-- Properties of the typing and reduction relations

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Properties
  {} {M : Set }
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open Type-restrictions R

open import Definition.Typed.Properties.Well-formed R public

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Neutral M type-variant
open import Definition.Typed R

import Graded.Derived.Erased.Typed.Primitive R as Erased

open import Tools.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

    n : Nat
    Γ : Con Term n
    A A′ B B′ C D E F U′ : Term n
    a b t t′ u u′ v w : Term n
    p p′ q r : M
    s : Strength

-- Inversion lemmas related to _⊢_⇒_∷_

private opaque

  -- An inversion lemma related to _∘⟨_⟩_.

  inv-⇒-∘ :
    Γ  t ∘⟨ p  u  v  A 
    (∃₂ λ t′ B  Γ  t  t′  B × v PE.≡ t′ ∘⟨ p  u) 
    ( λ t′  t PE.≡ lam p t′ × v PE.≡ t′ [ u ]₀)
  inv-⇒-∘ (conv d _)                = inv-⇒-∘ d
  inv-⇒-∘ (app-subst d _)           = inj₁ (_ , _ , d , PE.refl)
  inv-⇒-∘ (β-red _ _ _ _ PE.refl _) = inj₂ (_ , PE.refl , PE.refl)

  -- An inversion lemma related to fst.

  inv-⇒-fst :
    Γ  fst p t  u  A 
    (∃₂ λ t′ B  Γ  t  t′  B × u PE.≡ fst p t′) 
    (∃₂ λ t′ t″  t PE.≡ prodˢ p t′ t″ × u PE.≡ t′)
  inv-⇒-fst (conv d _)               = inv-⇒-fst d
  inv-⇒-fst (fst-subst _ _ d)        = inj₁ (_ , _ , d , PE.refl)
  inv-⇒-fst (Σ-β₁ _ _ _ _ PE.refl _) = inj₂ (_ , _ , PE.refl , PE.refl)

  -- An inversion lemma related to snd.

  inv-⇒-snd :
    Γ  snd p t  u  A 
    (∃₂ λ t′ B  Γ  t  t′  B × u PE.≡ snd p t′) 
    (∃₂ λ t′ t″  t PE.≡ prodˢ p t′ t″ × u PE.≡ t″)
  inv-⇒-snd (conv d _)               = inv-⇒-snd d
  inv-⇒-snd (snd-subst _ _ d)        = inj₁ (_ , _ , d , PE.refl)
  inv-⇒-snd (Σ-β₂ _ _ _ _ PE.refl _) = inj₂ (_ , _ , PE.refl , PE.refl)

  -- An inversion lemma related to prodrec.

  inv-⇒-prodrec :
    Γ  prodrec r p q A t u  v  B 
    (∃₂ λ t′ C  Γ  t  t′  C × v PE.≡ prodrec r p q A t′ u) 
    (∃₂ λ t′ t″  t PE.≡ prodʷ p t′ t″ × v PE.≡ u [ t′ , t″ ]₁₀)
  inv-⇒-prodrec (conv d _) =
    inv-⇒-prodrec d
  inv-⇒-prodrec (prodrec-subst _ _ _ _ d _) =
    inj₁ (_ , _ , d , PE.refl)
  inv-⇒-prodrec (prodrec-β _ _ _ _ _ _ PE.refl _) =
    inj₂ (_ , _ , PE.refl , PE.refl)

  -- An inversion lemma related to natrec.

  inv-⇒-natrec :
    Γ  natrec p q r A t u v  w  B 
    (∃₂ λ v′ C  Γ  v  v′  C × w PE.≡ natrec p q r A t u v′) 
    v PE.≡ zero × w PE.≡ t 
    ( λ v′  v PE.≡ suc v′ × w PE.≡ u [ v′ , natrec p q r A t u v′ ]₁₀)
  inv-⇒-natrec (conv d _) =
    inv-⇒-natrec d
  inv-⇒-natrec (natrec-subst _ _ _ d) =
    inj₁ (_ , _ , d , PE.refl)
  inv-⇒-natrec (natrec-zero _ _ _) =
    inj₂ (inj₁ (PE.refl , PE.refl))
  inv-⇒-natrec (natrec-suc _ _ _ _) =
    inj₂ (inj₂ (_ , PE.refl , PE.refl))

  -- An inversion lemma related to emptyrec.

  inv-⇒-emptyrec :
    Γ  emptyrec p A t  u  B 
    (∃₂ λ t′ C  Γ  t  t′  C × u PE.≡ emptyrec p A t′)
  inv-⇒-emptyrec (conv d _) =
    inv-⇒-emptyrec d
  inv-⇒-emptyrec (emptyrec-subst _ d) =
    _ , _ , d , PE.refl

  -- An inversion lemma related to unitrec.

  inv-⇒-unitrec :
    Γ  unitrec p q A t u  v  B 
    (∃₂ λ t′ C  Γ  t  t′  C × v PE.≡ unitrec p q A t′ u ×
     ¬ Unitʷ-η) 
    t PE.≡ starʷ × v PE.≡ u × ¬ Unitʷ-η 
    v PE.≡ u × Unitʷ-η
  inv-⇒-unitrec (conv d _) =
    inv-⇒-unitrec d
  inv-⇒-unitrec (unitrec-subst _ _ d _ no-η) =
    inj₁ (_ , _ , d , PE.refl , no-η)
  inv-⇒-unitrec (unitrec-β _ _ _ no-η) =
    inj₂ (inj₁ (PE.refl , PE.refl , no-η))
  inv-⇒-unitrec (unitrec-β-η _ _ _ _ η) =
    inj₂ (inj₂ (PE.refl , η))

  -- An inversion lemma related to J.

  inv-⇒-J :
    Γ  J p q A t B u v w  t′  C 
    (∃₂ λ w′ D  Γ  w  w′  D × t′ PE.≡ J p q A t B u v w′) 
    w PE.≡ rfl × t′ PE.≡ u
  inv-⇒-J (conv d _) =
    inv-⇒-J d
  inv-⇒-J (J-subst _ _ _ _ _ d) =
    inj₁ (_ , _ , d , PE.refl)
  inv-⇒-J (J-β _ _ _ _ _ _ _) =
    inj₂ (PE.refl , PE.refl)

  -- An inversion lemma related to K.

  inv-⇒-K :
    Γ  K p A t B u v  w  C 
    (∃₂ λ v′ D  Γ  v  v′  D × w PE.≡ K p A t B u v′) 
    v PE.≡ rfl × w PE.≡ u
  inv-⇒-K (conv d _) =
    inv-⇒-K d
  inv-⇒-K (K-subst _ _ _ _ d _) =
    inj₁ (_ , _ , d , PE.refl)
  inv-⇒-K (K-β _ _ _ _) =
    inj₂ (PE.refl , PE.refl)

  -- An inversion lemma related to []-cong.

  inv-⇒-[]-cong :
    Γ  []-cong s A t u v  w  C 
    (∃₂ λ v′ D  Γ  v  v′  D × w PE.≡ []-cong s A t u v′) 
    v PE.≡ rfl × w PE.≡ rfl
  inv-⇒-[]-cong (conv d _) =
    inv-⇒-[]-cong d
  inv-⇒-[]-cong ([]-cong-subst _ _ _ d _) =
    inj₁ (_ , _ , d , PE.refl)
  inv-⇒-[]-cong ([]-cong-β _ _ _ _ _) =
    inj₂ (PE.refl , PE.refl)

-- Some lemmas related to the reduction relations

-- Reduction is a subset of conversion

subsetTerm : Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t  u  A
subsetTerm (natrec-subst F z s n⇒n′) =
  natrec-cong F (refl F) (refl z) (refl s) (subsetTerm n⇒n′)
subsetTerm (natrec-zero F z s) = natrec-zero F z s
subsetTerm (natrec-suc F z s n) = natrec-suc F z s n
subsetTerm (emptyrec-subst A n⇒n′) =
  emptyrec-cong (refl A) (subsetTerm n⇒n′)
subsetTerm (app-subst t⇒u a) =
  app-cong (subsetTerm t⇒u) (refl a)
subsetTerm (β-red A B t a p≡p′ ok) = β-red A B t a p≡p′ ok
subsetTerm (conv t⇒u A≡B) = conv (subsetTerm t⇒u) A≡B
subsetTerm (fst-subst F G x) = fst-cong F G (subsetTerm x)
subsetTerm (snd-subst F G x) = snd-cong F G (subsetTerm x)
subsetTerm (prodrec-subst F G A u t⇒t′ ok) =
  prodrec-cong F G (refl A) (subsetTerm t⇒t′) (refl u) ok
subsetTerm (prodrec-β F G A t t′ u eq ok) =
  prodrec-β F G A t t′ u eq ok
subsetTerm (Σ-β₁ F G x x₁ x₂ ok) = Σ-β₁ F G x x₁ x₂ ok
subsetTerm (Σ-β₂ F G x x₁ x₂ ok) = Σ-β₂ F G x x₁ x₂ ok
subsetTerm (J-subst ⊢A ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u ⊢t′ v⇒v′) =
  J-cong ⊢A (refl ⊢A) ⊢t (refl ⊢t) (refl ⊢B) (refl ⊢u) (refl ⊢t′)
    (subsetTerm v⇒v′)
subsetTerm (K-subst ⊢A ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u v⇒v′ ok) =
  K-cong (refl ⊢A) ⊢t (refl ⊢t) (refl ⊢B) (refl ⊢u)
    (subsetTerm v⇒v′) ok
subsetTerm ([]-cong-subst ⊢A ⊢t ⊢u v⇒v′ ok) =
  []-cong-cong (refl ⊢A) (refl ⊢t) (refl ⊢u) (subsetTerm v⇒v′) ok
subsetTerm (J-β ⊢A ⊢t _ t≡t′ ⊢B _ ⊢u) =
  trans (sym (J-cong ⊢A (refl ⊢A) ⊢t (refl ⊢t) (refl ⊢B) (refl ⊢u)
                t≡t′ (refl (rflⱼ ⊢t))))
    (J-β ⊢A ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u PE.refl)
subsetTerm (K-β ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u ok) = K-β ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u ok
subsetTerm ([]-cong-β ⊢A ⊢t _ t≡t′ ok) =
    ([]-cong-cong (refl ⊢A) (refl ⊢t)
       (sym t≡t′)
       (conv (refl (rflⱼ ⊢t)) (Id-cong (refl ⊢A) (refl ⊢t) t≡t′))
    (conv ([]-cong-β ⊢t PE.refl ok)
       (Id-cong (refl (Erasedⱼ ⊢A)) (refl ([]ⱼ ⊢A ⊢t))
          ([]-cong′ ⊢A t≡t′)))
  open Erased ([]-cong→Erased ok)
subsetTerm (unitrec-subst A u t⇒t′ ok no-η) =
  unitrec-cong (refl A) (subsetTerm t⇒t′) (refl u) ok no-η
subsetTerm (unitrec-β A u ok₁ ok₂) = unitrec-β A u ok₁ ok₂
subsetTerm (unitrec-β-η A t u ok₁ ok₂) =
 unitrec-β-η A t u ok₁ ok₂

subset : Γ  A  B  Γ  A  B
subset (univ A⇒B) = univ (subsetTerm A⇒B)

subset*Term : Γ  t ⇒* u  A  Γ  t  u  A
subset*Term (id t) = refl t
subset*Term (t⇒t′  t⇒*u) = trans (subsetTerm t⇒t′) (subset*Term t⇒*u)

subset* : Γ  A ⇒* B  Γ  A  B
subset* (id A) = refl A
subset* (A⇒A′  A′⇒*B) = trans (subset A⇒A′) (subset* A′⇒*B)

-- Can extract left-part of a reduction

redFirstTerm :{Γ : Con Term n}  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t  A
redFirstTerm (conv t⇒u A≡B) = conv (redFirstTerm t⇒u) A≡B
redFirstTerm (app-subst t⇒u a) = (redFirstTerm t⇒u) ∘ⱼ a
redFirstTerm (β-red A B t a PE.refl ok) =
  conv (lamⱼ A t ok) (ΠΣ-cong A (refl A) (refl B) ok) ∘ⱼ a
redFirstTerm (natrec-subst F z s n⇒n′) = natrecⱼ F z s (redFirstTerm n⇒n′)
redFirstTerm (natrec-zero F z s) = natrecⱼ F z s (zeroⱼ (wfTerm z))
redFirstTerm (natrec-suc F z s n) = natrecⱼ F z s (sucⱼ n)
redFirstTerm (emptyrec-subst A n⇒n′) = emptyrecⱼ A (redFirstTerm n⇒n′)
redFirstTerm (fst-subst F G x) = fstⱼ F G (redFirstTerm x)
redFirstTerm (snd-subst F G x) = sndⱼ F G (redFirstTerm x)
redFirstTerm (prodrec-subst F G A u t⇒t′ ok) =
  prodrecⱼ F G A (redFirstTerm t⇒t′) u ok
redFirstTerm (prodrec-β F G A t t′ u PE.refl ok) =
  prodrecⱼ F G A
    (conv (prodⱼ F G t t′ ok) (ΠΣ-cong F (refl F) (refl G) ok))
    u ok
redFirstTerm (Σ-β₁ F G x x₁ PE.refl ok) =
  fstⱼ F G
    (conv (prodⱼ F G x x₁ ok) (ΠΣ-cong F (refl F) (refl G) ok))
redFirstTerm (Σ-β₂ F G x x₁ PE.refl ok) =
  sndⱼ F G
    (conv (prodⱼ F G x x₁ ok) (ΠΣ-cong F (refl F) (refl G) ok))
redFirstTerm (J-subst ⊢A ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u ⊢t′ v⇒v′) =
  Jⱼ ⊢A ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u ⊢t′ (redFirstTerm v⇒v′)
redFirstTerm (K-subst _ ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u v⇒v′ ok) =
  Kⱼ ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u (redFirstTerm v⇒v′) ok
redFirstTerm ([]-cong-subst _ ⊢t ⊢u v⇒v′ ok) =
  []-congⱼ ⊢t ⊢u (redFirstTerm v⇒v′) ok
redFirstTerm (J-β ⊢A ⊢t ⊢t′ t≡t′ ⊢B B≡B ⊢u) =
  conv (Jⱼ ⊢A ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u ⊢t′
          (conv (rflⱼ ⊢t) (Id-cong (refl ⊢A) (refl ⊢t) t≡t′)))
    (sym B≡B)
redFirstTerm (K-β ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u ok) =
  Kⱼ ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u (rflⱼ ⊢t) ok
redFirstTerm ([]-cong-β ⊢A ⊢t ⊢t′ t≡t′ ok) =
  []-congⱼ ⊢t ⊢t′ (conv (rflⱼ ⊢t) (Id-cong (refl ⊢A) (refl ⊢t) t≡t′)) ok
redFirstTerm (unitrec-subst A u t⇒t′ ok _) =
  unitrecⱼ A (redFirstTerm t⇒t′) u ok
redFirstTerm (unitrec-β A u ok _) =
  unitrecⱼ A (starⱼ (wfTerm u) ok) u ok
redFirstTerm (unitrec-β-η A t u ok _) =
  unitrecⱼ A t u ok

redFirst :{Γ : Con Term n}  Γ  A  B  Γ  A
redFirst (univ A⇒B) = univ (redFirstTerm A⇒B)

redFirst*Term : {Γ : Con Term n}  Γ  t ⇒* u  A  Γ  t  A
redFirst*Term (id t) = t
redFirst*Term (t⇒t′  t′⇒*u) = redFirstTerm t⇒t′

redFirst* : {Γ : Con Term n}  Γ  A ⇒* B  Γ  A
redFirst* (id A) = A
redFirst* (A⇒A′  A′⇒*B) = redFirst A⇒A′


  -- Neutral terms do not reduce.

  neRedTerm : Γ  t  u  A  Neutral t  
  neRedTerm = λ where
    (conv d _)                   neRedTerm d
    (app-subst d _)              neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-ne-∘
    (β-red _ _ _ _ _ _)           ()) ∘→ inv-ne-∘
    (natrec-subst _ _ _ d)       neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-ne-natrec
    (natrec-zero _ _ _)           ()) ∘→ inv-ne-natrec
    (natrec-suc _ _ _ _)          ()) ∘→ inv-ne-natrec
    (emptyrec-subst _ d)         neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-ne-emptyrec
    (fst-subst _ _ d)            neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-ne-fst
    (snd-subst _ _ d)            neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-ne-snd
    (prodrec-subst _ _ _ _ d _)  neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-ne-prodrec
    (prodrec-β _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)   ()) ∘→ inv-ne-prodrec
    (Σ-β₁ _ _ _ _ _ _)            ()) ∘→ inv-ne-fst
    (Σ-β₂ _ _ _ _ _ _)            ()) ∘→ inv-ne-snd
    (J-subst _ _ _ _ _ d)        neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-ne-J
    (K-subst _ _ _ _ d _)        neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-ne-K
    ([]-cong-subst _ _ _ d _)    neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-ne-[]-cong
    (J-β _ _ _ _ _ _ _)           ()) ∘→ inv-ne-J
    (K-β _ _ _ _)                 ()) ∘→ inv-ne-K
    ([]-cong-β _ _ _ _ _)         ()) ∘→ inv-ne-[]-cong
    (unitrec-subst _ _ d _ _)    neRedTerm d ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ inv-ne-unitrec
    (unitrec-β _ _ _ _)           ()) ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ inv-ne-unitrec
    (unitrec-β-η _ _ _ _ ok)     (_$ ok) ∘→ proj₁ ∘→ inv-ne-unitrec

neRed : (d : Γ  A  B) (N : Neutral A)  
neRed (univ x) N = neRedTerm x N


  -- WHNFs do not reduce.

  whnfRedTerm : Γ  t  u  A  Whnf t  
  whnfRedTerm = λ where
    (conv d _)                   whnfRedTerm d
    (app-subst d _)              neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-whnf-∘
    (β-red _ _ _ _ _ _)           ()) ∘→ inv-whnf-∘
    (natrec-subst _ _ _ d)       neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-whnf-natrec
    (natrec-zero _ _ _)           ()) ∘→ inv-whnf-natrec
    (natrec-suc _ _ _ _)          ()) ∘→ inv-whnf-natrec
    (emptyrec-subst _ d)         neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-whnf-emptyrec
    (fst-subst _ _ d)            neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-whnf-fst
    (snd-subst _ _ d)            neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-whnf-snd
    (prodrec-subst _ _ _ _ d _)  neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-whnf-prodrec
    (prodrec-β _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)   ()) ∘→ inv-whnf-prodrec
    (Σ-β₁ _ _ _ _ _ _)            ()) ∘→ inv-whnf-fst
    (Σ-β₂ _ _ _ _ _ _)            ()) ∘→ inv-whnf-snd
    (J-subst _ _ _ _ _ d)        neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-whnf-J
    (K-subst _ _ _ _ d _)        neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-whnf-K
    ([]-cong-subst _ _ _ d _)    neRedTerm d ∘→ inv-whnf-[]-cong
    (J-β _ _ _ _ _ _ _)           ()) ∘→ inv-whnf-J
    (K-β _ _ _ _)                 ()) ∘→ inv-whnf-K
    ([]-cong-β _ _ _ _ _)         ()) ∘→ inv-whnf-[]-cong
    (unitrec-subst _ _ d _ _)    neRedTerm d ∘→ proj₂ ∘→
    (unitrec-β _ _ _ _)           ()) ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ inv-whnf-unitrec
    (unitrec-β-η _ _ _ _ ok)     (_$ ok) ∘→ proj₁ ∘→ inv-whnf-unitrec

whnfRed : (d : Γ  A  B) (w : Whnf A)  
whnfRed (univ x) w = whnfRedTerm x w

whnfRed*Term : (d : Γ  t ⇒* u  A) (w : Whnf t)  t PE.≡ u
whnfRed*Term (id _)  _ = PE.refl
whnfRed*Term (d  _) w = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d w)

whnfRed* : (d : Γ  A ⇒* B) (w : Whnf A)  A PE.≡ B
whnfRed* (id x) w = PE.refl
whnfRed* (x  d) w = ⊥-elim (whnfRed x w)


  -- Single-step reduction is deterministic.

  whrDetTerm : Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t  u′  A′  u PE.≡ u′
  whrDetTerm = λ where
    (conv d _) d′ 
      whrDetTerm d d′
    (app-subst d _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-∘ d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl)) 
          PE.cong (_∘⟨ _  _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
        (inj₂ (_ , PE.refl , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d lamₙ)
    (β-red _ _ _ _ _ _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-∘ d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _))         ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ lamₙ)
        (inj₂ (_ , PE.refl , PE.refl))  PE.refl
    (fst-subst _ _ d) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-fst d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl)) 
          PE.cong (fst _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
        (inj₂ (_ , _ , PE.refl , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d prodₙ)
    (Σ-β₁ _ _ _ _ _ _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-fst d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _)) 
          ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ prodₙ)
        (inj₂ (_ , _ , PE.refl , PE.refl))  PE.refl
    (snd-subst _ _ d) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-snd d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl)) 
          PE.cong (snd _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
        (inj₂ (_ , _ , PE.refl , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d prodₙ)
    (Σ-β₂ _ _ _ _ _ _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-snd d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _)) 
          ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ prodₙ)
        (inj₂ (_ , _ , PE.refl , PE.refl))  PE.refl
    (prodrec-subst x x₁ x₂ x₃ d x₄) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-prodrec d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl)) 
          PE.cong  t  prodrec _ _ _ _ t _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
        (inj₂ (_ , _ , PE.refl , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d prodₙ)
    (prodrec-β _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-prodrec d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _)) 
          ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ prodₙ)
        (inj₂ (_ , _ , PE.refl , PE.refl))  PE.refl
    (natrec-subst _ _ _ d) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-natrec d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl)) 
          PE.cong (natrec _ _ _ _ _ _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
        (inj₂ (inj₁ (PE.refl , _)))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d zeroₙ)
        (inj₂ (inj₂ (_ , PE.refl , _)))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d sucₙ)
    (natrec-zero _ _ _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-natrec d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _))      ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ zeroₙ)
        (inj₂ (inj₁ (_ , PE.refl)))  PE.refl
        (inj₂ (inj₂ (_ , () , _)))
    (natrec-suc _ _ _ _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-natrec d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _)) 
          ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ sucₙ)
        (inj₂ (inj₁ (() , _)))
        (inj₂ (inj₂ (_ , PE.refl , PE.refl)))  PE.refl
    (emptyrec-subst _ d) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-emptyrec d′ of λ where
        (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl) 
          PE.cong (emptyrec _ _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
    (unitrec-subst _ _ d _ no-η) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-unitrec d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl , _)) 
          PE.cong  t  unitrec _ _ _ t _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
        (inj₂ (inj₁ (PE.refl , _)))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d starₙ)
        (inj₂ (inj₂ (_ , η)))        ⊥-elim (no-η η)
    (unitrec-β _ _ _ no-η) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-unitrec d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _))          ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ starₙ)
        (inj₂ (inj₁ (_ , PE.refl , _)))  PE.refl
        (inj₂ (inj₂ (_ , η)))            ⊥-elim (no-η η)
    (unitrec-β-η _ _ _ _ η) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-unitrec d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , _ , _ , no-η))  ⊥-elim (no-η η)
        (inj₂ (inj₁ (_ , _ , no-η)))   ⊥-elim (no-η η)
        (inj₂ (inj₂ (PE.refl , _)))    PE.refl
    (J-subst _ _ _ _ _ d) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-J d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl)) 
          PE.cong (J _ _ _ _ _ _ _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
        (inj₂ (PE.refl , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d rflₙ)
    (J-β _ _ _ _ _ _ _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-J d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ rflₙ)
        (inj₂ (_ , PE.refl))     PE.refl
    (K-subst _ _ _ _ d _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-K d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl)) 
          PE.cong (K _ _ _ _ _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
        (inj₂ (PE.refl , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d rflₙ)
    (K-β _ _ _ _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-K d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ rflₙ)
        (inj₂ (_ , PE.refl))     PE.refl
    ([]-cong-subst _ _ _ d _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-[]-cong d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , PE.refl)) 
          PE.cong ([]-cong _ _ _ _) (whrDetTerm d d′)
        (inj₂ (PE.refl , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d rflₙ)
    ([]-cong-β _ _ _ _ _) d′ 
      case inv-⇒-[]-cong d′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (_ , _ , d′ , _))  ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ rflₙ)
        (inj₂ (_ , PE.refl))     PE.refl

whrDet : (d : Γ  A  B) (d′ : Γ  A  B′)  B PE.≡ B′
whrDet (univ x) (univ x₁) = whrDetTerm x x₁


  -- If A reduces to the WHNF B, and A also reduces to C, then C
  -- reduces to B.

  whrDet↘ : Γ  A  B  Γ  A ⇒* C  Γ  C ⇒* B
  whrDet↘ (A⇒*B , _)      (id _)    = A⇒*B
  whrDet↘ (id _ , A-whnf) (A⇒D  _) =
    ⊥-elim (whnfRed A⇒D A-whnf)
  whrDet↘ (A⇒D  D⇒*B , B-whnf) (A⇒E  E⇒*C) =
    whrDet↘ (PE.subst (_ ⊢_⇒* _) (whrDet A⇒D A⇒E) D⇒*B , B-whnf) E⇒*C


  -- A variant of whrDet↘.

  whrDet:⇒*: : Whnf B  Γ  A :⇒*: B  Γ  A :⇒*: C  Γ  C :⇒*: B
  whrDet:⇒*: B-whnf [ _ , ⊢B , A⇒*B ] [ _ , ⊢C , A⇒*C ] =
    [ ⊢C , ⊢B , whrDet↘ (A⇒*B , B-whnf) A⇒*C ]

whrDet↘Term : (d : Γ  t  u  A) (d′ : Γ  t ⇒* u′  A)  Γ  u′ ⇒* u  A
whrDet↘Term (proj₁ , proj₂) (id x) = proj₁
whrDet↘Term (id x , proj₂) (x₁  d′) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm x₁ proj₂)
whrDet↘Term (x  proj₁ , proj₂) (x₁  d′) =
  whrDet↘Term (PE.subst  x₂  _  x₂  _  _) (whrDetTerm x x₁) (proj₁ , proj₂)) d′


  -- A variant of whrDet↘Term.

  whrDet:⇒*:Term :
    Whnf u  Γ  t :⇒*: u  A  Γ  t :⇒*: v  A  Γ  v :⇒*: u  A
  whrDet:⇒*:Term u-whnf [ _ , ⊢u , t⇒*u ] [ _ , ⊢v , t⇒*v ] =
    [ ⊢v , ⊢u , whrDet↘Term (t⇒*u , u-whnf) t⇒*v ]

whrDet*Term : (d : Γ  t  u  A) (d′ : Γ  t  u′  A′)  u PE.≡ u′
whrDet*Term (id x , proj₂) (id x₁ , proj₄) = PE.refl
whrDet*Term (id x , proj₂) (x₁  proj₃ , proj₄) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm x₁ proj₂)
whrDet*Term (x  proj₁ , proj₂) (id x₁ , proj₄) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm x proj₄)
whrDet*Term (x  proj₁ , proj₂) (x₁  proj₃ , proj₄) =
  whrDet*Term (proj₁ , proj₂) (PE.subst  x₂  _  x₂  _  _)
                                    (whrDetTerm x₁ x) (proj₃ , proj₄))

whrDet* : (d : Γ  A  B) (d′ : Γ  A  B′)  B PE.≡ B′
whrDet* (id x , proj₂) (id x₁ , proj₄) = PE.refl
whrDet* (id x , proj₂) (x₁  proj₃ , proj₄) = ⊥-elim (whnfRed x₁ proj₂)
whrDet* (x  proj₁ , proj₂) (id x₁ , proj₄) = ⊥-elim (whnfRed x proj₄)
whrDet* (A⇒A′  A′⇒*B , whnfB) (A⇒A″  A″⇒*B′ , whnfB′) =
  whrDet* (A′⇒*B , whnfB) (PE.subst  x  _  x  _)
                                     (whrDet A⇒A″ A⇒A′)
                                     (A″⇒*B′ , whnfB′))

-- Reduction does not include η-expansion (for WHNFs) for unit types
-- with (or without) η-equality: if a WHNF t reduces to star s (at
-- type Unit s), then t is equal to star s.

no-η-expansion-Unit :
  Whnf t  Γ  t ⇒* star s  Unit s  t PE.≡ star s
no-η-expansion-Unit = flip whnfRed*Term

-- Reduction does not include η-expansion for strong Σ-types (for
-- WHNFs): if a WHNF t reduces to prodˢ p u v (at type
-- Σˢ p′ , q ▷ A ▹ B), then t is equal to prodˢ p u v.

no-η-expansion-Σˢ :
  Whnf t 
  Γ  t ⇒* prodˢ p u v  Σˢ p′ , q  A  B 
  t PE.≡ prodˢ p u v
no-η-expansion-Σˢ = flip whnfRed*Term

-- Identity of syntactic reduction

idRed:*: : Γ  A  Γ  A :⇒*: A
idRed:*: A = [ A , A , id A ]

idRedTerm:*: : Γ  t  A  Γ  t :⇒*: t  A
idRedTerm:*: t = [ t , t , id t ]

-- Some lemmas related to U

-- U cannot be a term

UnotInA : Γ  U  A  
UnotInA (conv U∷U x) = UnotInA U∷U

UnotInA[t] : t [ a ]₀ PE.≡ U
          Γ  a  A
          Γ  A  t  B
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (ℕⱼ x₂)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (Emptyⱼ x₂)
UnotInA[t] () _  (ΠΣⱼ _ _ _)
UnotInA[t] x₁ x₂ (var x₃ here) rewrite x₁ = UnotInA x₂
UnotInA[t] () x₂ (var x₃ (there x₄))
UnotInA[t] () _  (lamⱼ _ _ _)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (x₂ ∘ⱼ x₃)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (zeroⱼ x₂)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (sucⱼ x₂)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (natrecⱼ x₂ x₃ x₄ x₅)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (emptyrecⱼ x₂ x₃)
UnotInA[t] x x₁ (conv x₂ x₃) = UnotInA[t] x x₁ x₂

UnotInA[t,u] : t [ consSubst (consSubst idSubst u) u′ ] PE.≡ U
               Γ  u  A
               Γ  u′  B [ a ]₀
               Γ  A  B  t  C
UnotInA[t,u] PE.refl u u′ (var x here) = UnotInA u′
UnotInA[t,u] PE.refl u u′ (var x (there here)) = UnotInA u
UnotInA[t,u] eq u u′ (conv t x) = UnotInA[t,u] eq u u′ t

redU*Term′ : U′ PE.≡ U  Γ  A  U′  B  
redU*Term′ U′≡U (conv A⇒U x) = redU*Term′ U′≡U A⇒U
redU*Term′ () (app-subst A⇒U x)
redU*Term′ U′≡U (β-red _ _ ⊢t ⊢u _ _) = UnotInA[t] U′≡U ⊢u ⊢t
redU*Term′ () (natrec-subst x x₁ x₂ A⇒U)
redU*Term′ PE.refl (natrec-zero x x₁ x₂) = UnotInA x₁
redU*Term′ U′≡U (natrec-suc x x₁ x₂ x₃) =
  UnotInA[t,u] U′≡U x₃ (natrecⱼ x x₁ x₂ x₃) x₂
redU*Term′ U′≡U (prodrec-β _ _ _ ⊢t ⊢u ⊢v _ _) =
  UnotInA[t,u] U′≡U ⊢t ⊢u ⊢v
redU*Term′ () (emptyrec-subst x A⇒U)
redU*Term′ PE.refl (Σ-β₁ _ _ x _ _ _) = UnotInA x
redU*Term′ PE.refl (Σ-β₂ _ _ _ x _ _) = UnotInA x
redU*Term′ PE.refl (J-β _ _ _ _ _ _ ⊢u) = UnotInA ⊢u
redU*Term′ PE.refl (K-β _ _ ⊢u _) = UnotInA ⊢u
redU*Term′ PE.refl (unitrec-β _ x _ _) = UnotInA x
redU*Term′ PE.refl (unitrec-β-η _ _ x _ _) = UnotInA x

redU*Term : Γ  A ⇒* U  B  
redU*Term (id x) = UnotInA x
redU*Term (x  A⇒*U) = redU*Term A⇒*U

-- Nothing reduces to U

redU : Γ  A  U  
redU (univ x) = redU*Term′ PE.refl x

redU* : Γ  A ⇒* U  A PE.≡ U
redU* (id x) = PE.refl
redU* (x  A⇒*U) rewrite redU* A⇒*U = ⊥-elim (redU x)

-- A lemma related to _∷_∈_

det∈ :  {x}  x  A  Γ  x  B  Γ  A PE.≡ B
det∈ here here = PE.refl
det∈ (there x) (there y) = PE.cong wk1 (det∈ x y)

-- Some derived typing rules


  -- A typing rule for variable 0.

  var₀ : Γ  A  Γ  A  var x0  wk1 A
  var₀ ⊢A = var (wf ⊢A  ⊢A) here


  -- A typing rule for variable 1.

  var₁ : Γ  A  B  Γ  A  B  var x1  wk1 (wk1 A)
  var₁ ⊢B = var (wf ⊢B  ⊢B) (there here)


  -- A typing rule for variable 2.

  var₂ : Γ  A  B  C  Γ  A  B  C  var x2  wk1 (wk1 (wk1 A))
  var₂ ⊢C = var (wf ⊢C  ⊢C) (there (there here))


  -- A typing rule for variable 3.

  var₃ :
    Γ  A  B  C  D 
    Γ  A  B  C  D  var x3  wk1 (wk1 (wk1 (wk1 A)))
  var₃ ⊢D = var (wf ⊢D  ⊢D) (there (there (there here)))


  -- A typing rule for variable 4.

  var₄ :
    Γ  A  B  C  D  E 
    Γ  A  B  C  D  E  var x4  wk1 (wk1 (wk1 (wk1 (wk1 A))))
  var₄ ⊢E = var (wf ⊢E  ⊢E) (there (there (there (there here))))


  -- A typing rule for variable 5.

  var₅ :
    Γ  A  B  C  D  E  F 
    Γ  A  B  C  D  E  F  var x5 
      wk1 (wk1 (wk1 (wk1 (wk1 (wk1 A)))))
  var₅ ⊢F =
    var (wf ⊢F  ⊢F) (there (there (there (there (there here)))))