-- Algebraic structures and properties

open import Tools.Relation

module Tools.Algebra {a} (A : Set a) where

open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality

open import Algebra.Consequences.Propositional public
  using (comm+idˡ⇒idʳ; comm+zeˡ⇒zeʳ; comm+distrˡ⇒distrʳ)
open import Algebra.Core using (Op₁; Op₂) public
open import Algebra.Definitions (_≡_ {A = A})
     using (Associative; Commutative; Congruent₂; _DistributesOver_;
            _DistributesOverˡ_; _DistributesOverʳ_; Idempotent; _IdempotentOn_;
            Identity; LeftIdentity; LeftZero; RightIdentity; RightZero; Zero) public
open import Algebra.Structures (_≡_ {A = A})
     using (IsBand; IsCommutativeMonoid; IsMagma; IsMonoid;
            IsSemigroup; IsSemilattice; IsSemiring;
            IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero; IsCommutativeSemiring;
open import Algebra.Bundles using (Semiring) public
open import Algebra.Module.Structures
     using (IsLeftSemimodule; IsPreleftSemimodule) public
import Algebra.Properties.DistributiveLattice

Op₃ :  {}  Set   Set 
Op₃ A = A  A  A  A

-- Sub-distributivity
_SubDistributesOverˡ_by_ : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Rel A a  Set a
_*_ SubDistributesOverˡ _+_ by _≤_ =
   x y z  (x * (y + z))  ((x * y) + (x * z))

_SubDistributesOverʳ_by_ : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Rel A a  Set a
_*_ SubDistributesOverʳ _+_ by _≤_ =
   x y z  ((y + z) * x)  ((y * x) + (z * x))

_SubDistributesOver_by_ : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Rel A a  Set a
* SubDistributesOver + by  =
  * SubDistributesOverˡ + by  × * SubDistributesOverʳ + by 

-- Sub-interchangeable
_SubInterchangeable_by_ : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Rel A a  Set _
_∘_ SubInterchangeable _∙_ by _≤_ =  w x y z  ((w  x)  (y  z))  ((w  y)  (x  z))

-- Some properties related to distributive lattices.

module DistributiveLattice
  {_∨_ _∧_ : Op₂ A}
  (dl : IsDistributiveLattice _∨_ _∧_)

  open Algebra.Properties.DistributiveLattice
    (record { isDistributiveLattice = dl })