-- Definitions related to type and usage restrictions

import Graded.Modality

module Graded.Restrictions
  {a} {M : Set a}
  (open Graded.Modality M)
  (𝕄 : Modality)

open Modality 𝕄

open import Tools.Bool
open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.Product as Σ
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Relation as Dec
open import Tools.Unit

open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-nr 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄 as Mode hiding (_≟_)
import Graded.Usage.Decidable.Assumptions as UD
open import Graded.Usage.Erased-matches
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions 𝕄

import Definition.Typechecking.Decidable.Assumptions as TD
open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions 𝕄
open import Definition.Typed.Variant
open import Definition.Untyped.NotParametrised
open import Definition.Untyped.Properties.NotParametrised

private variable
  TR : Type-restrictions
  UR : Usage-restrictions
  b  : Bool
  ok : T _
  s  : Strength

-- Functions that construct Type-restrictions

-- No type restrictions except that
-- * if the modality is trivial, then []-cong is not allowed,
-- * the K rule is allowed if and only if the boolean is true, and
-- * η-equality is not allowed for the weak unit type.

no-type-restrictions : Bool  Type-restrictions
no-type-restrictions allowed = λ where
    .Unit-allowed      λ _  Lift _ 
    .ΠΣ-allowed        λ _ _ _  Lift _ 
    .K-allowed         Lift _ (T allowed)
    .[]-cong-allowed   λ _  ¬ Trivial
    .[]-cong→Erased    _
    .[]-cong→¬Trivial  idᶠ
    .type-variant      λ where
      .Type-variant.η-for-Unitʷ  false
  open Type-restrictions

-- The function adds the restriction that the two quantities on a Π-
-- or Σ-type have to be equal.

equal-binder-quantities : Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
equal-binder-quantities R = record R
  { ΠΣ-allowed     = λ b p q  ΠΣ-allowed b p q × p  q
  ; []-cong→Erased = λ ok 
      []-cong→Erased ok .proj₁ , []-cong→Erased ok .proj₂ , refl
  open Type-restrictions R

-- The function adds the restriction that the second quantities
-- associated with Π- and Σ-types are equal to 𝟘.

second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘 :
  Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘 R = record R
  { ΠΣ-allowed     = λ b p q  ΠΣ-allowed b p q × q  𝟘
  ; []-cong→Erased = λ ok 
      []-cong→Erased ok .proj₁ , []-cong→Erased ok .proj₂ , refl
  open Type-restrictions R

-- The function second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω 𝕄 adds the restriction
-- that if the first quantity associated with a Π- or Σ-type is the ω
-- grade of 𝕄, then the second quantity is also ω, and if the first
-- quantity is not ω, then the second quantity is the 𝟘 of 𝕄.

second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω :
  Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω R = record R
  { ΠΣ-allowed = λ b p q 
      ΠΣ-allowed b p q ×
      (p  ω  q  ω) ×
      (p  ω  q  𝟘)
  ; []-cong→Erased = λ ok 
        []-cong→Erased ok .proj₁
      , []-cong→Erased ok .proj₂
      , idᶠ
      , λ _  refl
  open Type-restrictions R

-- A lemma used to define strong-types-restricted and no-strong-types.

strong-types-restricted′ :
  (P : BinderMode  M  Set a) 
  (∀ {s}  s  𝕤  P (BMΣ s) 𝟘) 
  Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
strong-types-restricted′ P hyp R = record R
  { Unit-allowed = λ s 
      Unit-allowed s × s  𝕤
  ; ΠΣ-allowed = λ b p q 
      ΠΣ-allowed b p q × P b p
  ; []-cong-allowed = λ s 
      []-cong-allowed s × s  𝕤
  ; []-cong→Erased = λ (ok , s≢𝕤) 
        ([]-cong→Erased ok .proj₁ , s≢𝕤)
      , []-cong→Erased ok .proj₂
      , hyp s≢𝕤
  ; []-cong→¬Trivial =
      []-cong→¬Trivial ∘→ proj₁
  open Type-restrictions R

-- The function strong-types-restricted adds the following
-- restrictions:
-- * The strong unit type is not allowed.
-- * If strong Σ-types are allowed for p and q, then p is 𝟙.
-- * []-cong is not allowed for 𝕤.

strong-types-restricted :
  Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
strong-types-restricted =
  strong-types-restricted′  b p  b  BMΣ 𝕤  p  𝟙)
     { hyp refl  ⊥-elim $ hyp refl })

-- The function no-strong-types adds the following restrictions:
-- * The strong unit type is not allowed.
-- * Strong Σ-types are not allowed.
-- * []-cong is not allowed for 𝕤.

no-strong-types :
  Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
no-strong-types =
  strong-types-restricted′  b _  Lift _ (b  BMΣ 𝕤))
     hyp  lift  { refl  ⊥-elim $ hyp refl }))

-- The function adds the restriction that erased matches are not
-- allowed for the given strength.

no-erased-matches-TR : Strength  Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
no-erased-matches-TR s TR = record TR
  { []-cong-allowed  = λ s′  []-cong-allowed s′ × s′  s
  ; []-cong→Erased   = []-cong→Erased ∘→ proj₁
  ; []-cong→¬Trivial = []-cong→¬Trivial ∘→ proj₁
  open Type-restrictions TR

-- The function _with-η-for-Unitʷ enables η-equality for weak unit
-- types.

_with-η-for-Unitʷ : Type-restrictions  Type-restrictions
TR with-η-for-Unitʷ = record TR
  { type-variant = record type-variant
    { η-for-Unitʷ = true
  open Type-restrictions TR

-- Functions that construct Usage-restrictions

-- No restrictions for prodrec, unitrec or emptyrec, all erased
-- matches are allowed for J and K, Id-erased is inhabited if the
-- first boolean is true, and starˢ is treated as a sink if the second
-- boolean is true.

no-usage-restrictions : Bool  Bool  Usage-restrictions
no-usage-restrictions erased sink = λ where
    .Prodrec-allowed                    λ _ _ _ _  Lift _ 
    .Prodrec-allowed-downwards-closed   _
    .Unitrec-allowed                    λ _ _ _  Lift _ 
    .Unitrec-allowed-downwards-closed   _
    .Emptyrec-allowed                   λ _ _  Lift _ 
    .Emptyrec-allowed-downwards-closed  _
    .starˢ-sink                         sink
    .Id-erased                          Lift _ (T erased)
    .Id-erased?                         Dec.map lift Lift.lower $
                                         T? erased
    .erased-matches-for-J               λ _  all
    .erased-matches-for-J-≤ᵉᵐ           _
    .erased-matches-for-K               λ _  all
    .erased-matches-for-K-≤ᵉᵐ           _
  open Usage-restrictions

-- A function used to define not-all-erased-matches-JK.

not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ : (Mode  Erased-matches)  Mode  Erased-matches
not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ f 𝟘ᵐ = f 𝟘ᵐ
not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ f 𝟙ᵐ with f 𝟙ᵐ
 | all = some
 | em  = em

-- The function adds the restriction that, for the mode 𝟙ᵐ, "all"
-- erased matches are not allowed for J and K.

not-all-erased-matches-JK : Usage-restrictions  Usage-restrictions
not-all-erased-matches-JK UR = record UR
  { erased-matches-for-J =
      not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ erased-matches-for-J
  ; erased-matches-for-J-≤ᵉᵐ =
      not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ-≤ᵉᵐ erased-matches-for-J erased-matches-for-J-≤ᵉᵐ
  ; erased-matches-for-K =
      not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ erased-matches-for-K
  ; erased-matches-for-K-≤ᵉᵐ =
      not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ-≤ᵉᵐ erased-matches-for-K erased-matches-for-K-≤ᵉᵐ
  open Usage-restrictions UR


    not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ-≤ᵉᵐ :
      (f : Mode  Erased-matches) 
      f 𝟙ᵐ ≤ᵉᵐ f 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ] 
      not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ f 𝟙ᵐ ≤ᵉᵐ not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ f 𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]
    not-all-for-𝟙ᵐ-≤ᵉᵐ f f-≤ᵉᵐ with f 𝟙ᵐ
     | all  = ≤ᵉᵐ-transitive _ f-≤ᵉᵐ
     | some = f-≤ᵉᵐ
     | none = f-≤ᵉᵐ

-- The function adds the restriction that certain erased matches are
-- not allowed for the mode 𝟙ᵐ. No restriction is added for emptyrec
-- or unitrec. For prodrec the added restriction only applies to
-- non-trivial modalities.

only-some-erased-matches : Usage-restrictions  Usage-restrictions
only-some-erased-matches UR = record UR
  { Prodrec-allowed = λ m r p q 
      Prodrec-allowed m r p q ×
      (¬ Trivial  m  𝟙ᵐ  r  𝟘)
  ; Prodrec-allowed-downwards-closed =
      Σ.map Prodrec-allowed-downwards-closed  _ _ ())
  ; erased-matches-for-J = λ where
      𝟙ᵐ  none
      𝟘ᵐ  erased-matches-for-J 𝟘ᵐ
  ; erased-matches-for-J-≤ᵉᵐ =
  ; erased-matches-for-K = λ where
      𝟙ᵐ  none
      𝟘ᵐ  erased-matches-for-K 𝟘ᵐ
  ; erased-matches-for-K-≤ᵉᵐ =
  open Usage-restrictions UR

-- The function adds the restriction that certain erased matches are
-- not allowed for the mode 𝟙ᵐ. No restriction is added for emptyrec.
-- For prodrec and unitrec the added restriction only applies to
-- non-trivial modalities, and for unitrec the added restriction only
-- applies if η-equality is not allowed for the weak unit type.

no-erased-matches-UR :
  Type-restrictions  Usage-restrictions  Usage-restrictions
no-erased-matches-UR TR UR = record (only-some-erased-matches UR)
  { Unitrec-allowed = λ m p q 
      Unitrec-allowed m p q ×
      (¬ Trivial  m  𝟙ᵐ  p  𝟘  Unitʷ-η)
  ; Unitrec-allowed-downwards-closed =
      Σ.map Unitrec-allowed-downwards-closed  _ _ ())
  open Type-restrictions TR
  open Usage-restrictions UR

-- Only-some-erased-matches

-- The property of not allowing certain erased matches:
-- * Erased matches are allowed for emptyrec and unitrec.
-- * "Erased" matches are allowed for trivial modalities.
-- * Erased matches are allowed when the mode is not 𝟙ᵐ, except for
--   []-cong.

Only-some-erased-matches :
  Type-restrictions  Usage-restrictions  Set a
Only-some-erased-matches TR UR =
  ¬ Trivial 
  (∀ {r p q}  Prodrec-allowed 𝟙ᵐ r p q  r  𝟘) ×
  (∀ {s}  ¬ ([]-cong-allowed s)) ×
  erased-matches-for-J 𝟙ᵐ  none ×
  erased-matches-for-K 𝟙ᵐ  none
  open Type-restrictions TR
  open Usage-restrictions UR


  -- Certain restrictions obtained from no-erased-matches-TR and
  -- only-some-erased-matches satisfy Only-some-erased-matches.

  Only-some-erased-matches-only-some-erased-matches :
     TR UR 
      (no-erased-matches-TR 𝕤 (no-erased-matches-TR 𝕨 TR))
      (only-some-erased-matches UR)
  Only-some-erased-matches-only-some-erased-matches _ _ 𝟙≢𝟘 =
      (_$ refl) ∘→ (_$ 𝟙≢𝟘) ∘→ proj₂
    ,  where
         {s = 𝕤}  (_$ refl) ∘→ proj₂
         {s = 𝕨}  (_$ refl) ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ proj₁)
    , refl
    , refl

-- No-erased-matches

-- The property of not allowing (certain) erased matches:
-- * Erased matches are allowed for emptyrec.
-- * "Erased" matches are allowed for unitrec if η-equality is allowed
--   for the weak unit type.
-- * "Erased" matches are allowed for trivial modalities.
-- * Erased matches are allowed when the mode is not 𝟙ᵐ, except for
--   []-cong. (Note that a variant of []-cong that works when the mode
--   is not 𝟙ᵐ can be defined without the use of []-cong, see
--   Graded.Box-cong.▸[]-cong-J-𝟘ᵐ.)

No-erased-matches : Type-restrictions  Usage-restrictions  Set a
No-erased-matches TR UR =
  ¬ Trivial 
  (∀ {r p q}  Prodrec-allowed 𝟙ᵐ r p q  r  𝟘) ×
  (∀ {p q}    Unitrec-allowed 𝟙ᵐ p q    p  𝟘  Unitʷ-η) ×
  (∀ {s}  ¬ ([]-cong-allowed s)) ×
  erased-matches-for-J 𝟙ᵐ  none ×
  erased-matches-for-K 𝟙ᵐ  none
  open Type-restrictions TR
  open Usage-restrictions UR

-- Certain restrictions obtained from no-erased-matches-TR and
-- no-erased-matches-UR satisfy No-erased-matches.

No-erased-matches-no-erased-matches :
   TR UR 
  let TR′ = no-erased-matches-TR 𝕤 (no-erased-matches-TR 𝕨 TR) in
  No-erased-matches TR′ (no-erased-matches-UR TR′ UR)
No-erased-matches-no-erased-matches TR UR 𝟙≢𝟘 =
  case Only-some-erased-matches-only-some-erased-matches TR UR 𝟙≢𝟘 of λ
    (pr , rest) 
     {_ _ _}  pr)
  ,  {_ _}  (_$ refl) ∘→ (_$ 𝟙≢𝟘) ∘→ proj₂)
  , rest


  -- If Unitʷ-η holds for TR, then Only-some-erased-matches TR UR
  -- implies No-erased-matches TR UR.

  Only-some-erased-matches→No-erased-matches :
     TR UR 
    Type-restrictions.Unitʷ-η TR 
    Only-some-erased-matches TR UR  No-erased-matches TR UR
  Only-some-erased-matches→No-erased-matches _ _ η =
    Σ.map idᶠ ((λ {_ _} _ _  η) ,_) ∘→_

-- Some lemmas related to TD.Assumptions


  -- If grade equality is decidable, then TD.Assumptions holds for
  -- no-type-restrictions b.

  Assumptions-no-type-restrictions :
    Decidable (_≡_ {A = M})  TD.Assumptions (no-type-restrictions b)
  Assumptions-no-type-restrictions {b} dec = λ where
      ._≟_                 dec
      .Unit-allowed? _     yes _
      .ΠΣ-allowed? _ _ _   yes _
      .K-allowed?          case singleton b of λ where
        (true  , refl)  yes _
        (false , refl)  no  ())
      .[]-cong-allowed? _  case trivial? of λ where
        (yes trivial)     no (_$ trivial)
        (no non-trivial)  yes non-trivial
    open TD.Assumptions


  -- The function equal-binder-quantities preserves TD.Assumptions.

  Assumptions-equal-binder-quantities :
    TD.Assumptions TR  TD.Assumptions (equal-binder-quantities TR)
  Assumptions-equal-binder-quantities as = λ where
      ._≟_                A._≟_
      .Unit-allowed?      A.Unit-allowed?
      .ΠΣ-allowed? b p q  A.ΠΣ-allowed? b p q ×-dec p A.≟ q
      .K-allowed?         A.K-allowed?
      .[]-cong-allowed?   A.[]-cong-allowed?
    module A = TD.Assumptions as
    open TD.Assumptions


  -- The function second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘 preserves TD.Assumptions.

  Assumptions-second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘 :
    TD.Assumptions TR  TD.Assumptions (second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘 TR)
  Assumptions-second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘 as = λ where
      ._≟_                A._≟_
      .Unit-allowed?      A.Unit-allowed?
      .ΠΣ-allowed? b p q  A.ΠΣ-allowed? b p q ×-dec q A.≟ 𝟘
      .K-allowed?         A.K-allowed?
      .[]-cong-allowed?   A.[]-cong-allowed?
    module A = TD.Assumptions as
    open TD.Assumptions


  -- The function second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω preserves
  -- TD.Assumptions.

  Assumptions-second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω :
    TD.Assumptions TR  TD.Assumptions (second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω TR)
  Assumptions-second-ΠΣ-quantities-𝟘-or-ω as = λ where
      ._≟_                A._≟_
      .Unit-allowed?      A.Unit-allowed?
      .ΠΣ-allowed? b p q  A.ΠΣ-allowed? b p q
                           (p A.≟ ω →-dec q A.≟ ω)
                           (¬? (p A.≟ ω) →-dec q A.≟ 𝟘)
      .K-allowed?         A.K-allowed?
      .[]-cong-allowed?   A.[]-cong-allowed?
    module A = TD.Assumptions as
    open TD.Assumptions


  -- The function strong-types-restricted′ P ok preserves
  -- TD.Assumptions if P is pointwise decidable.

  Assumptions-strong-types-restricted′ :
    {P : BinderMode  M  Set a}
    {ok :  {s}  s  𝕤  P (BMΣ s) 𝟘} 
    (∀ b p  Dec (P b p)) 
    TD.Assumptions TR 
    TD.Assumptions (strong-types-restricted′ P ok TR)
  Assumptions-strong-types-restricted′ P-dec as = λ where
      ._≟_                 A._≟_
      .Unit-allowed? s     A.Unit-allowed? s ×-dec ¬? (decStrength s 𝕤)
      .ΠΣ-allowed? b p q   A.ΠΣ-allowed? b p q
                            P-dec b p
      .K-allowed?          A.K-allowed?
      .[]-cong-allowed? s  A.[]-cong-allowed? s
                            ¬? (decStrength s 𝕤)
    module A = TD.Assumptions as
    open TD.Assumptions


  -- The function strong-types-restricted preserves TD.Assumptions.

  Assumptions-strong-types-restricted :
    TD.Assumptions TR  TD.Assumptions (strong-types-restricted TR)
  Assumptions-strong-types-restricted as =
       b p  decBinderMode b (BMΣ 𝕤) →-dec p  𝟙)
    open TD.Assumptions as


  -- The function no-strong-types preserves TD.Assumptions.

  Assumptions-no-strong-types :
    TD.Assumptions TR  TD.Assumptions (no-strong-types TR)
  Assumptions-no-strong-types as =
       b _  Dec.map lift Lift.lower (¬? (decBinderMode b (BMΣ 𝕤))))
    open TD.Assumptions as


  -- The function no-erased-matches-TR s preserves TD.Assumptions.

  Assumptions-no-erased-matches-TR :
    TD.Assumptions TR  TD.Assumptions (no-erased-matches-TR s TR)
  Assumptions-no-erased-matches-TR {s} as = λ where
      ._≟_                  A._≟_
      .Unit-allowed?        A.Unit-allowed?
      .ΠΣ-allowed?          A.ΠΣ-allowed?
      .K-allowed?           A.K-allowed?
      .[]-cong-allowed? s′  A.[]-cong-allowed? s′
                             ¬? (decStrength s′ s)
    module A = TD.Assumptions as
    open TD.Assumptions

-- Some lemmas related to UD.Assumptions


  -- If grade equality is decidable and the modality comes with a
  -- dedicated nr function, then UD.Assumptions holds for
  -- no-usage-restrictions b false.

  Assumptions-no-usage-restrictions :
     has-nr : Dedicated-nr  
    Decidable (_≡_ {A = M}) 
    UD.Assumptions (no-usage-restrictions b false)
  Assumptions-no-usage-restrictions dec = λ where
      ._≟_                       dec
      .Prodrec-allowed? _ _ _ _  yes _
      .Unitrec-allowed?  _ _ _   yes _
      .Emptyrec-allowed? _ _     yes _
    open UD.Assumptions


  -- The function not-all-erased-matches-JK preserves UD.Assumptions.

  Assumptions-not-all-erased-matches-JK :
    UD.Assumptions UR  UD.Assumptions (not-all-erased-matches-JK UR)
  Assumptions-not-all-erased-matches-JK as = λ where
      ._≟_                A._≟_
      .Prodrec-allowed?   A.Prodrec-allowed?
      .Unitrec-allowed?   A.Unitrec-allowed?
      .Emptyrec-allowed?  A.Emptyrec-allowed?
    module A = UD.Assumptions as
    open UD.Assumptions


  -- The function only-some-erased-matches preserves UD.Assumptions.

  Assumptions-only-some-erased-matches :
    UD.Assumptions UR  UD.Assumptions (only-some-erased-matches UR)
  Assumptions-only-some-erased-matches as = λ where
      ._≟_                       A._≟_
      .Prodrec-allowed? m r p q  A.Prodrec-allowed? m r p q
                                  (¬? trivial?
                                   m Mode.≟ 𝟙ᵐ
                                   ¬? (r A.≟ 𝟘))
      .Unitrec-allowed?          A.Unitrec-allowed?
      .Emptyrec-allowed?         A.Emptyrec-allowed?
    module A = UD.Assumptions as
    open UD.Assumptions


  -- The function no-erased-matches-UR TR preserves UD.Assumptions.

  Assumptions-no-erased-matches-UR :
     TR  UD.Assumptions UR 
    UD.Assumptions (no-erased-matches-UR TR UR)
  Assumptions-no-erased-matches-UR TR as = λ where
      ._≟_                     A._≟_
      .Prodrec-allowed?        A.Prodrec-allowed?
      .Unitrec-allowed? m p q  A.Unitrec-allowed? m p q
                                (¬? trivial?
                                 m Mode.≟ 𝟙ᵐ
                                 p A.≟ 𝟘
      .Emptyrec-allowed?       A.Emptyrec-allowed?
    module A = UD.Assumptions (Assumptions-only-some-erased-matches as)
    open UD.Assumptions
    open Type-restrictions TR