-- Properties of meet.

open import Graded.Modality

module Graded.Modality.Properties.Meet
  {a} {M : Set a} (𝕄 : Semiring-with-meet M) where

open Semiring-with-meet 𝕄

open import Graded.Modality.Properties.PartialOrder 𝕄

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
import Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

    p p′ q q′ r r′ : M

-- Meet on the left is a monotone function
-- If p ≤ q then p ∧ r ≤ q ∧ r

∧-monotoneˡ : p  q  p  r  q  r
∧-monotoneˡ {p} {q} {r} p≤q = begin
  p  r             ≡⟨ ∧-cong p≤q (sym (∧-idem r)) 
  (p  q)  r  r   ≡⟨ ∧-assoc p q (r  r) 
  p  q  r  r     ≡⟨ ∧-congˡ (∧-comm q (r  r)) 
  p  (r  r)  q   ≡⟨ ∧-congˡ (∧-assoc r r q) 
  p  r  r  q     ≡˘⟨ ∧-assoc p r (r  q) 
  (p  r)  r  q   ≡⟨ ∧-congˡ (∧-comm r q) 
  (p  r)  (q  r) 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- Meet on the right is a monotone function
-- If p ≤ q then r ∧ p ≤ r ∧ q

∧-monotoneʳ : p  q  r  p  r  q
∧-monotoneʳ {p} {q} {r} p≤q = begin
  r  p             ≡⟨ ∧-cong (sym (∧-idem r)) p≤q 
  (r  r)  (p  q) ≡⟨ ∧-assoc r r (p  q) 
  r  r  p  q     ≡⟨ ∧-congˡ (∧-comm r (p  q)) 
  r  (p  q)  r   ≡⟨ ∧-congˡ (∧-assoc p q r) 
  r  p  (q  r)   ≡˘⟨ ∧-assoc r p (q  r) 
  (r  p)  (q  r) ≡⟨ ∧-congˡ (∧-comm q r) 
  (r  p)  (r  q) 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- Meet is a monotone function
-- If p ≤ p′ and q ≤ q′ then p ∧ q ≤ p′ ∧ q′

∧-monotone : p  p′  q  q′  p  q  p′  q′
∧-monotone p≤p′ q≤q′ = ≤-trans (∧-monotoneˡ  p≤p′) (∧-monotoneʳ q≤q′)

-- Meet on the left is a decreasing function
-- p ∧ q ≤ p

∧-decreasingˡ : (p q : M)  p  q  p
∧-decreasingˡ p q = begin
  p  q       ≡˘⟨ ∧-congʳ (∧-idem p) 
  (p  p)  q ≡⟨ ∧-assoc p p q 
  p  (p  q) ≡⟨ ∧-comm p (p  q) 
  (p  q)  p 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- Meet on the right is a decreasing function
-- p ∧ q ≤ q

∧-decreasingʳ : (p q : M)  p  q  q
∧-decreasingʳ p q = begin
  p  q       ≡˘⟨ ∧-congˡ (∧-idem q) 
  p  (q  q) ≡˘⟨ ∧-assoc p q q 
  (p  q)  q 
  where open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- The result of the meet operation is a greatest lower bound of its
-- two arguments.

∧-greatest-lower-bound : p  q  p  r  p  q  r
∧-greatest-lower-bound {p = p} {q = q} {r = r} p≤q p≤r = begin
  p            ≡⟨ p≤q 
  p  q        ≡⟨ ∧-congʳ p≤r 
  (p  r)  q  ≡⟨ ∧-assoc _ _ _ 
  p  (r  q)  ≡⟨ ∧-congˡ (∧-comm _ _) 
  p  (q  r)  
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- If _≤_ is total, then p ∧ q ≤ r holds if and only if either p ≤ r
-- or q ≤ r holds.

∧≤⇔ :
  (∀ p q  p  q  q  p) 
  p  q  r  (p  r  q  r)
∧≤⇔ {p = p} {q = q} {r = r} total =
       case total p q of λ where
         (inj₁ p≤q)  inj₁ $ begin
           p      ≤⟨ ∧-greatest-lower-bound ≤-refl p≤q 
           p  q  ≤⟨ p∧q≤r 
         (inj₂ q≤p)  inj₂ $ begin
           q      ≤⟨ ∧-greatest-lower-bound q≤p ≤-refl 
           p  q  ≤⟨ p∧q≤r 
           r      )
  ,  where
       (inj₁ p≤r)  begin
         p  q  ≤⟨ ∧-decreasingˡ _ _ 
         p      ≤⟨ p≤r 
       (inj₂ q≤r)  begin
         p  q  ≤⟨ ∧-decreasingʳ _ _ 
         q      ≤⟨ q≤r 
         r      )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- If p is the largest value, then p ∧ q is equal to q.

largest→∧≡ʳ : (∀ q  q  p)  p  q  q
largest→∧≡ʳ ≤p = ≤-antisym
  (∧-decreasingʳ _ _)
  (∧-greatest-lower-bound (≤p _) ≤-refl)

-- If p is the largest value, then q ∧ p is equal to q.

largest→∧≡ˡ : (∀ q  q  p)  q  p  q
largest→∧≡ˡ {p = p} {q = q} ≤p =
  q  p  ≡⟨ ∧-comm _ _ 
  p  q  ≡⟨ largest→∧≡ʳ ≤p 
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- If p is strictly below q ∧ r, then p is strictly below q.

<∧ˡ : p < q  r  p < q
<∧ˡ {p = p} {q = q} {r = r} (p≤q∧r , p≢q∧r) =
    (let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset in begin
       p      ≤⟨ p≤q∧r 
       q  r  ≤⟨ ∧-decreasingˡ _ _ 
       q      )
  , (let open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality in λ p≡q 
     p≢q∧r (
       p            ≡⟨ p≤q∧r 
       p  (q  r)  ≡˘⟨ ∧-assoc _ _ _ 
       (p  q)  r  ≡⟨ cong  p  (p  _)  _) p≡q 
       (q  q)  r  ≡⟨ cong (_∧ _) (∧-idem _) 
       q  r        ))

-- If p is strictly below q ∧ r, then p is strictly below r.

<∧ʳ : p < q  r  p < r
<∧ʳ p<q∧r = <∧ˡ (subst (_ <_) (∧-comm _ _) p<q∧r)

-- If _+_ is pointwise bounded by _∧_, then 𝟘 is larger than all other
-- quantities.

+≤∧→≤𝟘 :
  (∀ p q  p + q  p  q) 
  (∀ p  p  𝟘)
+≤∧→≤𝟘 +≤∧ p =
  p                  ≡˘⟨ +-identityʳ _ 
  p + 𝟘              ≡⟨ +≤∧ _ _ 
  (p + 𝟘)  (p  𝟘)  ≡⟨ ∧-congʳ (+-identityʳ _) 
  p  (p  𝟘)        ≡˘⟨ ∧-assoc _ _ _ 
  (p  p)  𝟘        ≡⟨ ∧-congʳ (∧-idem _) 
  p  𝟘              
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality


  -- The grade p · (𝟘 ∧ 𝟙) is equal to 𝟘 ∧ p.

  ·[𝟘∧𝟙]≡𝟘∧ : p · (𝟘  𝟙)  𝟘  p
  ·[𝟘∧𝟙]≡𝟘∧ {p} =
    p · (𝟘  𝟙)    ≡⟨ ·-distribˡ-∧ _ _ _ 
    p · 𝟘  p · 𝟙  ≡⟨ ∧-cong (·-zeroʳ _) (·-identityʳ _) 
    𝟘  p          
    open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality