-- The Logical relation for erasure.

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Assumptions
open import Graded.Modality

module Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  {R : Type-restrictions 𝕄}
  (as : Assumptions R)

open Assumptions as
open Modality 𝕄

open import Definition.Untyped M as U hiding (_∘_; K)

open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution R
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Graded.Context 𝕄
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄
open import Definition.Typed.Weakening R

open import Graded.Erasure.Target as T hiding (_⇒*_)
open import Graded.Erasure.Extraction 𝕄

open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE using (_≡_)
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Unit

    m n : Nat
    A B t t₁ t′ u : U.Term n
    v v₂ v′ w : T.Term n
    p : M
    l : TypeLevel
    s : Strength

-- The logical relation

-- In the non-strict setting terms of type U are related to all target
-- terms, and in the strict setting they are related to those terms
-- that reduce to ↯. (All types are erased by the extraction
-- function.)

data _®_∷U (t : U.Term k) (v : T.Term k) : Set a where
  Uᵣ : (str  strict  v T.⇒* )  t ® v ∷U

-- Terms of type ℕ are related if both reduce to zero or if both
-- reduce to the successors of related terms (in the strict setting
-- the target term's reduct has to be a numeral).

data _®_∷ℕ (t : U.Term k) (v : T.Term k) : Set a where
  zeroᵣ : Δ  t ⇒* U.zero    v T.⇒* T.zero 
          t ® v ∷ℕ
  sucᵣ  : Δ  t ⇒* U.suc t′    v T.⇒* T.suc v′  Numeral⟨ str  v′ 
          t′ ® v′ ∷ℕ  t ® v ∷ℕ

-- Terms of type Empty are not related to anything.
-- (There are no terms of the Empty type in a consistent context).

data _®_∷Empty (t : U.Term k) (v : T.Term k) : Set a where

-- Terms of type Unit are related if both reduce to star.

data _®_∷Unit⟨_⟩ (t : U.Term k) (v : T.Term k) (s : Strength) : Set a where
  starᵣ : Δ  t ⇒* U.star s  Unit s  v T.⇒* T.star  t ® v ∷Unit⟨ s 

-- Equality proofs are related in the non-strict setting if the source
-- term reduces to rfl. In the strict setting the target term should
-- additionally reduce to ↯.

data _®_∷Id⟨_⟩⟨_⟩⟨_⟩
       (t : U.Term k) (v : T.Term k) (Ty lhs rhs : U.Term k) :
       Set a where
  rflᵣ : Δ  t ⇒* U.rfl  Id Ty lhs rhs  (str  strict  v T.⇒* ) 
         t ® v ∷Id⟨ Ty ⟩⟨ lhs ⟩⟨ rhs 


  -- Logical relation for erasure
  infix 19 _®⟨_⟩_∷_/_

  _®⟨_⟩_∷_/_ : (t : U.Term k) (l : TypeLevel) (v : T.Term k)
               (A : U.Term k) ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)  Set a
  t ®⟨ l  v  A / Uᵣ x     = t ® v ∷U
  t ®⟨ l  v  A / ℕᵣ x     = t ® v ∷ℕ
  t ®⟨ l  v  A / Emptyᵣ x = t ® v ∷Empty
  t ®⟨ l  v  A / Unitᵣ {s = s} x  = t ® v ∷Unit⟨ s 
  t ®⟨ l  v  A / ne′ K D neK K≡K = Lift a 

  -- Π:
  t ®⟨ l  v  A / Bᵣ′ ( p q) F G D ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _ =
    (str  strict   λ v′  v T.⇒* T.lam v′) ×
    (∀ {a}  ([a] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  a  U.wk id F / [F] id ⊢Δ) 
     Π-® l F G t a v ([F] id ⊢Δ) ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) p (is-𝟘? p))

  -- Σ:
  -- t and v are related if:
  -- t reduces to a pair (t₁, t₂),
  -- t₂ is related to some v₂ and
  -- there is extra data depending on whether the first component
  -- is erased (see below).
  t ®⟨ l  v  A / Bᵣ′ ( m p q) F G D ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _ =
    ∃₂ λ t₁ t₂ 
    Δ  t ⇒* U.prod m p t₁ t₂  Σ⟨ m  p , q  F  G ×
    Σ (Δ ⊩⟨ l  t₁  U.wk id F / [F] id ⊢Δ) λ [t₁] 
     λ v₂ 
    t₂ ®⟨ l  v₂  U.wk (lift id) G U.[ t₁ ]₀ / [G] id ⊢Δ [t₁] ×
    Σ-® l F ([F] id ⊢Δ) t₁ v v₂ p

  -- Identity types.
  t ®⟨ _  v  A / Idᵣ ⊩A = t ® v ∷Id⟨ Ty ⟩⟨ lhs ⟩⟨ rhs 
    open _⊩ₗId_ ⊩A

  -- Subsumption:
  t ®⟨ ¹  v  A / emb 0<1 [A] = t ®⟨   v  A / [A]

  -- Extra data for Π-types, depending on whether the function argument
  -- is erased or not.

  Π-® : (l : TypeLevel) (F : U.Term k) (G : U.Term (1+ k))
        (t b : U.Term k) (v : T.Term k)
        ([F] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  U.wk id F)
        ([G] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  U.wk (lift id) G U.[ b ]₀)
        (p : M) (p≟𝟘 : Dec (p PE.≡ 𝟘))  Set a
  -- Erased Π:
  -- In the strict setting t is related to v if the applications t ∘ a
  -- and v ∘ ↯ are related. In the non-strict setting t ∘ a should be
  -- related to v.
  Π-® l F G t a v [F] [Ga] p (yes p≡𝟘) =
    (t U.∘⟨ p  a) ®⟨ l  app-𝟘 str v  U.wk (lift id) G U.[ a ]₀ / [Ga]
  -- Non-erased Π:
  -- Functions t and v are related if the applications
  -- t∘a and v∘w are related for all related a and w.
  Π-® l F G t a v [F] [Ga] p (no p≢𝟘) =
     {w}  a ®⟨ l  w  U.wk id F / [F]
           (t U.∘⟨ p  a) ®⟨ l  v T.∘⟨ str  w 
              U.wk (lift id) G U.[ a ]₀ / [Ga]

  -- Extra data for Σ-types, depending on whether the first component
  -- is erased or not.

  Σ-® :
    (l : TypeLevel) (F : U.Term k) 
    Δ ⊩⟨ l  U.wk id F 
    U.Term k  T.Term k  T.Term k  (p : M)  Set a
  Σ-® l F [F] t₁ v v₂ p = case is-𝟘? p of λ where
    -- Erased Σ:
    -- v reduces to v₂
    (yes p≡𝟘)  Lift a (v T.⇒* v₂)
    -- There is a term v₁ such that v reduces to (v₁, v₂)
    -- and t₁ is related to v₁.
    (no p≢𝟘)   λ v₁  (v T.⇒* T.prod v₁ v₂)
                      × (t₁ ®⟨ l  v₁  U.wk id F / [F])

-- Helper functions


  -- A "reduction" rule for Π-®.

  Π-®-𝟘 :
    {⊩A : Δ ⊩⟨ l  U.wk id A}
    {⊩B[u] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  U.wk (lift id) B U.[ u ]₀}
    (d : Dec (𝟘 PE.≡ 𝟘)) 
    Π-® l A B t u v ⊩A ⊩B[u] 𝟘 d 
    (t U.∘⟨ 𝟘  u) ®⟨ l  app-𝟘 str v 
      U.wk (lift id) B U.[ u ]₀ / ⊩B[u]
  Π-®-𝟘 (no 𝟘≢𝟘) = λ _  ⊥-elim (𝟘≢𝟘 PE.refl)
  Π-®-𝟘 (yes _)  = idᶠ


  -- A "reduction" rule for Π-®.

  Π-®-ω :
    {⊩A : Δ ⊩⟨ l  U.wk id A}
    {⊩B[u] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  U.wk (lift id) B U.[ u ]₀} 
    p PE.≢ 𝟘 
    (d : Dec (p PE.≡ 𝟘)) 
    Π-® l A B t u v ⊩A ⊩B[u] p d 
    u ®⟨ l  w  U.wk id A / ⊩A 
    (t U.∘⟨ p  u) ®⟨ l  v T.∘⟨ str  w 
      U.wk (lift id) B U.[ u ]₀ / ⊩B[u]
  Π-®-ω p≢𝟘 (yes p≡𝟘) _   = ⊥-elim (p≢𝟘 p≡𝟘)
  Π-®-ω _   (no _)    hyp = hyp

-- Helper introduction and elimination lemmata for Σ-®

Σ-®-intro-𝟘 :  {l F [F] t₁ v v₂ p}
             v T.⇒* v₂  p PE.≡ 𝟘
             Σ-® l F [F] t₁ v v₂ p
Σ-®-intro-𝟘 {p = p} v⇒v₂ p≡𝟘 with is-𝟘? p
... | yes _ = lift v⇒v₂
... | no p≢𝟘 = ⊥-elim (p≢𝟘 p≡𝟘)

Σ-®-intro-ω :  {l F [F] t₁ v v₂ p}
             (v₁ : T.Term k)
             v T.⇒* T.prod v₁ v₂
             t₁ ®⟨ l  v₁  U.wk id F / [F]
             p PE.≢ 𝟘
             Σ-® l F [F] t₁ v v₂ p
Σ-®-intro-ω {p = p} v₁ v⇒v′ t₁®v₁ p≢𝟘 with is-𝟘? p
... | yes p≡𝟘 = ⊥-elim (p≢𝟘 p≡𝟘)
... | no _ = v₁ , v⇒v′ , t₁®v₁

Σ-®-elim :  {b l F [F] t₁ v v₂ p}
          (P : (p : M)  Set b)
          Σ-® l F [F] t₁ v v₂ p
          (v T.⇒* v₂  p PE.≡ 𝟘  P p)
          ((v₁ : T.Term k)  v T.⇒* T.prod v₁ v₂  t₁ ®⟨ l  v₁  U.wk id F / [F]  p PE.≢ 𝟘  P p)
          P p
Σ-®-elim {p = p} P extra f g with is-𝟘? p
Σ-®-elim {p = p} P (lift v⇒v₂) f g | yes p≡𝟘 = f v⇒v₂ p≡𝟘
Σ-®-elim {p = p} P (v₁ , v⇒v₁,v₂ , t₁®v₁) f g | no p≢𝟘 = g v₁ v⇒v₁,v₂ t₁®v₁ p≢𝟘


  -- A "reduction" rule for Σ-®.

  Σ-®-𝟘 :
    {⊩A : Δ ⊩⟨ l  U.wk id A} 
    Σ-® l A ⊩A t₁ v v₂ 𝟘 
    v T.⇒* v₂
  Σ-®-𝟘 x =
    Σ-®-elim  _  _ T.⇒* _) x  v⇒ _  v⇒)
       _ _ _ 𝟘≢𝟘  ⊥-elim $ 𝟘≢𝟘 PE.refl)


  -- A "reduction" rule for Σ-®.

  Σ-®-ω :
    {⊩A : Δ ⊩⟨ l  U.wk id A} 
    p PE.≢ 𝟘 
    Σ-® l A ⊩A t₁ v v₂ p 
     λ v₁  v T.⇒* T.prod v₁ v₂ × t₁ ®⟨ l  v₁  U.wk id A / ⊩A
  Σ-®-ω p≢𝟘 x =
    Σ-®-elim _ x  _ p≡𝟘  ⊥-elim $ p≢𝟘 p≡𝟘)
       _ v⇒ t₁®v₁ _  _ , v⇒ , t₁®v₁)