-- Properties for the reduction relation of the target language.

module Graded.Erasure.Target.Properties.Reduction where

open import Graded.Erasure.Target

open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum

    k n : Nat
    t t′ u u′ : Term n
    s : Strictness

-- Reduction properties

-- Concatenation of reduction closure

red*concat : t ⇒* t′  t′ ⇒* u  t ⇒* u
red*concat refl t′⇒*u = t′⇒*u
red*concat (trans x t⇒*t′) t′⇒*u = trans x (red*concat t⇒*t′ t′⇒*u)

-- Closure of substitution reductions

app-subst* : t ⇒* t′  t ∘⟨ s  u ⇒* t′ ∘⟨ s  u
app-subst* refl = refl
app-subst* (trans x t⇒*t′) = trans (app-subst x) (app-subst* t⇒*t′)

app-subst*-arg : Value t  u ⇒* u′  t ∘⟨ strict  u ⇒* t ∘⟨ strict  u′
app-subst*-arg _   refl                = refl
app-subst*-arg val (trans u⇒u′ u′⇒*u″) =
  trans (app-subst-arg val u⇒u′) (app-subst*-arg val u′⇒*u″)

fst-subst* : t ⇒* t′  fst t ⇒* fst t′
fst-subst* refl = refl
fst-subst* (trans x t⇒*t′) = trans (fst-subst x) (fst-subst* t⇒*t′)

snd-subst* : t ⇒* t′  snd t ⇒* snd t′
snd-subst* refl = refl
snd-subst* (trans x t⇒*t′) = trans (snd-subst x) (snd-subst* t⇒*t′)

natrec-subst* :  {z s}  t ⇒* t′  natrec z s t ⇒* natrec z s t′
natrec-subst* refl = refl
natrec-subst* (trans x t⇒t′) = trans (natrec-subst x) (natrec-subst* t⇒t′)

prodrec-subst* : t ⇒* t′  prodrec t u ⇒* prodrec t′ u
prodrec-subst* refl = refl
prodrec-subst* (trans x t⇒t′) = trans (prodrec-subst x) (prodrec-subst* t⇒t′)

unitrec-subst* : t ⇒* t′  unitrec t u ⇒* unitrec t′ u
unitrec-subst* refl = refl
unitrec-subst* (trans x d) = trans (unitrec-subst x) (unitrec-subst* d)

-- Values do not reduce.


  Value→¬⇒ : Value t  ¬ t  u
  Value→¬⇒ lam  ()
  Value→¬⇒ prod ()
  Value→¬⇒ zero ()
  Value→¬⇒ suc  ()
  Value→¬⇒ star ()


  -- Reduction is deterministic.

  redDet : (u : Term n)  u  t  u  t′  t PE.≡ t′
  redDet _ = λ where
    (app-subst p)  λ where
      (app-subst q)        PE.cong (_∘⟨ _  _) $ redDet _ p q
      (app-subst-arg v _)  ⊥-elim $ Value→¬⇒ v p
    (app-subst-arg v p)  λ where
      (app-subst q)        ⊥-elim $ Value→¬⇒ v q
      (app-subst-arg _ q)  PE.cong (_ ∘⟨ _ ⟩_) $ redDet _ p q
      (β-red v)            ⊥-elim $ Value→¬⇒ v p
    (β-red v)  λ where
      (app-subst-arg _ q)  ⊥-elim $ Value→¬⇒ v q
      (β-red _)            PE.refl
    (fst-subst p)  λ where
      (fst-subst q)  PE.cong fst $ redDet _ p q
    (snd-subst p)  λ where
      (snd-subst q)  PE.cong snd $ redDet _ p q
    Σ-β₁  λ where
      Σ-β₁  PE.refl
    Σ-β₂  λ where
      Σ-β₂  PE.refl
    (prodrec-subst p)  λ where
      (prodrec-subst q)  PE.cong (flip prodrec _) $ redDet _ p q
    prodrec-β  λ where
      prodrec-β  PE.refl
    (natrec-subst p)  λ where
      (natrec-subst q)  PE.cong (natrec _ _) $ redDet _ p q
    natrec-zero  λ where
      natrec-zero  PE.refl
    natrec-suc  λ where
      natrec-suc  PE.refl
    (unitrec-subst p)  λ where
      (unitrec-subst q)  PE.cong (flip unitrec _) $ redDet _ p q
    unitrec-β  λ where
      unitrec-β  PE.refl

-- Reduction closure is deterministic
-- (there is only one reduction path)
-- If a ⇒* b and a ⇒* c then b ⇒* c or c ⇒* b

red*Det : u ⇒* t  u ⇒* t′  (t ⇒* t′)  (t′ ⇒* t)
red*Det refl refl = inj₁ refl
red*Det refl (trans x u⇒t′) = inj₁ (trans x u⇒t′)
red*Det (trans x u⇒t) refl = inj₂ (trans x u⇒t)
red*Det {u = u} (trans x u⇒t) (trans x₁ u⇒t′)
  rewrite redDet u x x₁ = red*Det u⇒t u⇒t′

-- Non-reducible terms

↯-noRed :  ⇒* t  t PE.≡ 
↯-noRed refl = PE.refl

zero-noRed : zero ⇒* t  t PE.≡ zero
zero-noRed refl = PE.refl

suc-noRed : suc t ⇒* t′  t′ PE.≡ suc t
suc-noRed refl = PE.refl

prod-noRed : prod t t′ ⇒* u  u PE.≡ prod t t′
prod-noRed refl = PE.refl

star-noRed : star ⇒* t  t PE.≡ star
star-noRed refl = PE.refl


  Value→⇒*→≡ : Value t  t ⇒* u  u PE.≡ t
  Value→⇒*→≡ = λ where
    lam  refl  PE.refl
    prod refl  PE.refl
    zero refl  PE.refl
    suc  refl  PE.refl
    star refl  PE.refl
        refl  PE.refl


  -- If t is a value, then Value⟨ s ⟩ t holds.

  Value→Value⟨⟩ : Value t  Value⟨ s  t
  Value→Value⟨⟩ {s = strict}     v = v
  Value→Value⟨⟩ {s = non-strict} _ = _


  -- Numerals are values.

  Numeral→Value : Numeral t  Value t
  Numeral→Value zero    = zero
  Numeral→Value (suc _) = suc


  -- The term sucᵏ k is a value.

  Value-sucᵏ : Value (sucᵏ {n = n} k)
  Value-sucᵏ {k = 0}    = zero
  Value-sucᵏ {k = 1+ _} = suc