-- Equality lemmata.

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.Equality
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (R : Type-restrictions M)

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typed.EqRelInstance R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inequality R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.ShapeView R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Reducibility R

open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

    n     : Nat
    Γ     : Con Term n
    A F G : Term _
    b     : BinderMode
    p q   : M

U≡A′ :  {A l} ([U] : Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩U)
     Γ ⊩⟨ l  U  A / (U-intr [U])
     A PE.≡ U
U≡A′ (noemb [U]) A≡U = A≡U
U≡A′ (emb 0<1 [U]) [U≡A] = U≡A′ [U] [U≡A]

-- If A is judgmentally equal to U, then A is propositionally equal to U.
U≡A :  {A}
     Γ  U  A
     A PE.≡ U
U≡A {A} U≡A with reducibleEq U≡A
U≡A {A} U≡A | [U] , [A] , [U≡A] =
  U≡A′ (U-elim [U]) (irrelevanceEq [U] (U-intr (U-elim [U])) [U≡A])

ℕ≡A′ :  {A l} ([ℕ] : Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩ℕ )
     Γ ⊩⟨ l    A / (ℕ-intr [ℕ])
     Whnf A
     A PE.≡ 
ℕ≡A′ (noemb x) [ℕ≡A] whnfA = whnfRed* [ℕ≡A] whnfA
ℕ≡A′ (emb 0<1 [ℕ]) [ℕ≡A] whnfA = ℕ≡A′ [ℕ] [ℕ≡A] whnfA

-- If A in WHNF is judgmentally equal to ℕ, then A is propositionally equal to ℕ.
ℕ≡A :  {A}
     Γ    A
     Whnf A
     A PE.≡ 
ℕ≡A {A} ℕ≡A whnfA with reducibleEq ℕ≡A
ℕ≡A {A} ℕ≡A whnfA | [ℕ] , [A] , [ℕ≡A] =
  ℕ≡A′ (ℕ-elim [ℕ]) (irrelevanceEq [ℕ] (ℕ-intr (ℕ-elim [ℕ])) [ℕ≡A]) whnfA

-- If A in WHNF is judgmentally equal to Empty, then A is propositionally equal to Empty.
Empty≡A′ :  {A l} ([Empty] : Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩Empty Empty)
     Γ ⊩⟨ l  Empty  A / (Empty-intr [Empty])
     Whnf A
     A PE.≡ Empty
Empty≡A′ (noemb x) [Empty≡A] whnfA = whnfRed* [Empty≡A] whnfA
Empty≡A′ (emb 0<1 [Empty]) [Empty≡A] whnfA = Empty≡A′ [Empty] [Empty≡A] whnfA

Empty≡A :  {A}
     Γ  Empty  A
     Whnf A
     A PE.≡ Empty
Empty≡A {A} Empty≡A whnfA with reducibleEq Empty≡A
Empty≡A {A} Empty≡A whnfA | [Empty] , [A] , [Empty≡A] =
  Empty≡A′ (Empty-elim [Empty]) (irrelevanceEq [Empty] (Empty-intr (Empty-elim [Empty])) [Empty≡A]) whnfA

Unit≡A′ :  {A l} ([Unit] : Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩Unit Unit)
     Γ ⊩⟨ l  Unit  A / (Unit-intr [Unit])
     Whnf A
     A PE.≡ Unit
Unit≡A′ (noemb x) [Unit≡A] whnfA = whnfRed* [Unit≡A] whnfA
Unit≡A′ (emb 0<1 [Unit]) [Unit≡A] whnfA = Unit≡A′ [Unit] [Unit≡A] whnfA

Unit≡A :  {A}
     Γ  Unit  A
     Whnf A
     A PE.≡ Unit
Unit≡A {A} Unit≡A whnfA with reducibleEq Unit≡A
Unit≡A {A} Unit≡A whnfA | [Unit] , [A] , [Unit≡A] =
  Unit≡A′ (Unit-elim [Unit]) (irrelevanceEq [Unit] (Unit-intr (Unit-elim [Unit])) [Unit≡A]) whnfA

ne≡A′ :  {A K l}
      ([K] : Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩ne K)
      Γ ⊩⟨ l  K  A / (ne-intr [K])
      Whnf A
       λ M  Neutral M × A PE.≡ M
ne≡A′ (noemb [K]) (ne₌ M D′ neM K≡M) whnfA =
  M , neM , (whnfRed* (red D′) whnfA)
ne≡A′ (emb 0<1 [K]) [K≡A] whnfA = ne≡A′ [K] [K≡A] whnfA

-- If A in WHNF is judgmentally equal to K, then there exists a M such that
-- A is propositionally equal to M.
ne≡A :  {A K}
     Neutral K
     Γ  K  A
     Whnf A
      λ M  Neutral M × A PE.≡ M
ne≡A {A} neK ne≡A whnfA with reducibleEq ne≡A
ne≡A {A} neK ne≡A whnfA | [ne] , [A] , [ne≡A] =
  ne≡A′ (ne-elim neK [ne])
        (irrelevanceEq [ne] (ne-intr (ne-elim neK [ne])) [ne≡A]) whnfA

B≡A′ :  {A F G l} W ([W] : Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩B⟨ W   W  F  G)
     Γ ⊩⟨ l   W  F  G  A / (B-intr W [W])
     Whnf A
     ∃₂ λ H E  A PE.≡  W  H  E
B≡A′ W (noemb [W]) (B₌ F′ G′ D′ A≡B [F≡F′] [G≡G′]) whnfA =
  F′ , G′ , whnfRed* D′ whnfA
B≡A′ W (emb 0<1 [W]) [W≡A] whnfA = B≡A′ W [W] [W≡A] whnfA

Π≡A′ :  {Γ : Con Term n} {A F G l p q}  _
Π≡A′ {Γ = Γ} {A} {F} {G} {l} {p} {q} = B≡A′ {Γ = Γ} {A} {F} {G} {l} ( p q)
Σ≡A′ :  {Γ : Con Term n} {A F G l p q m}  _
Σ≡A′ {Γ = Γ} {A} {F} {G} {l} {p} {q} {m} =
  B≡A′ {Γ = Γ} {A} {F} {G} {l} ( m p q)

-- If A is judgmentally equal to Π F ▹ G, then there exists H and E such that
-- A is propositionally equal to  Π H ▹ E.
B≡A :  {A F G} W
     Γ   W  F  G  A
     Whnf A
     ∃₂ λ H E  A PE.≡  W  H  E
B≡A {A} W W≡A whnfA with reducibleEq W≡A
B≡A {A} W W≡A whnfA | [W] , [A] , [W≡A] =
  B≡A′ W (B-elim W [W]) (irrelevanceEq [W] (B-intr W (B-elim W [W])) [W≡A]) whnfA

Π≡A :  {Γ : Con Term n} {A F G p q}  Γ    p q  F  G  A
     Whnf A  ∃₂ λ H E  A PE.≡   p q  H  E
Π≡A {Γ = Γ} {A} {F} {G} {p} {q} x y with B≡A {Γ = Γ} {A} {F} {G} ( p q) x y
... | H , E , A≡ΠHE = H , E , A≡ΠHE

Σ≡A :  {Γ : Con Term n} {A F G p q m}  Γ    m p q  F  G  A
     Whnf A  ∃₂ λ H E  A PE.≡   m p q  H  E
Σ≡A {p = p} {q} {m} x y with B≡A ( m p q) x y
Σ≡A _ _ | H , E , A≡ΣHE   = H , E , A≡ΣHE

-- If a WHNF A is definitionally equal to ΠΣ⟨ b ⟩ p , q ▷ F ▹ G, then
-- A has the shape ΠΣ⟨ b ⟩ p , q ▷ _ ▹ _.

ΠΣ≡Whnf :
  Γ  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G  A  Whnf A 
  ∃₂ λ H E  A PE.≡ ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  H  E
ΠΣ≡Whnf {b = BMΠ}   = Π≡A
ΠΣ≡Whnf {b = BMΣ _} = Σ≡A