-- Some definitions that are re-exported from Definition.Untyped but
-- do not depend on that module's module parameter

module Definition.Untyped.NotParametrised where

open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.List
open import Tools.Nat

private variable
  a : Level
  n : Nat

-- Definitions related to terms

-- Typing contexts (length indexed snoc-lists, isomorphic to lists).
-- Terms added to the context are well scoped in the sense that it cannot
-- contain more unbound variables than can be looked up in the context.

infixl 24 _∙_

data Con (A : Nat  Set a) : Nat  Set a where
  ε   :                             Con A 0        -- Empty context.
  _∙_ : {n : Nat}  Con A n  A n  Con A (1+ n)   -- Context extension.

-- Representation of sub terms using a list of binding levels

infixr 5 _∷ₜ_

data GenTs (A : Nat  Set a) : Nat  List Nat  Set a where
  []   : {n : Nat}  GenTs A n []
  _∷ₜ_ : {n b : Nat} {bs : List Nat}
         (t : A (b + n)) (ts : GenTs A n bs)  GenTs A n (b  bs)

-- Sigma and Unit types have two modes, allowing either projections
-- and η-equality (strong) or elimination by prodrec/unitrec (weak).
-- Note that one can optionally enable η-equality for weak unit types,
-- see Definition.Typed.Variant.Type-variant.η-for-Unitʷ.
data Strength : Set where
  𝕤 𝕨 : Strength

-- Π- or Σ-types.

data BinderMode : Set where
  BMΠ : BinderMode
  BMΣ : (s : Strength)  BinderMode

-- Weakening

-- In the following we define untyped weakenings η : Wk.
-- The typed form could be written η : Γ ≤ Δ with the intention
-- that η transport a term t living in context Δ to a context Γ
-- that can bind additional variables (which cannot appear in t).
-- Thus, if Δ ⊢ t : A and η : Γ ≤ Δ then Γ ⊢ wk η t : wk η A.
-- Even though Γ is "larger" than Δ we write Γ ≤ Δ to be conformant
-- with subtyping A ≤ B.  With subtyping, relation Γ ≤ Δ could be defined as
-- ``for all x ∈ dom(Δ) have Γ(x) ≤ Δ(x)'' (in the sense of subtyping)
-- and this would be the natural extension of weakenings.

data Wk : Nat  Nat  Set where
  id    : {n : Nat}    Wk n n                    -- η : Γ ≤ Γ.
  step  : {n m : Nat}  Wk m n  Wk (1+ m) n      -- If η : Γ ≤ Δ then step η : Γ∙A ≤ Δ.
  lift  : {n m : Nat}  Wk m n  Wk (1+ m) (1+ n) -- If η : Γ ≤ Δ then lift η : Γ∙A ≤ Δ∙A.

-- Composition of weakening.
-- If η : Γ ≤ Δ and η′ : Δ ≤ Φ then η • η′ : Γ ≤ Φ.

infixl 30 _•_

_•_                :  {l m n : Nat}  Wk l m  Wk m n  Wk l n
id       η′       =  η′
step η   η′       =  step  (η  η′)
lift η   id       =  lift  η
lift η   step η′  =  step  (η  η′)
lift η   lift η′  =  lift  (η  η′)

liftn : {k m : Nat}  Wk k m  (n : Nat)  Wk (n + k) (n + m)
liftn ρ 0 = ρ
liftn ρ (1+ n) = lift (liftn ρ n)

-- Weakening of variables.
-- If η : Γ ≤ Δ and x ∈ dom(Δ) then wkVar η x ∈ dom(Γ).

wkVar : {m n : Nat} (ρ : Wk m n) (x : Fin n)  Fin m
wkVar id x            = x
wkVar (step ρ) x      = (wkVar ρ x) +1
wkVar (lift ρ) x0     = x0
wkVar (lift ρ) (x +1) = (wkVar ρ x) +1

-- A weakening for closed terms.

wk₀ : Wk n 0
wk₀ {n = 0}    = id
wk₀ {n = 1+ n} = step wk₀