-- The untyped target language.

module Graded.Erasure.Target where

open import Tools.Bool
open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat; 1+; 2+; _+_)
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Unit

open import Definition.Untyped.NotParametrised

infixl 30 _∘⟨_⟩_
infixl 25 _[_]
infixl 25 _[_,_]₁₀
infixl 25 _[_]₀
infix 10 _⇒_ _⇒*_

     m n : Nat

-- Function applications can be strict or non-strict.

data Strictness : Set where
  strict non-strict : Strictness

private variable
  s : Strictness

-- Equality of Strictness is decidable.

infix 10 _≟_

_≟_ : (s₁ s₂ : Strictness)  Dec (s₁  s₂)
strict      strict     = yes refl
non-strict  non-strict = yes refl
strict      non-strict = no  ())
non-strict  strict     = no  ())

-- A boolean variant of _≟_.

infix 10 _==_

_==_ : Strictness  Strictness  Bool
s₁ == s₂ = Dec.does (s₁  s₂)

-- Terms of the target language:
-- A lambda calculus extended with natural numbers, products, unit
-- and an undefined value.

data Term : Nat  Set where
  var     : (x : Fin n)  Term n
  lam     : (t : Term (1+ n))  Term n
  _∘⟨_⟩_  : (t : Term n) (s : Strictness) (u : Term n)  Term n
  prod    : (t u : Term n)  Term n
  fst     : (t : Term n)  Term n
  snd     : (t : Term n)  Term n
  prodrec : (t : Term n) (u : Term (2+ n))  Term n
  zero    : Term n
  suc     : (t : Term n)  Term n
  natrec  : (t : Term m) (u : Term (2+ m)) (v : Term m)  Term m
  star    : Term n
  unitrec : (t u : Term n)  Term n
         : Term n

    t t′ u u′ v v′ : Term n

-- A possibly strict variant of suc.

suc⟨_⟩ : Strictness  Term n  Term n
suc⟨ non-strict  t = suc t
suc⟨ strict      t = lam (suc (var x0)) ∘⟨ strict  t

-- A possibly strict variant of prod.

prod⟨_⟩ : Strictness  Term n  Term n  Term n
prod⟨ non-strict  t u = prod t u
prod⟨ strict      t u =
  lam (lam (prod (var x1) (var x0))) ∘⟨ strict  t ∘⟨ strict  u

-- Does a term contain a variable?

data HasX (x : Fin n) : (t : Term n)  Set where
  varₓ : HasX x (var x)
  lamₓ : HasX (x +1) t  HasX x (lam t)
  ∘ₓˡ : HasX x t  HasX x (t ∘⟨ s  u)
  ∘ₓʳ : HasX x u  HasX x (t ∘⟨ s  u)
  sucₓ : HasX x t  HasX x (suc t)
  natrecₓᶻ : HasX x t  HasX x (natrec t u v)
  natrecₓˢ : HasX (x +2) u  HasX x (natrec t u v)
  natrecₓⁿ : HasX x v  HasX x (natrec t u v)
  prodₓˡ : HasX x t  HasX x (prod t u)
  prodₓʳ : HasX x u  HasX x (prod t u)
  fstₓ : HasX x t  HasX x (fst t)
  sndₓ : HasX x t  HasX x (snd t)
  prodrecₓˡ : HasX x t  HasX x (prodrec t u)
  prodrecₓʳ : HasX (x +2) u  HasX x (prodrec t u)
  unitrecₓˡ : HasX x t  HasX x (unitrec t u)
  unitrecₓʳ : HasX x u  HasX x (unitrec t u)

-- Weakening of terms

wk : (ρ : Wk m n)  (t : Term n)  Term m
wk ρ (var x) = var (wkVar ρ x)
wk ρ (lam t) = lam (wk (lift ρ) t)
wk ρ (t ∘⟨ s  u) = wk ρ t ∘⟨ s  wk ρ u
wk ρ zero = zero
wk ρ (suc t) = suc (wk ρ t)
wk ρ (natrec z s n) = natrec (wk ρ z) (wk (lift (lift ρ)) s) (wk ρ n)
wk ρ (prod t u) = prod (wk ρ t) (wk ρ u)
wk ρ (fst t) = fst (wk ρ t)
wk ρ (snd t) = snd (wk ρ t)
wk ρ (prodrec t u) = prodrec (wk ρ t) (wk (lift (lift ρ)) u)
wk ρ star = star
wk ρ (unitrec t u) = unitrec (wk ρ t) (wk ρ u)
wk ρ  = 

-- Shift all variables in a term up by one

wk1 : Term n  Term (1+ n)
wk1 = wk (step id)

-- Substitutions are finite maps from variables to terms

Subst : (m n : Nat)  Set
Subst m n = Fin n  Term m

-- Extract the substitution of the first variable.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ∙A  then Γ ⊢ head σ : subst σ A.

head : Subst m (1+ n)  Term m
head σ = σ x0

-- Remove the first variable instance of a substitution
-- and shift the rest to accommodate.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ∙A then Γ ⊢ tail σ : Δ.

tail : Subst m (1+ n)  Subst m n
tail σ x = σ (x +1)

-- Identity substitution

idSubst : Subst n n
idSubst = var

-- Substitution with indices shifted up by one

wk1Subst : Subst m n  Subst (1+ m) n
wk1Subst σ x = wk1 (σ x)

-- Lifted substitution

liftSubst : (σ : Subst m n)  Subst (1+ m) (1+ n)
liftSubst σ x0 = var x0
liftSubst σ (x +1) = wk1Subst σ x

liftSubstn : (σ : Subst  m)  (n : Nat)  Subst (n + ) (n + m)
liftSubstn σ 0 = σ
liftSubstn σ (1+ n) = liftSubst (liftSubstn σ n)

-- A synonym of liftSubst.

_⇑ : Subst m n  Subst (1+ m) (1+ n)
_⇑ = liftSubst

-- Extend a substitution σ with a term t, substituting x0 with t
-- and remaining variables by σ.

consSubst : (σ : Subst m n)  (t : Term m)  Subst m (1+ n)
consSubst σ t x0 = t
consSubst σ t (x +1) = σ x

sgSubst : (t : Term n)  Subst n (1+ n)
sgSubst = consSubst idSubst

toSubst : (ρ : Wk m n)  Subst m n
toSubst ρ x = var (wkVar ρ x)

-- Apply a substitution to a term

_[_] : (t : Term n)  (σ : Subst m n)  Term m
var x        [ σ ] = σ x
lam t        [ σ ] = lam (t [ liftSubst σ ])
(t ∘⟨ s  u) [ σ ] = (t [ σ ]) ∘⟨ s  (u [ σ ])
prod t u     [ σ ] = prod (t [ σ ]) (u [ σ ])
fst t        [ σ ] = fst (t [ σ ])
snd t        [ σ ] = snd (t [ σ ])
prodrec t u  [ σ ] = prodrec (t [ σ ]) (u [ liftSubstn σ 2 ])
zero         [ σ ] = zero
suc t        [ σ ] = suc (t [ σ ])
natrec z s n [ σ ] = natrec (z [ σ ]) (s [ liftSubstn σ 2 ]) (n [ σ ])
star         [ σ ] = star
unitrec t u  [ σ ] = unitrec (t [ σ ]) (u [ σ ])
            [ σ ] = 

-- Compose two substitutions.

_ₛ•ₛ_ : Subst  m  Subst m n  Subst  n
_ₛ•ₛ_ σ σ′ x = (σ′ x) [ σ ]

-- Composition of weakening and substitution.

_•ₛ_ : Wk  m  Subst m n  Subst  n
_•ₛ_ ρ σ x = wk ρ (σ x)

_ₛ•_ : Subst  m  Wk m n  Subst  n
_ₛ•_ σ ρ x = σ (wkVar ρ x)

-- Substitute the first variable of a term with an other term.

_[_]₀ : (t : Term (1+ n))  (s : Term n)  Term n
t [ u ]₀ = t [ sgSubst u ]

-- Substitute the first two variables of a term with other terms.

_[_,_]₁₀ : (t : Term (2+ n))  (u v : Term n)  Term n
t [ u , v ]₁₀ = t [ consSubst (sgSubst u) v ]

-- A term is a value if it is a lambda abstraction, a constructor
-- application, or ↯.

data Value {n} : Term n  Set where
  lam  : Value (lam t)
  prod : Value (prod t u)
  zero : Value zero
  suc  : Value (suc t)
  star : Value star
      : Value 

-- Any term is a "non-strict value", but only real values are "strict
-- values".

Value⟨_⟩ : Strictness  Term n  Set
Value⟨ non-strict  _ = 
Value⟨ strict      t = Value t

-- A term is a numeral if it is the application of suc constructors to
-- zero.

data Numeral {n} : Term n  Set where
  zero : Numeral zero
  suc  : Numeral t  Numeral (suc t)

-- Any term is a "non-strict numeral", but only real numerals are
-- "strict numerals".

Numeral⟨_⟩ : Strictness  Term n  Set
Numeral⟨ non-strict  _ = 
Numeral⟨ strict      t = Numeral t

-- The canonical term corresponding to the given natural number.

sucᵏ : (k : Nat)  Term n
sucᵏ 0      = zero
sucᵏ (1+ n) = suc (sucᵏ n)

-- Single-step reduction relation

data _⇒_ : (t u : Term n)  Set where
  app-subst       : t  t′  t ∘⟨ s  u  t′ ∘⟨ s  u
  app-subst-arg   : Value t  u  u′ 
                    t ∘⟨ strict  u  t ∘⟨ strict  u′
  β-red           : Value⟨ s  u  lam t ∘⟨ s  u  t [ u ]₀
  fst-subst       : t  t′  fst t  fst t′
  snd-subst       : t  t′  snd t  snd t′
  Σ-β₁            : fst (prod t u)  t
  Σ-β₂            : snd (prod t u)  u
  prodrec-subst   : t  t′  prodrec t u  prodrec t′ u
  prodrec-β       : prodrec (prod t t′) u  u [ t , t′ ]₁₀
  natrec-subst    : v  v′  natrec t u v  natrec t u v′
  natrec-zero     : natrec t u zero  t
  natrec-suc      : natrec t u (suc v)  u [ v , natrec t u v ]₁₀
  unitrec-subst   : t  t′  unitrec t u  unitrec t′ u
  unitrec-β       : unitrec star u  u

-- Reflexive transitive closure of reduction relation

data _⇒*_ : (t u : Term n)  Set where
  refl : t ⇒* t
  trans : t  t′  t′ ⇒* u  t ⇒* u