-- "Equational" reasoning combinators for _⊢_⇒*_∷_

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Reasoning.Reduction
  {} {M : Set }
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Reduction R
import Definition.Typed.Reasoning.Reduction.Primitive
open import Definition.Typed.RedSteps R
open import Definition.Untyped M

import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

open Definition.Typed.Reasoning.Reduction.Primitive R public
  hiding (finally-⇒; finally-⇒≡;
          finally-⇒∷; finally-⇒∷≡;
          step-⇐; finally-⇐; finally-⇐≡;
          step-⇐∷; finally-⇐∷; finally-⇐∷≡)

private variable
  A t u v : Term _
  Γ       : Con Term _

-- Combinators for left-to-right reductions

infix -1 finally-⇒ finally-⇒≡


  -- The reflexivity proof requires one to prove that the term is
  -- well-formed. In a non-empty chain of reasoning steps one can
  -- instead end with the following combinator.

  finally-⇒ :  t u  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t ⇒* u  A
  finally-⇒ _ _ t⇒u = redMany t⇒u

  syntax finally-⇒ t u t⇒u = t ⇒⟨ t⇒u ⟩∎ u 


  -- A variant of finally-⇒ that makes it possible to end the chain of
  -- reasoning steps with a propositional equality, without the use of
  -- _∎⟨_⟩⇒.

  finally-⇒≡ :  t  u PE.≡ v  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t ⇒* v  A
  finally-⇒≡ _ PE.refl t⇒u = redMany t⇒u

  syntax finally-⇒≡ t u≡v t⇒u = t ⇒⟨ t⇒u ⟩∎≡ u≡v

-- Combinators for left-to-right reductions with explicit types

infix -1 finally-⇒∷ finally-⇒∷≡


  -- The reflexivity proof requires one to prove that the term is
  -- well-formed. In a non-empty chain of reasoning steps one can
  -- instead end with the following combinator.

  finally-⇒∷ :  t A u  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t ⇒* u  A
  finally-⇒∷ _ _ _ t⇒u = redMany t⇒u

  syntax finally-⇒∷ t A u t⇒u = t  A ⇒⟨ t⇒u ⟩∎∷ u 


  -- A variant of finally-⇒∷ that makes it possible to end the chain
  -- of reasoning steps with a propositional equality, without the use
  -- of _∷_∎⟨_⟩⇒.

  finally-⇒∷≡ :  t A  u PE.≡ v  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t ⇒* v  A
  finally-⇒∷≡ _ _ PE.refl t⇒u = redMany t⇒u

  syntax finally-⇒∷≡ t A u≡v t⇒u = t  A ⇒⟨ t⇒u ⟩∎∷≡ u≡v

-- Combinators for right-to-left reductions

infix  -1 finally-⇐
infixr -2 step-⇐ finally-⇐≡


  -- A single step.

  step-⇐ :
     v  Γ  t ⇒* u  A  Γ  u  v  A  Γ  t ⇒* v  A
  step-⇐ _ t⇒u u⇒v = t⇒u ⇨∷* redMany u⇒v

  syntax step-⇐ v t⇒u u⇒v = v ⇐⟨ u⇒v  t⇒u


  -- The reflexivity proof requires one to prove that the term is
  -- well-formed. In a non-empty chain of reasoning steps one can
  -- instead end with the following combinator.

  finally-⇐ :  u t  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t ⇒* u  A
  finally-⇐ _ _ t⇒u = redMany t⇒u

  syntax finally-⇐ u t t⇒u = u ⇐⟨ t⇒u ⟩∎ t 


  -- A variant of finally-⇐ that makes it possible to end the chain of
  -- reasoning steps with a propositional equality, without the use of
  -- _∎⟨_⟩⇒.

  finally-⇐≡ :  v  u PE.≡ t  Γ  v  u  A  Γ  v ⇒* t  A
  finally-⇐≡ _ PE.refl t⇒u = redMany t⇒u

  syntax finally-⇐≡ v u≡t v⇒u = v ⇐⟨ v⇒u ⟩∎≡ u≡t

-- Combinators for right-to-left reductions with explicit types

infix  -1 finally-⇐∷
infixr -2 step-⇐∷ finally-⇐∷≡


  -- A single step.

  step-⇐∷ :
     v A  Γ  t ⇒* u  A  Γ  u  v  A  Γ  t ⇒* v  A
  step-⇐∷ _ _ = step-⇐ _

  syntax step-⇐∷ v A t⇒u u⇒v = v  A ⇐⟨ u⇒v ⟩∷ t⇒u


  -- The reflexivity proof requires one to prove that the term is
  -- well-formed. In a non-empty chain of reasoning steps one can
  -- instead end with the following combinator.

  finally-⇐∷ :  u A t  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t ⇒* u  A
  finally-⇐∷ _ _ _ = finally-⇐ _ _

  syntax finally-⇐∷ u A t t⇒u = u  A ⇐⟨ t⇒u ⟩∎∷ t 


  -- A variant of finally-⇐∷ that makes it possible to end the chain
  -- of reasoning steps with a propositional equality, without the use
  -- of _∷_∎⟨_⟩⇒.

  finally-⇐∷≡ :  v A  u PE.≡ t  Γ  v  u  A  Γ  v ⇒* t  A
  finally-⇐∷≡ _ _ = finally-⇐≡ _

  syntax finally-⇐∷≡ v A u≡t v⇒u = v  A ⇐⟨ v⇒u ⟩∎∷≡ u≡t