-- Definitions related to Unit

open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Untyped.Unit
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (𝕄 : Modality M)

open Modality 𝕄

open import Definition.Untyped M

open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality

private variable
  n     : Nat
  A t u : Term _
  σ     : Subst _ _
  s     : Strength
  p q   : M


  -- An eliminator for Unit.

  unitrec⟨_⟩ : Strength  M  M  Term (1+ n)  Term n  Term n  Term n
  unitrec⟨ 𝕨  = unitrec
  unitrec⟨ 𝕤  = λ _ _ _ _ u  u

  unfolding unitrec⟨_⟩

  -- A substitution lemma for unitrec⟨_⟩.

  unitrec⟨⟩-[] :
    unitrec⟨ s  p q A t u [ σ ] 
    unitrec⟨ s  p q (A [ liftSubst σ ]) (t [ σ ]) (u [ σ ])
  unitrec⟨⟩-[] {s = 𝕤} = refl
  unitrec⟨⟩-[] {s = 𝕨} = refl


  -- Unit-η s p is an implementation of a propositional η-rule for the
  -- type Unit s.

  Unit-η : Strength  M  Term n  Term n
  Unit-η s p t = unitrec⟨ s  𝟙 p (Id (Unit s) (star s) (var x0)) t rfl

  unfolding Unit-η

  -- A substitution lemma for Unit-η.

  Unit-η-[] : Unit-η s p t [ σ ]  Unit-η s p (t [ σ ])
  Unit-η-[] = unitrec⟨⟩-[]