-- Some lemmas related to the logical relation and WHNFs

open import Definition.Typed.EqualityRelation
open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties.Whnf
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)
   eqrel : EqRelSet R 

open EqRelSet eqrel
open Type-restrictions R

open import Definition.LogicalRelation R

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Neutral M type-variant

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Product

private variable
  Γ   : Con Term _
  t u : Term _
  s   : Strength


  -- If t satisfies Natural-prop Γ, then t is a "Natural" (a specific
  -- kind of WHNF).

  natural : Natural-prop Γ t  Natural t
  natural (sucᵣ _)              = sucₙ
  natural zeroᵣ                 = zeroₙ
  natural (ne (neNfₜ t-ne _ _)) = ne t-ne


  -- If t and u satisfy [Natural]-prop Γ, then they are "Naturals".

  split : [Natural]-prop Γ t u  Natural t × Natural u
  split (sucᵣ _)                  = sucₙ , sucₙ
  split zeroᵣ                     = zeroₙ , zeroₙ
  split (ne (neNfₜ₌ t-ne u-ne _)) = ne t-ne , ne u-ne


  -- If t satisfies Empty-prop Γ, then t is a neutral term (a specific
  -- kind of WHNF).

  empty : Empty-prop Γ t  Neutral t
  empty (ne (neNfₜ t-ne _ _)) = t-ne


  -- If t and u satisfy [Empty]-prop Γ, then they are neutral terms.

  esplit : [Empty]-prop Γ t u  Neutral t × Neutral u
  esplit (ne (neNfₜ₌ t-ne u-ne _)) = t-ne , u-ne


  -- If t satisfies Unit-prop Γ s, then t is a WHNF.

  unit : Unit-prop Γ s t  Whnf t
  unit starᵣ                 = starₙ
  unit (ne (neNfₜ t-ne _ _)) = ne t-ne


  -- If t and u satisfy [Unitʷ]-prop Γ, then they are WHNFs.

  usplit : [Unitʷ]-prop Γ t u  Whnf t × Whnf u
  usplit starᵣ                     = starₙ , starₙ
  usplit (ne (neNfₜ₌ t-ne u-ne _)) = ne t-ne , ne u-ne