-- Properties for the reduction relation of the target language.

module Graded.Erasure.Target.Properties.Reduction where

open import Graded.Erasure.Target

open import Tools.Nat
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Sum

    n : Nat
    t t′ u : Term n

-- Reduction properties

-- Concatenation of reduction closure

red*concat : t ⇒* t′  t′ ⇒* u  t ⇒* u
red*concat refl t′⇒*u = t′⇒*u
red*concat (trans x t⇒*t′) t′⇒*u = trans x (red*concat t⇒*t′ t′⇒*u)

-- Closure of substitution reductions

app-subst* : t ⇒* t′  (t  u) ⇒* (t′  u)
app-subst* refl = refl
app-subst* (trans x t⇒*t′) = trans (app-subst x) (app-subst* t⇒*t′)

fst-subst* : t ⇒* t′  fst t ⇒* fst t′
fst-subst* refl = refl
fst-subst* (trans x t⇒*t′) = trans (fst-subst x) (fst-subst* t⇒*t′)

snd-subst* : t ⇒* t′  snd t ⇒* snd t′
snd-subst* refl = refl
snd-subst* (trans x t⇒*t′) = trans (snd-subst x) (snd-subst* t⇒*t′)

natrec-subst* :  {z s}  t ⇒* t′  natrec z s t ⇒* natrec z s t′
natrec-subst* refl = refl
natrec-subst* (trans x t⇒t′) = trans (natrec-subst x) (natrec-subst* t⇒t′)

prodrec-subst* : t ⇒* t′  prodrec t u ⇒* prodrec t′ u
prodrec-subst* refl = refl
prodrec-subst* (trans x t⇒t′) = trans (prodrec-subst x) (prodrec-subst* t⇒t′)

-- Reduction is deterministic
-- If a ⇒ b and a ⇒ c then b ≡ c

redDet : (u : Term n)  u  t  u  t′  t PE.≡ t′
redDet (var x) () u⇒t′
redDet (lam a) () u⇒t′
redDet (a  a₁) (app-subst u⇒t) (app-subst u⇒t′) =
  PE.cong₂ _∘_ (redDet a u⇒t u⇒t′) PE.refl
redDet (.(lam _)  a) β-red β-red = PE.refl
redDet zero () u⇒t′
redDet (suc a) () u⇒t′
redDet (natrec a a₁ a₂) (natrec-subst u⇒t) (natrec-subst u⇒t′) =
  PE.cong (natrec a a₁) (redDet a₂ u⇒t u⇒t′)
redDet (natrec a a₁ .zero) natrec-zero natrec-zero = PE.refl
redDet (natrec a a₁ .(suc _)) natrec-suc natrec-suc = PE.refl
redDet (prod a a₁) () u⇒t′
redDet (fst a) (fst-subst u⇒t) (fst-subst u⇒t′) =
  PE.cong fst (redDet a u⇒t u⇒t′)
redDet (fst .(prod _ _)) Σ-β₁ Σ-β₁ = PE.refl
redDet (snd a) (snd-subst u⇒t) (snd-subst u⇒t′) =
  PE.cong snd (redDet a u⇒t u⇒t′)
redDet (snd .(prod _ _)) Σ-β₂ Σ-β₂ = PE.refl
redDet (prodrec a a₁) (prodrec-subst u⇒t) (prodrec-subst u⇒t′) =
  PE.cong  z  prodrec z a₁) (redDet a u⇒t u⇒t′)
redDet (prodrec .(prod _ _) a) prodrec-β prodrec-β = PE.refl
redDet star () u⇒t′
redDet  () u⇒t′

-- Reduction closure is deterministic
-- (there is only one reduction path)
-- If a ⇒* b and a ⇒* c then b ⇒* c or c ⇒* b

red*Det : u ⇒* t  u ⇒* t′  (t ⇒* t′)  (t′ ⇒* t)
red*Det refl refl = inj₁ refl
red*Det refl (trans x u⇒t′) = inj₁ (trans x u⇒t′)
red*Det (trans x u⇒t) refl = inj₂ (trans x u⇒t)
red*Det {u = u} (trans x u⇒t) (trans x₁ u⇒t′)
  rewrite redDet u x x₁ = red*Det u⇒t u⇒t′

-- Non-reducible terms

↯-noRed :  ⇒* t  t PE.≡ 
↯-noRed refl = PE.refl

zero-noRed : zero ⇒* t  t PE.≡ zero
zero-noRed refl = PE.refl

suc-noRed : suc t ⇒* t′  t′ PE.≡ suc t
suc-noRed refl = PE.refl

prod-noRed : prod t t′ ⇒* u  u PE.≡ prod t t′
prod-noRed refl = PE.refl

star-noRed : star ⇒* t  t PE.≡ star
star-noRed refl = PE.refl