-- Function combinators

module Tools.Function where

open import Function.Base
  using (case_of_; flip; _$_; _∋_)
  renaming (id to idᶠ; _∘_ to _∘→_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable public
  using (_→-dec_)

open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum as  using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

private variable
  a b p   : Level
  A B C D : Set _
  P Q     : A  Set _
  y       : A
  f g     : (x : A)  P x

-- Function composition (simply typed variant)
_∘ᶠ_ :  {}  {A B C : Set }  (B  C)  (A  B)  A  C
_∘ᶠ_ f g a = f (g a)

-- "Equational" reasoning combinators.

infix  -1 _□
infixr -2 step-→ step-≡→
infix  -3 $⟨_⟩_

step-→ : (A : Set a)  (B  C)  (A  B)  A  C
step-→ _ f g = f ∘→ g

syntax step-→ A B→C A→B = A →⟨ A→B  B→C

step-≡→ : (A : Set a)  (B  C)  A  B  A  C
step-≡→ _ f refl = f

syntax step-≡→ A B→C A≡B = A ≡⟨ A≡B ⟩→ B→C

_□ : (A : Set a)  A  A
_  = idᶠ

$⟨_⟩_ : A  (A  B)  B
$⟨ x  f = f x

-- Logical equivalence.

infix 3 _⇔_

_⇔_ : Set a  Set b  Set (a  b)
A  B = (A  B) × (B  A)

-- The identity logical equivalence.

id⇔ : A  A
id⇔ = idᶠ , idᶠ

-- The relation _⇔_ is symmetric.

sym⇔ : A  B  B  A
sym⇔ (f , g) = g , f

-- Composition of logical equivalences.

infixr 9 _∘⇔_

_∘⇔_ : B  C  A  B  A  C
(f₁ , f₂) ∘⇔ (g₁ , g₂) = f₁ ∘→ g₁ , g₂ ∘→ f₂

-- "Equational" reasoning combinators related to logical equivalence.

infix  -1 _□⇔
infixr -2 step-⇔ step-⇔˘ step-⇔→ step-⇔˘→ step-≡⇔ step-≡˘⇔

step-⇔ : (A : Set a)  (B  C)  (A  B)  A  C
step-⇔ _ f g = f ∘⇔ g

syntax step-⇔ A B⇔C A⇔B = A ⇔⟨ A⇔B  B⇔C

step-⇔˘ : (A : Set a)  (B  C)  (B  A)  A  C
step-⇔˘ _ f g = f ∘⇔ sym⇔ g

syntax step-⇔˘ A B⇔C A⇔B = A ⇔˘⟨ A⇔B  B⇔C

step-⇔→ : (A : Set a)  (B  C)  A  B  A  C
step-⇔→ _ f g = f ∘→ g .proj₁

syntax step-⇔→ A B→C A⇔B = A ⇔⟨ A⇔B ⟩→ B→C

step-⇔˘→ : (A : Set a)  (B  C)  B  A  A  C
step-⇔˘→ _ f g = f ∘→ g .proj₂

syntax step-⇔˘→ A B→C B⇔A = A ⇔˘⟨ B⇔A ⟩→ B→C

step-≡⇔ : (A : Set a)  (B  C)  A  B  A  C
step-≡⇔ _ f refl = f

syntax step-≡⇔ A B⇔C A≡B = A ≡⟨ A≡B ⟩⇔ B⇔C

step-≡˘⇔ : (A : Set a)  (B  C)  B  A  A  C
step-≡˘⇔ _ f refl = f

syntax step-≡˘⇔ A B⇔C A≡B = A ≡˘⟨ A≡B ⟩⇔ B⇔C

_□⇔ : (A : Set a)  A  A
_ □⇔ = id⇔

-- The operator _⇔_ preserves logical equivalences.

infix 3 _⇔-cong-⇔_

_⇔-cong-⇔_ : A  B  C  D  (A  C)  (B  D)
_⇔-cong-⇔_ {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} {D = D} A⇔B C⇔D =
       B  ⇔˘⟨ A⇔B 
       A  ⇔⟨ A⇔C 
       C  ⇔⟨ C⇔D 
       D  □⇔)
  ,  B⇔D 
       A  ⇔⟨ A⇔B 
       B  ⇔⟨ B⇔D 
       D  ⇔˘⟨ C⇔D 
       C  □⇔)

-- The non-dependent function space preserves logical equivalences.

infixr 3 _→-cong-⇔_

_→-cong-⇔_ : A  B  C  D  (A  C)  (B  D)
_→-cong-⇔_ {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} {D = D} A⇔B C⇔D =
       B  →⟨ A⇔B .proj₂ 
       A  →⟨ A→C 
       C  →⟨ C⇔D .proj₁ 
       D  )
  ,  B→D 
       A  →⟨ A⇔B .proj₁ 
       B  →⟨ B→D 
       D  →⟨ C⇔D .proj₂ 
       C  )

-- Π A preserves logical equivalences.

Π-cong-⇔ : (∀ x  P x  Q x)  ((x : A)  P x)  ((x : A)  Q x)
Π-cong-⇔ eq =
     f x  eq x .proj₁ (f x))
  ,  f x  eq x .proj₂ (f x))

-- The implicit variant of Π A preserves logical equivalences.

implicit-Π-cong-⇔ :
  (∀ x  P x  Q x)  ({x : A}  P x)  ({x : A}  Q x)
implicit-Π-cong-⇔ eq =
     f  eq _ .proj₁ f)
  ,  f  eq _ .proj₂ f)

-- Σ A preserves logical equivalences.

Σ-cong-⇔ : (∀ x  P x  Q x)  Σ A P  Σ A Q
Σ-cong-⇔ eq =
     (x , y)  x , eq x .proj₁ y)
  ,  (x , y)  x , eq x .proj₂ y)

-- The operator _×_ preserves logical equivalences.

infixr 2 _×-cong-⇔_

_×-cong-⇔_ : A  B  C  D  (A × C)  (B × D)
(f₁ , g₁) ×-cong-⇔ (f₂ , g₂) =
     (x , y)  f₁ x , f₂ y)
  ,  (x , y)  g₁ x , g₂ y)

-- The operator _⊎_ preserves logical equivalences.

infixr 1 _⊎-cong-⇔_

_⊎-cong-⇔_ : A  B  C  D  (A  C)  (B  D)
A⇔B ⊎-cong-⇔ C⇔D =
       (inj₁ x)  inj₁ (A⇔B .proj₁ x)
       (inj₂ x)  inj₂ (C⇔D .proj₁ x))
  ,  where
       (inj₁ x)  inj₁ (A⇔B .proj₂ x)
       (inj₂ x)  inj₂ (C⇔D .proj₂ x))

-- The operator _⊎_ is commutative up to _⇔_.

⊎-comm-⇔ : (A  B)  (B  A)
⊎-comm-⇔ = ⊎.sym , ⊎.sym

-- The operator _⊎_ is associative up to _⇔_.

⊎-assoc-⇔ : ((A  B)  C)  (A  (B  C))
⊎-assoc-⇔ =
       (inj₁ (inj₁ x))  inj₁ x
       (inj₁ (inj₂ x))  inj₂ (inj₁ x)
       (inj₂ x)         inj₂ (inj₂ x))
  ,  where
       (inj₁ x)         inj₁ (inj₁ x)
       (inj₂ (inj₁ x))  inj₁ (inj₂ x)
       (inj₂ (inj₂ x))  inj₂ x)

-- The operator _⊎_ is idempotent up to _⇔_.

⊎-idem-⇔ : (A  A)  A
⊎-idem-⇔ =  { (inj₁ x)  x; (inj₂ x)  x }) , inj₁

-- The type ∀ x → P x ⇔ x ≡ y is logically equivalent to
-- P y × ∀ x → P x → x ≡ y.

Π⇔≡⇔ : (∀ x  P x  x  y)  (P y ×  x  P x  x  y)
Π⇔≡⇔ =
     f  f _ .proj₂ refl , λ _  f _ .proj₁)
  ,  (p , f) _  f _ , λ { refl  p })

-- If two functions are equal, then they are pointwise equal.

ext⁻¹ : f  g  (∀ x  f x  g x)
ext⁻¹ refl _ = refl

-- A statement of function extensionality.
-- The statement is based on the one in the HoTT book.

Function-extensionality : (a p : Level)  Set (lsuc (a  p))
Function-extensionality a p =
  {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} {f g : (x : A)  P x} 
  Is-equivalence (ext⁻¹ {f = f} {g = g})
  Is-equivalence :
     {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
    (A  B)  Set (a  b)
  Is-equivalence {A = A} {B = B} f =
     λ (f⁻¹ : B  A) 
     λ (f-f⁻¹ :  x  f (f⁻¹ x)  x) 
     λ (f⁻¹-f :  x  f⁻¹ (f x)  x) 
     x  cong f (f⁻¹-f x)  f-f⁻¹ (f x)

-- If function extensionality holds, then pointwise equal functions
-- are equal.

ext :
  {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} {f g : (x : A)  P x} 
  Function-extensionality a p 
  (∀ x  f x  g x)  f  g
ext fe = fe .proj₁

-- Is-proposition is closed under Π A (assuming function
-- extensionality).

Is-proposition-Π :
  {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} 
  Function-extensionality a p 
  (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x)) 
  Is-proposition (∀ x  P x)
Is-proposition-Π fe prop = ext fe λ _  prop _

-- If A is a proposition, then Dec A is a proposition, assuming
-- function extensionality.

Is-proposition-Dec :
  {A : Set a} 
  Function-extensionality a lzero 
  Is-proposition A  Is-proposition (Dec A)
Is-proposition-Dec = λ where
  _  prop {x = yes x} {y = yes y}  cong yes prop
  _  _    {x = yes x} {y = no y}   ⊥-elim (y x)
  _  _    {x = no x}  {y = yes y}  ⊥-elim (x y)
  fe _    {x = no x}  {y = no y}  
    cong no (Is-proposition-Π fe λ _  ⊥-propositional)