-- Properties of the usage relation that hold when zero is well behaved.

import Graded.Modality
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions

module Graded.Usage.Properties.Has-well-behaved-zero
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (open Graded.Modality M)
  (𝕄 : Modality)
  (R : Usage-restrictions 𝕄)
  (open Modality 𝕄)
   𝟘-well-behaved : Has-well-behaved-zero semiring-with-meet 

open import Definition.Untyped M using (var)

open import Graded.Context 𝕄
open import Graded.Context.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Nr-instances
open import Graded.Modality.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄
open import Graded.Usage 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Usage.Inversion 𝕄 R

open import Tools.Bool using (T)
open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Sum

    γ δ η : Conₘ _
    x : Fin _
    p q r : M

-- A well-resourced variable under mode 𝟙ᵐ is not associated with
-- grade 𝟘.
-- Proof by induction on the variable (de Bruijn index).

valid-var-usage : γ ▸[ 𝟙ᵐ ] var x  γ  x   𝟘
valid-var-usage γ▸x γ⟨x⟩≡𝟘 = 𝟘≰𝟙 (lemma _ (inv-usage-var γ▸x) γ⟨x⟩≡𝟘)
  lemma :  x  γ ≤ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙  γ  x   𝟘  𝟘  𝟙
  lemma x0 (_  γ⟨x⟩≤𝟙) refl = γ⟨x⟩≤𝟙
  lemma (x +1) (γ≤eᵢ  _) γ⟨x⟩≡𝟘 = lemma x γ≤eᵢ γ⟨x⟩≡𝟘

-- A variant of the positivity property for addition for the
-- usage relation for variables.

x◂𝟘∈γ+δˡ : p  𝟘  x  p  γ +ᶜ δ  x  𝟘  γ
x◂𝟘∈γ+δˡ {x = ()} {γ = ε}
x◂𝟘∈γ+δˡ {x = x0} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} p+q≡𝟘 here =
  subst  x  _  x  _) (+-positiveˡ p+q≡𝟘) here
x◂𝟘∈γ+δˡ {x = _ +1} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} eq (there d) =
  there (x◂𝟘∈γ+δˡ eq d)

-- A variant of the positivity property for addition for the
-- usage relation for variables.

x◂𝟘∈γ+δʳ : p  𝟘  x  p  γ +ᶜ δ  x  𝟘  δ
x◂𝟘∈γ+δʳ {γ = γ} {δ} p≡𝟘 d =
  x◂𝟘∈γ+δˡ p≡𝟘 (subst  x  _  _  x) (≈ᶜ→≡ (+ᶜ-comm γ δ)) d)

-- A variant of the zero-product property for the
-- usage relation for variables.

x◂𝟘∈pγ : q  𝟘  p  𝟘  x  q  p ·ᶜ γ  x  𝟘  γ
x◂𝟘∈pγ {x = ()} {γ = ε}
x◂𝟘∈pγ {x = x0} {γ = _  _} pr≡𝟘 p≢𝟘 here =
  case zero-product pr≡𝟘 of λ where
    (inj₁ p≡𝟘)   ⊥-elim (p≢𝟘 p≡𝟘)
    (inj₂ refl)  here
x◂𝟘∈pγ {x = _ +1} {γ = _  _} q≡𝟘 p≢𝟘 (there d) =
  there (x◂𝟘∈pγ q≡𝟘 p≢𝟘 d)

-- A variant of the positivity property for meet for the
-- usage relation for variables.

x◂𝟘∈γ∧δˡ : p  𝟘  x  p  γ ∧ᶜ δ  x  𝟘  γ
x◂𝟘∈γ∧δˡ {x = ()} {γ = ε} _
x◂𝟘∈γ∧δˡ {x = x0} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} p∧q≡𝟘 here =
  subst  x  _  x  _) (∧-positiveˡ p∧q≡𝟘) here
x◂𝟘∈γ∧δˡ {x = _ +1} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} eq (there d) =
  there (x◂𝟘∈γ∧δˡ eq d)

-- A variant of the positivity property for meet for the
-- usage relation for variables.

x◂𝟘∈γ∧δʳ : p  𝟘  x  p  γ ∧ᶜ δ  x  𝟘  δ
x◂𝟘∈γ∧δʳ {γ = γ} {δ} p≡𝟘 d =
  x◂𝟘∈γ∧δˡ p≡𝟘 (subst  x  _  _  x) (≈ᶜ→≡ (∧ᶜ-comm γ δ)) d)

-- A variant of the positivity property for ⊛ᵣ for the
-- usage relation for variables.

x◂𝟘∈γ⊛δˡ :
   has-star : Has-star semiring-with-meet  
  p  𝟘  x  p  γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r  x  𝟘  γ
x◂𝟘∈γ⊛δˡ {x = x0} {γ  p} {δ  q} p⊛q≡𝟘 here =
  subst  x  _  x  γ  p) (⊛≡𝟘ˡ p⊛q≡𝟘) here
x◂𝟘∈γ⊛δˡ {x = x +1} {γ  p} {δ  q} eq (there d) =
  there (x◂𝟘∈γ⊛δˡ eq d)

-- A variant of the positivity property for ⊛ᵣ for the
-- usage relation for variables.

x◂𝟘∈γ⊛δʳ :
   has-star : Has-star semiring-with-meet  
  p  𝟘  x  p  γ ⊛ᶜ δ  r  x  𝟘  δ
x◂𝟘∈γ⊛δʳ {x = x0} {γ  p} {δ  q} p⊛q≡𝟘 here =
  subst  x  _  x  δ  q) (⊛≡𝟘ʳ p⊛q≡𝟘) here
x◂𝟘∈γ⊛δʳ {x = x +1} {γ  p} {δ  q} eq (there d) =
  there (x◂𝟘∈γ⊛δʳ eq d)

-- A kind of positivity property for nrᶜ and _◂_∈_.

◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₁ :
   has-nr : Has-nr semiring-with-meet  
  q  𝟘  x  q  nrᶜ p r γ δ η  x  𝟘  γ
◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₁ {x = x0} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} {η = _  _} nrᶜ≡𝟘 here =
  subst (_ ◂_∈ _) (nr-positive nrᶜ≡𝟘 .proj₁) here
◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₁ {x = _ +1} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} {η = _  _} eq (there p) =
  there (◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₁ eq p)

-- A kind of positivity property for nrᶜ and _◂_∈_.

◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₂ :
   has-nr : Has-nr semiring-with-meet  
  q  𝟘  x  q  nrᶜ p r γ δ η  x  𝟘  δ
◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₂ {x = x0} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} {η = _  _} nrᶜ≡𝟘 here =
  subst (_ ◂_∈ _) (nr-positive nrᶜ≡𝟘 .proj₂ .proj₁) here
◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₂ {x = _ +1} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} {η = _  _} eq (there p) =
  there (◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₂ eq p)

-- A kind of positivity property for nrᶜ and _◂_∈_.

◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₃ :
   has-nr : Has-nr semiring-with-meet  
  q  𝟘  x  q  nrᶜ p r γ δ η  x  𝟘  η
◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₃ {x = x0} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} {η = _  _} nrᶜ≡𝟘 here =
  subst (_ ◂_∈ _) (nr-positive nrᶜ≡𝟘 .proj₂ .proj₂) here
◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₃ {x = _ +1} {γ = _  _} {δ = _  _} {η = _  _} eq (there p) =
  there (◂𝟘∈nrᶜ₃ eq p)

-- A variant of the property that nothing is smaller than 𝟘 for the
-- usage relation for variables.

x◂𝟘∈γ≤δ : x  𝟘  γ  γ ≤ᶜ δ  x  𝟘  δ
x◂𝟘∈γ≤δ {δ = δ  p} here (γ≤δ  𝟘≤p) rewrite 𝟘≮ 𝟘≤p = here
x◂𝟘∈γ≤δ {δ = δ  p} (there d) (γ≤δ  _) = there (x◂𝟘∈γ≤δ d γ≤δ)