-- Equational reasoning combinators for definitional equality of types

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Reasoning.Type
  {} {M : Set }
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Untyped M

open import Tools.Function
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

private variable
  B C : Term _
  Γ   : Con Term _

infix  -1 _∎⟨_⟩⊢ finally finally-˘ finally-≡ finally-˘≡
infixr -2 step-≡ step-≡˘ step-≡≡ step-≡˘≡ _≡⟨⟩⊢_

-- A regular reasoning step.
-- It can be easier for Agda to type-check typical equational
-- reasoning chains if the transitivity proof gets the equality
-- arguments in the opposite order, because then the B argument is
-- (perhaps more) known once the proof of Γ ⊢ A ≡ B is type-checked.
-- The idea behind this optimisation came up in discussions with Ulf
-- Norell.

step-≡ :  A  Γ  B  C  Γ  A  B  Γ  A  C
step-≡ _ = flip trans

syntax step-≡ A B≡C A≡B = A ≡⟨ A≡B ⟩⊢ B≡C

{-# INLINE step-≡ #-}

-- A reasoning step combined with symmetry.

step-≡˘ :  A  Γ  B  C  Γ  B  A  Γ  A  C
step-≡˘ _ B≡C B≡A = trans (sym B≡A) B≡C

syntax step-≡˘ A B≡C B≡A = A ≡˘⟨ B≡A ⟩⊢ B≡C

{-# INLINE step-≡˘ #-}

-- A reasoning step that uses propositional equality.

step-≡≡ :  A  Γ  B  C  A PE.≡ B  Γ  A  C
step-≡≡ _ B≡C PE.refl = B≡C

syntax step-≡≡ A B≡C A≡B = A ≡⟨ A≡B ⟩⊢≡ B≡C

-- A reasoning step that uses propositional equality, combined with
-- symmetry.

step-≡˘≡ :  A  Γ  B  C  B PE.≡ A  Γ  A  C
step-≡˘≡ _ B≡C PE.refl = B≡C

syntax step-≡˘≡ A B≡C B≡A = A ≡˘⟨ B≡A ⟩⊢≡ B≡C

-- A reasoning step that uses (Agda's) definitional equality.

_≡⟨⟩⊢_ :  A  Γ  A  B  Γ  A  B
_ ≡⟨⟩⊢ A≡B = A≡B

{-# INLINE _≡⟨⟩⊢_ #-}

-- Reflexivity.

_∎⟨_⟩⊢ :  A  Γ  A  Γ  A  A
_ ∎⟨ ⊢A ⟩⊢ = refl ⊢A

{-# INLINE _∎⟨_⟩⊢ #-}

-- The reflexivity proof requires one to prove that the type is
-- well-formed. In a non-empty chain of reasoning steps one can
-- instead end with the following combinator.

finally :  A B  Γ  A  B  Γ  A  B
finally _ _ A≡B = A≡B

syntax finally A B A≡B = A ≡⟨ A≡B ⟩⊢∎ B 

{-# INLINE finally #-}

-- A combinator that combines finally and symmetry.

finally-˘ :  A B  Γ  B  A  Γ  A  B
finally-˘ _ _ A≡B = sym A≡B

syntax finally-˘ A B B≡A = A ≡˘⟨ B≡A ⟩⊢∎ B 

{-# INLINE finally-˘ #-}

-- A variant of finally that makes it possible to end the chain of
-- reasoning steps with a propositional equality, without the use of
-- _∎⟨_⟩⊢.

finally-≡ :  A  B PE.≡ C  Γ  A  B  Γ  A  C
finally-≡ _ PE.refl A≡B = A≡B

syntax finally-≡ A B≡C A≡B = A ≡⟨ A≡B ⟩⊢∎≡ B≡C

-- A variant of finally-≡.

finally-˘≡ :  A  B PE.≡ C  Γ  B  A  Γ  A  C
finally-˘≡ _ PE.refl B≡A = sym B≡A

syntax finally-˘≡ A B≡C B≡A = A ≡˘⟨ B≡A ⟩⊢∎≡ B≡C