-- Neutral terms and WHNFs

open import Definition.Typed.Variant

module Definition.Untyped.Neutral
  (M : Set a)
  (type-variant : Type-variant)

open Type-variant type-variant

open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Relation

open import Definition.Untyped M

private variable
  p p₁ p₂ q q₁ q₂ r   : M
  n                   : Nat
  b                   : BinderMode
  s                   : Strength
  ρ                   : Wk _ _
  A B E F G H t u v w : Term _

-- Neutral terms

-- A term is neutral if it has a variable in head position.
-- The variable blocks reduction of such terms.

data Neutral : Term n  Set a where
  var       : (x : Fin n)  Neutral (var x)
  ∘ₙ        : Neutral t    Neutral (t ∘⟨ p  u)
  fstₙ      : Neutral t    Neutral (fst p t)
  sndₙ      : Neutral t    Neutral (snd p t)
  natrecₙ   : Neutral v    Neutral (natrec p q r G t u v)
  prodrecₙ  : Neutral t    Neutral (prodrec r p q A t u)
  emptyrecₙ : Neutral t    Neutral (emptyrec p A t)
  unitrecₙ  : ¬ Unitʷ-η 
              Neutral t    Neutral (unitrec p q A t u)
  Jₙ        : Neutral w    Neutral (J p q A t B u v w)
  Kₙ        : Neutral v    Neutral (K p A t B u v)
  []-congₙ  : Neutral v    Neutral ([]-cong s A t u v)

-- There are no closed neutral terms

noClosedNe : {t : Term 0}  Neutral t  
noClosedNe (∘ₙ net) = noClosedNe net
noClosedNe (fstₙ net) = noClosedNe net
noClosedNe (sndₙ net) = noClosedNe net
noClosedNe (natrecₙ net) = noClosedNe net
noClosedNe (prodrecₙ net) = noClosedNe net
noClosedNe (emptyrecₙ net) = noClosedNe net
noClosedNe (unitrecₙ _ net) = noClosedNe net
noClosedNe (Jₙ net) = noClosedNe net
noClosedNe (Kₙ net) = noClosedNe net
noClosedNe ([]-congₙ net) = noClosedNe net

-- Weak head normal forms (WHNFs)

-- These are the (lazy) values of our language.

data Whnf {n : Nat} : Term n  Set a where

  -- Type constructors are whnfs.
  Uₙ     : Whnf U
  ΠΣₙ    : Whnf (ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A  B)
  ℕₙ     : Whnf 
  Unitₙ  : Whnf (Unit s)
  Emptyₙ : Whnf Empty
  Idₙ    : Whnf (Id A t u)

  -- Introductions are whnfs.
  lamₙ  : Whnf (lam p t)
  zeroₙ : Whnf zero
  sucₙ  : Whnf (suc t)
  starₙ : Whnf (star s)
  prodₙ : Whnf (prod s p t u)
  rflₙ  : Whnf rfl

  -- Neutrals are whnfs.
  ne    : Neutral t  Whnf t

-- WHNF inequalities

-- Different whnfs are trivially distinguished by propositional equality.
-- (The following statements are sometimes called "no-confusion theorems".)

U≢ne : Neutral A  U PE.≢ A
U≢ne () PE.refl

ℕ≢ne : Neutral A   PE.≢ A
ℕ≢ne () PE.refl

Empty≢ne : Neutral A  Empty PE.≢ A
Empty≢ne () PE.refl

Unit≢ne : Neutral A  Unit s PE.≢ A
Unit≢ne () PE.refl

B≢ne :  W  Neutral A   W  F  G PE.≢ A
B≢ne ( p q) () PE.refl
B≢ne ( m p q) () PE.refl

ΠΣ≢ne :  b  Neutral A  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G PE.≢ A
ΠΣ≢ne BMΠ () PE.refl
ΠΣ≢ne (BMΣ s) () PE.refl

Id≢ne : Neutral B  Id A t u PE.≢ B
Id≢ne () PE.refl

U≢B :  W  U PE.≢  W  F  G
U≢B ( p q) ()
U≢B ( m p q) ()

U≢ΠΣ :  b  U PE.≢ ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G
U≢ΠΣ (BMΣ s) ()

ℕ≢B :  W   PE.≢  W  F  G
ℕ≢B ( p q) ()
ℕ≢B ( m p q) ()

ℕ≢ΠΣ :  b   PE.≢ ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G
ℕ≢ΠΣ (BMΣ s) ()

Empty≢B :  W  Empty PE.≢  W  F  G
Empty≢B ( p q) ()
Empty≢B ( m p q) ()

Empty≢ΠΣ :  b  Empty PE.≢ ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G
Empty≢ΠΣ BMΠ ()
Empty≢ΠΣ (BMΣ _) ()

Unit≢B :  W  Unit s PE.≢  W  F  G
Unit≢B ( p q) ()
Unit≢B ( m p q) ()

Unit≢ΠΣ :  b  Unit s PE.≢ ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G
Unit≢ΠΣ BMΠ ()
Unit≢ΠΣ (BMΣ _) ()

Id≢⟦⟧▷ :  W  Id A t u PE.≢  W  F  G
Id≢⟦⟧▷ ( _ _)   ()
Id≢⟦⟧▷ ( _ _ _) ()

Id≢ΠΣ :  b  Id A t u PE.≢ ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G
Id≢ΠΣ BMΠ     ()
Id≢ΠΣ (BMΣ _) ()

Π≢Σ :  {m}  Π p₁ , q₁  F  G PE.≢ Σ⟨ m  p₂ , q₂  H  E
Π≢Σ ()

Σˢ≢Σʷ : Σˢ p₁ , q₁  F  G PE.≢ Σʷ p₂ , q₂  H  E
Σˢ≢Σʷ ()

zero≢ne : Neutral t  zero PE.≢ t
zero≢ne () PE.refl

suc≢ne : Neutral t  suc u PE.≢ t
suc≢ne () PE.refl

prod≢ne :  {m}  Neutral v  prod m p t u PE.≢ v
prod≢ne () PE.refl

rfl≢ne : Neutral t  rfl PE.≢ t
rfl≢ne () PE.refl

star≢ne : Neutral t  star s PE.≢ t
star≢ne () PE.refl

-- Some WNHF views

-- Note that these views are not recursive.

-- A whnf of type ℕ is either zero, suc t, or neutral.

data Natural {n : Nat} : Term n  Set a where
  zeroₙ :             Natural zero
  sucₙ  :             Natural (suc t)
  ne    : Neutral t  Natural t

-- A (small) type in WHNF is either a Π-type, a Σ-type, ℕ, Empty,
-- Unit, an identity type, or neutral. Large types could also be U.

data Type {n : Nat} : Term n  Set a where
  ΠΣₙ    :             Type (ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A  B)
  ℕₙ     :             Type 
  Emptyₙ :             Type Empty
  Unitₙ  :             Type (Unit s)
  Idₙ    :             Type (Id A t u)
  ne     : Neutral t  Type t

⟦_⟧-type :  (W : BindingType)  Type ( W  F  G)
  p q ⟧-type = ΠΣₙ
  m p q ⟧-type = ΠΣₙ

-- A whnf of type Π A ▹ B is either lam t or neutral.

data Function {n : Nat} : Term n  Set a where
  lamₙ : Function (lam p t)
  ne   : Neutral t  Function t

-- A whnf of type Σ A ▹ B is either prod t u or neutral.

data Product {n : Nat} : Term n  Set a where
  prodₙ :  {m}  Product (prod m p t u)
  ne    : Neutral t  Product t

-- A WHNF of type Unit is either star or a neutral term.

data Star {n : Nat} : Term n  Set a where
  starₙ : Star (star s)
  ne    : Neutral t  Star t

-- A WHNF of type Id A t u is either rfl or a neutral term.

data Identity {n} : Term n  Set a where
  rflₙ : Identity rfl
  ne   : Neutral t  Identity t

-- A non-dependent eliminator for Identity. Note that the argument of
-- ne is thrown away.

Identity-rec :
   {a} {A : Set a} 
  Identity t  A  A  A
Identity-rec rflₙ   r n = r
Identity-rec (ne _) r n = n

-- These views classify only WHNFs: Natural, Type, Function, Product,
-- Star and Identity are subsets of Whnf.

naturalWhnf : Natural t  Whnf t
naturalWhnf sucₙ   = sucₙ
naturalWhnf zeroₙ  = zeroₙ
naturalWhnf (ne x) = ne x

typeWhnf : Type A  Whnf A
typeWhnf ΠΣₙ    = ΠΣₙ
typeWhnf ℕₙ     = ℕₙ
typeWhnf Emptyₙ = Emptyₙ
typeWhnf Unitₙ  = Unitₙ
typeWhnf Idₙ    = Idₙ
typeWhnf (ne x) = ne x

functionWhnf : Function t  Whnf t
functionWhnf lamₙ   = lamₙ
functionWhnf (ne x) = ne x

productWhnf : Product t  Whnf t
productWhnf prodₙ  = prodₙ
productWhnf (ne x) = ne x

starWhnf : Star t  Whnf t
starWhnf starₙ  = starₙ
starWhnf (ne n) = ne n

identityWhnf : Identity t  Whnf t
identityWhnf rflₙ   = rflₙ
identityWhnf (ne n) = ne n

⟦_⟧ₙ : (W : BindingType)  Whnf ( W  F  G)
⟦_⟧ₙ ( p q) = ΠΣₙ
⟦_⟧ₙ ( m p q) = ΠΣₙ

-- No-η-equality

-- No-η-equality A holds if A is a type without (top-level)
-- η-equality, either because it is (an application of) a type
-- constructor for a type without η-equality, or because it is
-- neutral.

data No-η-equality {n : Nat} : Term n  Set a where
  Uₙ     : No-η-equality U
  Σʷₙ    : No-η-equality (Σʷ p , q  A  B)
  Emptyₙ : No-η-equality Empty
  ℕₙ     : No-η-equality 
  Unitʷₙ : ¬ Unitʷ-η  No-η-equality Unitʷ
  Idₙ    : No-η-equality (Id A t u)
  neₙ    : Neutral A  No-η-equality A

-- If No-η-equality A holds, then A is a WHNF.

No-η-equality→Whnf : No-η-equality A  Whnf A
No-η-equality→Whnf = λ where
  Uₙ          Uₙ
  Σʷₙ         ΠΣₙ
  Emptyₙ      Emptyₙ
  ℕₙ          ℕₙ
  (Unitʷₙ _)  Unitₙ
  Idₙ         Idₙ
  (neₙ n)     ne n

-- Weakening

-- Weakening of a neutral term.

wkNeutral :  ρ  Neutral t  Neutral {n = n} (wk ρ t)
wkNeutral ρ (var n)             = var (wkVar ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (∘ₙ n)              = ∘ₙ (wkNeutral ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (fstₙ n)            = fstₙ (wkNeutral ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (sndₙ n)            = sndₙ (wkNeutral ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (natrecₙ n)         = natrecₙ (wkNeutral ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (prodrecₙ n)        = prodrecₙ (wkNeutral ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (emptyrecₙ e)       = emptyrecₙ (wkNeutral ρ e)
wkNeutral ρ (unitrecₙ not-ok n) = unitrecₙ not-ok (wkNeutral ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (Jₙ n)              = Jₙ (wkNeutral ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (Kₙ n)              = Kₙ (wkNeutral ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ ([]-congₙ n)        = []-congₙ (wkNeutral ρ n)

-- Weakening can be applied to our whnf views.

wkNatural :  ρ  Natural t  Natural {n = n} (wk ρ t)
wkNatural ρ sucₙ   = sucₙ
wkNatural ρ zeroₙ  = zeroₙ
wkNatural ρ (ne x) = ne (wkNeutral ρ x)

wkType :  ρ  Type t  Type {n = n} (wk ρ t)
wkType ρ ΠΣₙ    = ΠΣₙ
wkType ρ ℕₙ     = ℕₙ
wkType ρ Emptyₙ = Emptyₙ
wkType ρ Unitₙ  = Unitₙ
wkType ρ Idₙ    = Idₙ
wkType ρ (ne x) = ne (wkNeutral ρ x)

wkFunction :  ρ  Function t  Function {n = n} (wk ρ t)
wkFunction ρ lamₙ   = lamₙ
wkFunction ρ (ne x) = ne (wkNeutral ρ x)

wkProduct :  ρ  Product t  Product {n = n} (wk ρ t)
wkProduct ρ prodₙ  = prodₙ
wkProduct ρ (ne x) = ne (wkNeutral ρ x)

wkIdentity : Identity t  Identity (wk ρ t)
wkIdentity rflₙ   = rflₙ
wkIdentity (ne n) = ne (wkNeutral _ n)

wkWhnf :  ρ  Whnf t  Whnf {n = n} (wk ρ t)
wkWhnf ρ Uₙ      = Uₙ
wkWhnf ρ ΠΣₙ     = ΠΣₙ
wkWhnf ρ ℕₙ      = ℕₙ
wkWhnf ρ Emptyₙ  = Emptyₙ
wkWhnf ρ Unitₙ   = Unitₙ
wkWhnf ρ Idₙ     = Idₙ
wkWhnf ρ lamₙ    = lamₙ
wkWhnf ρ prodₙ   = prodₙ
wkWhnf ρ zeroₙ   = zeroₙ
wkWhnf ρ sucₙ    = sucₙ
wkWhnf ρ starₙ   = starₙ
wkWhnf ρ rflₙ    = rflₙ
wkWhnf ρ (ne x)  = ne (wkNeutral ρ x)

-- Inversion lemmas for Neutral


  -- An inversion lemma for _∘⟨_⟩_.

  inv-ne-∘ : Neutral (t ∘⟨ p  u)  Neutral t
  inv-ne-∘ (∘ₙ n) = n


  -- An inversion lemma for fst.

  inv-ne-fst : Neutral (fst p t)  Neutral t
  inv-ne-fst (fstₙ n) = n


  -- An inversion lemma for snd.

  inv-ne-snd : Neutral (snd p t)  Neutral t
  inv-ne-snd (sndₙ n) = n


  -- An inversion lemma for natrec.

  inv-ne-natrec : Neutral (natrec p q r A t u v)  Neutral v
  inv-ne-natrec (natrecₙ n) = n


  -- An inversion lemma for prodrec.

  inv-ne-prodrec : Neutral (prodrec r p q A t u)  Neutral t
  inv-ne-prodrec (prodrecₙ n) = n


  -- An inversion lemma for emptyrec.

  inv-ne-emptyrec : Neutral (emptyrec p A t)  Neutral t
  inv-ne-emptyrec (emptyrecₙ n) = n


  -- An inversion lemma for unitrec.

  inv-ne-unitrec :
    Neutral (unitrec p q A t u)  ¬ Unitʷ-η × Neutral t
  inv-ne-unitrec (unitrecₙ not-ok n) = not-ok , n


  -- An inversion lemma for J.

  inv-ne-J : Neutral (J p q A t B u v w)  Neutral w
  inv-ne-J (Jₙ n) = n


  -- An inversion lemma for K.

  inv-ne-K : Neutral (K p A t B u v)  Neutral v
  inv-ne-K (Kₙ n) = n


  -- An inversion lemma for []-cong.

  inv-ne-[]-cong : Neutral ([]-cong s A t u v)  Neutral v
  inv-ne-[]-cong ([]-congₙ n) = n

-- Inversion lemmas for Whnf


  -- An inversion lemma for _∘⟨_⟩_.

  inv-whnf-∘ : Whnf (t ∘⟨ p  u)  Neutral t
  inv-whnf-∘ (ne n) = inv-ne-∘ n


  -- An inversion lemma for fst.

  inv-whnf-fst : Whnf (fst p t)  Neutral t
  inv-whnf-fst (ne n) = inv-ne-fst n


  -- An inversion lemma for snd.

  inv-whnf-snd : Whnf (snd p t)  Neutral t
  inv-whnf-snd (ne n) = inv-ne-snd n


  -- An inversion lemma for natrec.

  inv-whnf-natrec : Whnf (natrec p q r A t u v)  Neutral v
  inv-whnf-natrec (ne n) = inv-ne-natrec n


  -- An inversion lemma for prodrec.

  inv-whnf-prodrec : Whnf (prodrec r p q A t u)  Neutral t
  inv-whnf-prodrec (ne n) = inv-ne-prodrec n


  -- An inversion lemma for emptyrec.

  inv-whnf-emptyrec : Whnf (emptyrec p A t)  Neutral t
  inv-whnf-emptyrec (ne n) = inv-ne-emptyrec n


  -- An inversion lemma for unitrec.

  inv-whnf-unitrec :
    Whnf (unitrec p q A t u)  ¬ Unitʷ-η × Neutral t
  inv-whnf-unitrec (ne n) = inv-ne-unitrec n


  -- An inversion lemma for J.

  inv-whnf-J : Whnf (J p q A t B u v w)  Neutral w
  inv-whnf-J (ne n) = inv-ne-J n


  -- An inversion lemma for K.

  inv-whnf-K : Whnf (K p A t B u v)  Neutral v
  inv-whnf-K (ne n) = inv-ne-K n


  -- An inversion lemma for []-cong.

  inv-whnf-[]-cong : Whnf ([]-cong s A t u v)  Neutral v
  inv-whnf-[]-cong (ne n) = inv-ne-[]-cong n