-- Restrictions on usage derivations

import Graded.Modality

module Graded.Usage.Restrictions
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (open Graded.Modality M)
  (𝕄 : Modality)

open import Graded.Mode 𝕄
open import Graded.Usage.Erased-matches

open import Tools.Bool
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum
open import Tools.Empty

private variable
  p q r  : M
  m m′   : Mode
   ok  : T _

-- Restrictions on/choices for usage derivations.

record Usage-restrictions : Set (lsuc a) where
    -- The prodrec constructor's quantities have to satisfy this
    -- predicate (for the current mode).
    Prodrec-allowed : Mode  (r p q : M)  Set a

    -- Prodrec-allowed is downwards closed in the mode (if 𝟙ᵐ is seen
    -- as a largest element).
    Prodrec-allowed-downwards-closed :
      Prodrec-allowed 𝟙ᵐ r p q  Prodrec-allowed 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ] r p q

    -- The unitrec constructor's quantities have to satisfy this
    -- predicate (for the current mode).
    Unitrec-allowed : Mode  (p q : M)  Set a

    -- Unitrec-allowed is downwards closed in the mode (if 𝟙ᵐ is seen
    -- as a largest element).
    Unitrec-allowed-downwards-closed :
      Unitrec-allowed 𝟙ᵐ p q  Unitrec-allowed 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ] p q

    -- The emptyrec constructor's quantity has to satisfy this
    -- predicate (for the current mode).
    Emptyrec-allowed : Mode  M  Set a

    -- Emptyrec-allowed is downwards closed in the mode (if 𝟙ᵐ is seen
    -- as a largest element).
    Emptyrec-allowed-downwards-closed :
      Emptyrec-allowed 𝟙ᵐ p  Emptyrec-allowed 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ] p

    -- Should the strong unit type act as a "sink"?
    starˢ-sink : Bool

    -- Are most things erased in the usage rule for Id?
    Id-erased : Set a

    -- Id-erased is decided.
    Id-erased? : Dec Id-erased

    -- What kinds of erased matches are allowed for the J rule (for
    -- the current mode)?
    erased-matches-for-J : Mode  Erased-matches

    -- The usage rules for J are at least as permissive for 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]
    -- as for 𝟙ᵐ. (See Graded.Usage.Properties.Jₘ-generalised and
    -- Graded.Usage.Properties.J₀ₘ₁-generalised.)
    erased-matches-for-J-≤ᵉᵐ :
      erased-matches-for-J 𝟙ᵐ ≤ᵉᵐ erased-matches-for-J 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]

    -- What kinds of erased matches are allowed for the K rule (for
    -- the current mode)?
    erased-matches-for-K : Mode  Erased-matches

    -- The usage rules for K are at least as permissive for 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]
    -- as for 𝟙ᵐ. (See Graded.Usage.Properties.Kₘ-generalised and
    -- Graded.Usage.Properties.K₀ₘ₁-generalised.)
    erased-matches-for-K-≤ᵉᵐ :
      erased-matches-for-K 𝟙ᵐ ≤ᵉᵐ erased-matches-for-K 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]

  private opaque

    -- Some lemmas used below.

    ·ᵐ-lemma₁ :
      (P : Mode  Set a) 
      (∀  ok   P 𝟙ᵐ  P 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]) 
      P m  P (m′ ·ᵐ m)
    ·ᵐ-lemma₁ {m′ = 𝟙ᵐ} _ _ =
    ·ᵐ-lemma₁ {m = 𝟙ᵐ} {m′ = 𝟘ᵐ} _ hyp =
    ·ᵐ-lemma₁ {m = 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]} {m′ = 𝟘ᵐ} P hyp =
      subst  m  P 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]  P m) 𝟘ᵐ-cong idᶠ

    ·ᵐ-lemma₂ :
      (f : Mode  Erased-matches) 
      (∀  ok   f 𝟙ᵐ ≤ᵉᵐ f 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]) 
      f m ≤ᵉᵐ f (m′ ·ᵐ m)
    ·ᵐ-lemma₂          {m′ = 𝟙ᵐ} _ _   = ≤ᵉᵐ-reflexive
    ·ᵐ-lemma₂ {m = 𝟙ᵐ} {m′ = 𝟘ᵐ} _ hyp = hyp
    ·ᵐ-lemma₂ {m = 𝟘ᵐ} {m′ = 𝟘ᵐ} f _   =
      subst (_≤ᵉᵐ_ _) (cong f 𝟘ᵐ-cong) ≤ᵉᵐ-reflexive


    -- Prodrec-allowed is closed under application of m′ ·ᵐ_ to the
    -- mode.

    Prodrec-allowed-·ᵐ :
      Prodrec-allowed m r p q  Prodrec-allowed (m′ ·ᵐ m) r p q
    Prodrec-allowed-·ᵐ =
      ·ᵐ-lemma₁  m  Prodrec-allowed m _ _ _)


    -- Unitrec-allowed is closed under application of m′ ·ᵐ_ to the
    -- mode.

    Unitrec-allowed-·ᵐ :
      Unitrec-allowed m p q  Unitrec-allowed (m′ ·ᵐ m) p q
    Unitrec-allowed-·ᵐ =
      ·ᵐ-lemma₁  m  Unitrec-allowed m _ _)


    -- Emptyrec-allowed is closed under application of m′ ·ᵐ_ to the
    -- mode.

    Emptyrec-allowed-·ᵐ :
      Emptyrec-allowed m p  Emptyrec-allowed (m′ ·ᵐ m) p
    Emptyrec-allowed-·ᵐ =
      ·ᵐ-lemma₁  m  Emptyrec-allowed m _)

  -- Does the strong unit type act as a "sink"?

  Starˢ-sink : Set
  Starˢ-sink = T starˢ-sink

  -- Does the strong unit type not act as a "sink"?
  -- This type is used instead of ¬ Starˢ-sink because "¬ A" does not
  -- work well as the type of an instance argument.

  ¬Starˢ-sink : Set
  ¬Starˢ-sink = T (not starˢ-sink)

  -- The strong unit type is not allowed to both act and not act as a
  -- sink.

  not-sink-and-no-sink : Starˢ-sink  ¬Starˢ-sink  
  not-sink-and-no-sink sink ¬sink with starˢ-sink
   | false = sink
   | true = ¬sink

  -- The strong unit type either acts or does not act as a sink.

  sink-or-no-sink : Starˢ-sink  ¬Starˢ-sink
  sink-or-no-sink with starˢ-sink
   | false = inj₂ _
   | true = inj₁ _


    -- The usage rules for J are at least as permissive for m′ ·ᵐ m as
    -- for m. (See Graded.Usage.Properties.Jₘ-generalised and
    -- Graded.Usage.Properties.J₀ₘ₁-generalised.)

    erased-matches-for-J-≤ᵉᵐ·ᵐ :
      erased-matches-for-J m ≤ᵉᵐ erased-matches-for-J (m′ ·ᵐ m)
    erased-matches-for-J-≤ᵉᵐ·ᵐ =
      ·ᵐ-lemma₂ erased-matches-for-J erased-matches-for-J-≤ᵉᵐ


    -- The usage rules for K are at least as permissive for m′ ·ᵐ m as
    -- for m. (See Graded.Usage.Properties.Kₘ-generalised and
    -- Graded.Usage.Properties.K₀ₘ₁-generalised.)

    erased-matches-for-K-≤ᵉᵐ·ᵐ :
      erased-matches-for-K m ≤ᵉᵐ erased-matches-for-K (m′ ·ᵐ m)
    erased-matches-for-K-≤ᵉᵐ·ᵐ =
      ·ᵐ-lemma₂ erased-matches-for-K erased-matches-for-K-≤ᵉᵐ