-- Division

import Graded.Modality

module Graded.Modality.Properties.Division
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (open Graded.Modality M)
  (𝕄 : Semiring-with-meet)

open Semiring-with-meet 𝕄

open import Graded.Modality.Properties.Meet 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Properties.Multiplication 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Properties.PartialOrder 𝕄

open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
import Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

private variable
  p p₁ p₂ q q₁ q₂ r r₁ r₂ : M

-- The relation _/_≡_

-- Least-such-that P p means that p is the least value which
-- satisfies P.

Least-such-that : (M  Set a)  M  Set a
Least-such-that P p = P p × (∀ q  P q  p  q)

-- The relation p / q ≤ r is inhabited if "p divided by q" is bounded
-- by r.

infix 4 _/_≤_

_/_≤_ : M  M  M  Set a
p / q  r = p  q · r

-- The relation p / q ≡ r is inhabited if r is the least value for
-- which p / q ≤_ is inhabited.

infix 4 _/_≡_

_/_≡_ : M  M  M  Set a
p / q  r = Least-such-that (p / q ≤_) r

-- The relation _/_≤_ is total if 𝟘 is the greatest value.

/≤-total : (∀ p  p  𝟘)   (p / q ≤_)
/≤-total {p = p} {q = q} ≤𝟘 =
  , (           $⟨ ≤𝟘 _ 
     p  𝟘      ≡⟨ cong (_ ≤_) (sym (·-zeroʳ _)) ⟩→
     p  q · 𝟘  →⟨ idᶠ 
     p / q  𝟘  )

-- The relation _/_≡_ is total if equality is decidable, 𝟘 is the
-- greatest value, and all "decidable subsets" that contain 𝟘 and are
-- closed under _∧_ have a least value.

/≡-total :
  Decidable (_≡_ {A = M}) 
  (∀ p  p  𝟘) 
  ((P : M  Set a)  (∀ p  Dec (P p)) 
   P 𝟘  (∀ p q  P p  P q  P (p  q)) 
    (Least-such-that P)) 
   (p / q ≡_)
/≡-total {p = p} {q = q} dec ≤𝟘 limit =
  limit (p / q ≤_) p/q≤? (/≤-total ≤𝟘 .proj₂) lemma
  p/q≤? :  r  Dec (p / q  r)
  p/q≤? _ = ≡-decidable→≤-decidable dec _ _

  lemma :
    (r₁ r₂ : M) 
    p / q  r₁  p / q  r₂  p / q  r₁  r₂
  lemma r₁ r₂ p/q≤r₁ p/q≤r₂ = begin
    p                ≤⟨ ∧-greatest-lower-bound p/q≤r₁ p/q≤r₂ 
    q · r₁  q · r₂  ≡˘⟨ ·-distribˡ-∧ _ _ _ 
    q · (r₁  r₂)    
    open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- The relation _/_≡_ is functional.

/≡-functional : p / q  r₁  p / q  r₂  r₁  r₂
/≡-functional (p/q≤r₁ , least₁) (p/q≤r₂ , least₂) =
  ≤-antisym (least₁ _ p/q≤r₂) (least₂ _ p/q≤r₁)

-- Division is monotone in its first argument.

/-monotoneˡ :
  p₁ / q  r₁  p₂ / q  r₂  p₁  p₂  r₁  r₂
  {p₁ = p₁} {q = q} {p₂ = p₂} {r₂ = r₂}
  (_ , r₁≤) (p₂/q≤r₂ , _) p₁≤p₂ =
  r₁≤ _ $ begin
    p₁      ≤⟨ p₁≤p₂ 
    p₂      ≤⟨ p₂/q≤r₂ 
    q · r₂  
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- Division is antitone in its second argument.

/-antitoneʳ :
  p / q₁  r₁  p / q₂  r₂  q₁  q₂  r₂  r₁
  {p = p} {q₁ = q₁} {r₁ = r₁} {q₂ = q₂}
  (p/q₁≤r₁ , _) (_ , r₂≤) q₁≤q₂ =
  r₂≤ _ $ begin
    p        ≤⟨ p/q₁≤r₁ 
    q₁ · r₁  ≤⟨ ·-monotoneˡ q₁≤q₂ 
    q₂ · r₁  
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- Division is decreasing if 𝟙 is the least value.

/-decreasing :
  (∀ p  𝟙  p) 
  p / q  r  r  p
/-decreasing {p = p} {q = q} {r = r} 𝟙≤ =
  (p / q  r) × (∀ r′  p / q  r′  r  r′)  →⟨ (_$ _) ∘→ proj₂ 
  (p  q · p  r  p)                         ≡⟨ cong  p  p  q · _  _) (sym (·-identityˡ _)) ⟩→
  (𝟙 · p  q · p  r  p)                     →⟨ _$ ·-monotoneˡ (𝟙≤ _) 
  r  p                                       

-- If q ·_ is injective "for r", then p / q ≡ r holds if p is equal to
-- q · r.

≡·→/≡ :
  (∀ p  q · r  q · p  r  p) 
  p  q · r  p / q  r
≡·→/≡ {q = q} {r = r} {p = p} inj refl =
  , λ r′ 
      (q · r / q  r′)        →⟨ idᶠ 
      q · r  q · r′          →⟨ idᶠ 
      q · r  q · r  q · r′  →⟨ flip trans (sym (·-distribˡ-∧ _ _ _)) 
      q · r  q · (r  r′)    →⟨ inj _ 
      r  r  r′              →⟨ idᶠ 
      r  r′                  

-- If q ·_ is split surjective "for p", then p / q ≡ r holds only if p
-- is equal to q · r.

/≡→≡· :
  ( λ r  p  q · r) 
  p / q  r  p  q · r
/≡→≡· {p = p} {q = q} {r = r} surj (p≤qr , least) =
  ≤-antisym p≤qr $ begin
    q · r   ≤⟨ ·-monotoneʳ (least _ (≤-reflexive p≡qr′)) 
    q · r′  ≡˘⟨ p≡qr′ 
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

  r′ = surj .proj₁

  p≡qr′ : p  q · r′
  p≡qr′ = surj .proj₂

-- The value of p divided by 𝟙 is p.

/𝟙≡ : p / 𝟙  p
/𝟙≡ {p = p} = ≡·→/≡
     𝟙 · p  𝟙 · q  →⟨ flip trans (·-identityˡ _) 
     𝟙 · p  q      →⟨ trans (sym (·-identityˡ _)) 
     p  q          )
     p      ≡˘⟨ ·-identityˡ _ 
     𝟙 · p  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- The value of p divided by p is 𝟙 if 𝟙 is the least value.

/≡𝟙 : (∀ p  𝟙  p)  p / p  𝟙
/≡𝟙 {p = p} 𝟙≤ =
       p      ≡˘⟨ ·-identityʳ _ 
       p · 𝟙  )
  ,  q _  begin
       𝟙  ≤⟨ 𝟙≤ _ 
       q  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- The value of 𝟘 divided by p is 𝟘 if p is not equal to 𝟘 and the
-- zero-product property holds.

𝟘/≡𝟘 :
  (∀ {p q}  p · q  𝟘  p  𝟘  q  𝟘) 
  p  𝟘  𝟘 / p  𝟘
𝟘/≡𝟘 {p = p} zero-product p≢𝟘 = ≡·→/≡
     p · 𝟘  p · q  →⟨ trans (sym (·-zeroʳ _)) 
     𝟘  p · q      →⟨ zero-product ∘→ sym 
     p  𝟘  q  𝟘  →⟨  { (inj₁ p≡𝟘)  ⊥-elim (p≢𝟘 p≡𝟘); (inj₂ q≡𝟘)  sym q≡𝟘 }) 
     𝟘  q          )
     𝟘      ≡˘⟨ ·-zeroʳ _ 
     p · 𝟘  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- The value of p divided by 𝟘 is 𝟙 if p ≤ 𝟘 and 𝟙 is the least value.

/𝟘≡𝟙 : (∀ p  𝟙  p)  p  𝟘  p / 𝟘  𝟙
/𝟘≡𝟙 {p = p} 𝟙≤ p≤𝟘 =
    (           $⟨ p≤𝟘 
     p  𝟘      ≡⟨ cong (_ ≤_) (sym (·-zeroˡ _)) ⟩→
     p  𝟘 · 𝟙  →⟨ idᶠ 
     p / 𝟘  𝟙  )
  ,  q _  begin
       𝟙  ≤⟨ 𝟙≤ _ 
       q  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- The value of 𝟙 divided by p is 𝟙 if 𝟙 is the least value.

𝟙/≡𝟙 : (∀ p  𝟙  p)  𝟙 / p  𝟙
𝟙/≡𝟙 {p = p} 𝟙≤ =
    (           $⟨ 𝟙≤ _ 
     𝟙  p      ≡⟨ cong (_ ≤_) (sym (·-identityʳ _)) ⟩→
     𝟙  p · 𝟙  →⟨ idᶠ 
     𝟙 / p  𝟙  )
  ,  q _  begin
       𝟙  ≤⟨ 𝟙≤ _ 
       q  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- The predicate Supports-division-by

-- The property of supporting division by a given value.

Supports-division-by : M  Set a
Supports-division-by q =
   λ (_/q : M  M)   p r  (p /q)  r  p  q · r

-- The property of supporting division.

Supports-division : Set a
Supports-division =  p  Supports-division-by p

-- "𝕄 supports division by q" is logically equivalent to "for all p
-- there is an r such that p / q ≡ r".

Supports-division-by⇔ :
  Supports-division-by q  (∀ p   λ r  p / q  r)
Supports-division-by⇔ {q = q} =
     (_/q , conn) p 
         (p /q)
       , (begin
            p           ≤⟨ conn p (p /q) .proj₁ ≤-refl 
            q · (p /q)  )
       ,  r 
            (p / q  r)  →⟨ conn p r .proj₂ 
            (p /q)  r   ))
  ,  div 
         proj₁ ∘→ div
       ,  p r 
               p/q≤r  begin
                   p                 ≤⟨ div p .proj₂ .proj₁ 
                   q · div p .proj₁  ≤⟨ ·-monotoneʳ p/q≤r 
                   q · r             )
            , div p .proj₂ .proj₂ _))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- If 𝕄 supports division by q, then "p / q" is the least r such that
-- p ≤ q · r.

/-least-≤· :
  ((_/q , _) : Supports-division-by q) 
  Least-such-that  r  p  q · r) (p /q)
/-least-≤· s = div _ .proj₂
  div = Supports-division-by⇔ .proj₁ s

-- If 𝕄 supports division by q, then p / q ≡ r is logically equivalent
-- to "p / q is equal to r".

/≡⇔/≡ :
  ((_/q , _) : Supports-division-by q) 
  (p / q  r)  (p /q)  r
/≡⇔/≡ s =
    /≡-functional (/-least-≤· s)
  ,  { refl  /-least-≤· s })

-- If 𝕄 supports division by q, then the associated division operation
-- is monotone.

/-monotoneˡ′ :
  ((_/q , _) : Supports-division-by q) 
   p₁ p₂  p₁  p₂  (p₁ /q)  (p₂ /q)
/-monotoneˡ′ s p₁ p₂ = /-monotoneˡ (div p₁ .proj₂) (div p₂ .proj₂)
  div = Supports-division-by⇔ .proj₁ s

-- Division by 𝟙 is supported, and the value of p divided by 𝟙 is p.

/𝟙≡′ :  λ ((_/𝟙 , _) : Supports-division-by 𝟙)  (p /𝟙)  p
/𝟙≡′ =
    Supports-division-by⇔ .proj₂  _  _ , /𝟙≡)
  , refl

-- If 𝟙 is the least value and 𝟘 the greatest one, then division by 𝟘
-- is supported and the value of p divided by 𝟘 is 𝟙.

/𝟘≡𝟙′ :
  (∀ p  𝟙  p)  (∀ p  p  𝟘) 
  ( λ ((_/𝟘 , _) : Supports-division-by 𝟘)  (p /𝟘)  𝟙)
/𝟘≡𝟙′ 𝟙≤ ≤𝟘 =
    Supports-division-by⇔ .proj₂  _  _ , /𝟘≡𝟙 𝟙≤ (≤𝟘 _))
  , refl

-- If 𝟙 is the least value and division by p is supported, then the
-- value of p divided by p is 𝟙.

/≡𝟙′ :
  (∀ p  𝟙  p) 
  ((_/p , _) : Supports-division-by p) 
  (p /p)  𝟙
/≡𝟙′ 𝟙≤ div = /≡⇔/≡ div .proj₁ (/≡𝟙 𝟙≤)

-- If 𝟙 is the least value and division by p is supported, then the
-- value of 𝟙 divided by p is 𝟙.

𝟙/≡𝟙′ :
  (∀ p  𝟙  p) 
  ((_/p , _) : Supports-division-by p) 
  (𝟙 /p)  𝟙
𝟙/≡𝟙′ 𝟙≤ div = /≡⇔/≡ div .proj₁ (𝟙/≡𝟙 𝟙≤)

-- If the zero-product property holds, division by p is supported, and
-- p is not 𝟘, then the value of 𝟘 divided by p is 𝟘.

𝟘/≡𝟘′ :
  (∀ {p q}  p · q  𝟘  p  𝟘  q  𝟘) 
  ((_/p , _) : Supports-division-by p) 
  p  𝟘  (𝟘 /p)  𝟘
𝟘/≡𝟘′ zero-product div p≢𝟘 =
  /≡⇔/≡ div .proj₁ (𝟘/≡𝟘 zero-product p≢𝟘)