased.Typed with fewer dependencies

import Graded.Modality
open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Tools.Product

module Graded.Derived.Erased.Typed.Primitive
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (open Graded.Modality M)
  {𝕄 : Modality}
  (open Modality 𝕄)
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)
  (open Type-restrictions R)
  -- Erased is assumed to be allowed.
  ((Unit-ok , Σ-ok) : Erased-allowed s)

open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties.Well-formed R

open import Definition.Untyped M hiding (_[_])

open import Graded.Derived.Erased.Untyped 𝕄 s

open import Tools.Function
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

private variable
  Γ       : Con Term _
  A B t u : Term _

-- A formation rule for Erased.

Erasedⱼ : Γ  A  Γ  Erased A
Erasedⱼ ⊢A = ΠΣⱼ ⊢A (Unitⱼ (wf ⊢A  ⊢A) Unit-ok) Σ-ok

-- A corresponding congruence rule.

Erased-cong :
  Γ  A 
  Γ  A  B 
  Γ  Erased A  Erased B
Erased-cong ⊢A A≡B =
  ΠΣ-cong ⊢A A≡B (refl (Unitⱼ (wf ⊢A  ⊢A) Unit-ok)) Σ-ok

-- An introduction rule for U.

Erasedⱼ-U :
  Γ  A  Γ  A  U  Γ  Erased A  U
Erasedⱼ-U ⊢A ⊢A∷U = ΠΣⱼ ⊢A∷U (Unitⱼ (wf ⊢A  ⊢A) Unit-ok) Σ-ok

-- A corresponding congruence rule.

Erased-cong-U :
  Γ  A 
  Γ  A  B  U 
  Γ  Erased A  Erased B  U
Erased-cong-U ⊢A A≡B =
  ΠΣ-cong ⊢A A≡B (refl (Unitⱼ (wf ⊢A  ⊢A) Unit-ok)) Σ-ok

-- An introduction rule for Erased.

[]ⱼ :
  Γ  A 
  Γ  t  A 
  Γ  [ t ]  Erased A
[]ⱼ ⊢A ⊢t =
  prodⱼ ⊢A (Unitⱼ (⊢Γ  ⊢A) Unit-ok) ⊢t (starⱼ ⊢Γ Unit-ok) Σ-ok
  ⊢Γ = wf ⊢A

-- A corresponding congruence rule.

[]-cong′ :
  Γ  A 
  Γ  t  u  A 
  Γ  [ t ]  [ u ]  Erased A
[]-cong′ ⊢A t≡u =
  prod-cong ⊢A (Unitⱼ (wf ⊢A  ⊢A) Unit-ok) t≡u
    (refl (starⱼ (wf ⊢A) Unit-ok)) Σ-ok