-- The usage relation can be decided (given certain assumptions)

open import Graded.Modality
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions
open import Graded.Usage.Decidable.Assumptions

module Graded.Usage.Decidable
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  {R : Usage-restrictions 𝕄}
  (as : Assumptions R)

open Assumptions as
open Modality 𝕄 hiding (has-nr)
open Usage-restrictions R

open import Graded.Context 𝕄
open import Graded.Context.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-nr.Instance
open import Graded.Usage 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Usage.Erased-matches
open import Graded.Usage.Inversion 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Usage.Properties 𝕄 R
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄 hiding (_≟_)
open import Definition.Untyped M

open import Tools.Bool using (T; true; false)
open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat)
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
import Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Tools.Unit

private variable
  n : Nat

-- A given term is either well-resourced with respect to a given mode
-- and the usage context computed by ⌈_⌉, or it is not well-resourced
-- with respect to any usage context (and the given mode).

infix 10 ⌈⌉▸[_]?_

⌈⌉▸[_]?_ :  m (t : Term n)  ( t  m ▸[ m ] t)  (∀ γ  ¬ γ ▸[ m ] t)
⌈⌉▸[ m ]? U       = inj₁ Uₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]?        = inj₁ ℕₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? Unit!   = inj₁ Unitₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? Empty   = inj₁ Emptyₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? zero    = inj₁ zeroₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? star!   = inj₁ starₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? var _   = inj₁ var

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? snd _ t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₁ ▸t)   inj₁ (sndₘ ▸t)
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸snd 
    case inv-usage-snd ▸snd of λ (invUsageSnd ▸t _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? suc t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₁ ▸t)   inj₁ (sucₘ ▸t)
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸suc 
    case inv-usage-suc ▸suc of λ (invUsageSuc ▸t _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? emptyrec p A t = case Emptyrec-allowed? m p of λ where
  (no not-ok)  inj₂ λ _ ▸er 
    case inv-usage-emptyrec ▸er of λ (invUsageEmptyrec _ _ ok _) 
    not-ok ok
  (yes ok)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? t of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸er 
      case inv-usage-emptyrec ▸er of λ (invUsageEmptyrec ▸t _ _ _) 
      ¬▸t _ ▸t
    (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸er 
        case inv-usage-emptyrec ▸er of λ (invUsageEmptyrec _ ▸A _ _) 
        ¬▸A _ ▸A
      (inj₁ ▸A)  inj₁ (emptyrecₘ ▸t ▸A ok)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? lam p t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸lam 
      case inv-usage-lam ▸lam of λ (invUsageLam ▸t _) 
      ¬▸t _ ▸t
    (inj₁ ▸t)  case  m  · p ≤? headₘ ( t  m) of λ where
      (yes mp≤)  inj₁ (lamₘ (sub ▸t (begin
        tailₘ ( t  m)   m  · p        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mp≤ 
        tailₘ ( t  m)  headₘ ( t  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
         t  m                            )))
      (no mp≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸lam 
        case inv-usage-lam ▸lam of λ (invUsageLam ▸t′ _) 
        mp≰ (headₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸t′))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t ∘⟨ p  u = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸app 
    case inv-usage-app ▸app of λ (invUsageApp ▸t _ _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t
  (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? u of λ where
    (inj₁ ▸u)   inj₁ (▸t ∘ₘ ▸u)
    (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸app 
      case inv-usage-app ▸app of λ (invUsageApp _ ▸u _) 
      ¬▸u _ ▸u

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? fst p t =
  case p-ok m of λ where
    (no p-not-ok)  inj₂ λ _ ▸fst 
      case inv-usage-fst ▸fst of λ (invUsageFst _ _ _ _ p-ok) 
      p-not-ok p-ok
    (yes p-ok)  case m-ok m of λ where
      (no m-not-ok)  inj₂ λ _ ▸fst 
        case inv-usage-fst ▸fst of λ (invUsageFst m′ m′-ok _ _ _) 
        m-not-ok (m′ , sym m′-ok)
      (yes (m′ , m′-ok)) 
        case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
          (inj₁ ▸t)  inj₁ (fstₘ m′ (▸-cong (sym m′-ok) ▸t) m′-ok p-ok)
          (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸fst 
            case inv-usage-fst ▸fst of λ (invUsageFst _ _ ▸t _ _) 
            ¬▸t _ ▸t
  p-ok :  m  Dec (m  𝟙ᵐ  p  𝟙)
  p-ok 𝟘ᵐ = yes λ ()
  p-ok 𝟙ᵐ = case p ≤? 𝟙 of λ where
    (yes p≤𝟙)  yes λ _  p≤𝟙
    (no p≰𝟙)  no  p≤𝟙  p≰𝟙 (p≤𝟙 refl))

  m-ok :  m  Dec ( λ m′  m′ ᵐ· p  m)
  m-ok 𝟘ᵐ = yes (𝟘ᵐ , refl)
  m-ok 𝟙ᵐ = case p  𝟘 of λ where
      (no p≢𝟘)   yes (𝟙ᵐ , ≢𝟘→⌞⌟≡𝟙ᵐ p≢𝟘)
      (yes p≡𝟘)  𝟘ᵐ-allowed-elim
         ok  no λ where
          (𝟘ᵐ , ())
          (𝟙ᵐ , ⌞p⌟≡𝟙) 
              𝟘ᵐ[ ok ]  ≡˘⟨ 𝟘ᵐ?≡𝟘ᵐ 
              𝟘ᵐ?       ≡˘⟨ ⌞𝟘⌟≡𝟘ᵐ? 
               𝟘      ≡˘⟨ cong ⌞_⌟ p≡𝟘 
               p      ≡⟨ ⌞p⌟≡𝟙 
            of λ ())
           yes (𝟙ᵐ , Mode-propositional-without-𝟘ᵐ not-ok))
    open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? F of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸F)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ΠΣ 
      case inv-usage-ΠΣ ▸ΠΣ of λ (invUsageΠΣ ▸F _ _) 
      ¬▸F _ ▸F
    (inj₁ ▸F)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? G of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸G)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ΠΣ 
        case inv-usage-ΠΣ ▸ΠΣ of λ (invUsageΠΣ _ ▸G _) 
        ¬▸G _ ▸G
      (inj₁ ▸G)  case  m  · q ≤? headₘ ( G  m) of λ where
        (no mq≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ΠΣ 
          case inv-usage-ΠΣ ▸ΠΣ of λ (invUsageΠΣ _ ▸G′ _) 
          mq≰ (headₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸G′))
        (yes mq≤) 
          let lemma = begin
                tailₘ ( G  m)   m  · q        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mq≤ 
                tailₘ ( G  m)  headₘ ( G  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                 G  m                            
          in inj₁ (ΠΣₘ ▸F (sub ▸G lemma))
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? prod 𝕨 p t u = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? t of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸prod 
    case inv-usage-prodʷ ▸prod of λ (invUsageProdʷ ▸t _ _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t
  (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸prod 
      case inv-usage-prodʷ ▸prod of λ (invUsageProdʷ _ ▸u _) 
      ¬▸u _ ▸u
    (inj₁ ▸u)  inj₁ (prodʷₘ ▸t ▸u)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? prod 𝕤 p t u = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? t of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸prod 
    case inv-usage-prodˢ ▸prod of λ (invUsageProdˢ ▸t _ _) 
    ¬▸t _ ▸t
  (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸prod 
      case inv-usage-prodˢ ▸prod of λ (invUsageProdˢ _ ▸u _) 
      ¬▸u _ ▸u
    (inj₁ ▸u)  inj₁ (prodˢₘ ▸t ▸u)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? unitrec p q A t u = case Unitrec-allowed? m p q of λ where
  (no not-ok)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ur 
          case inv-usage-unitrec ▸ur of λ (invUsageUnitrec _ _ _ ok _) 
          not-ok ok
  (yes ok)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· p ]? t of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ur 
      case inv-usage-unitrec ▸ur of λ (invUsageUnitrec ▸t _ _ _ _) 
      ¬▸t _ ▸t
    (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ur 
          case inv-usage-unitrec ▸ur of λ (invUsageUnitrec _ ▸u _ _ _) 
          ¬▸u _ ▸u
      (inj₁ ▸u)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ur 
          case inv-usage-unitrec ▸ur of λ (invUsageUnitrec _ _ ▸A _ _) 
          ¬▸A _ ▸A
        (inj₁ ▸A)  case  𝟘ᵐ?  · q ≤? headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?) of λ where
          (no q≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸ur 
            case inv-usage-unitrec ▸ur of λ (invUsageUnitrec _ _ ▸A _ _) 
            q≰ (headₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸A))
          (yes q≤) 
            let lemma =
                  let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
                  in begin
                  tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  ( 𝟘ᵐ?  · q)      ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  q≤ 
                  tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                   A  𝟘ᵐ?                              
            in  inj₁ (unitrecₘ ▸t ▸u (sub ▸A lemma) ok)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? prodrec r p q A t u = case Prodrec-allowed? m r p q of λ where
  (no not-ok)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
    case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of λ (invUsageProdrec _ _ _ ok _) 
    not-ok ok
  (yes ok)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ᵐ· r ]? t of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
      case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of λ (invUsageProdrec ▸t _ _ _ _) 
      ¬▸t _ ▸t
    (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
        case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of λ (invUsageProdrec _ ▸u _ _ _) 
        ¬▸u _ ▸u
      (inj₁ ▸u) 
        case  m  · r · p ≤? headₘ (tailₘ ( u  m)) of λ where
          (no mrp≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
            case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of
              λ (invUsageProdrec _ ▸u′ _ _ _) 
            mrp≰ (headₘ-monotone
                    (tailₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸u′)))
          (yes mrp≤)  case  m  · r ≤? headₘ ( u  m) of λ where
            (no mr≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸pr 
              case inv-usage-prodrec ▸pr of
                λ (invUsageProdrec _ ▸u′ _ _ _) 
              mr≰ (headₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸u′))
            (yes mr≤)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
              (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
                case inv-usage-prodrec ▸nr of
                  λ (invUsageProdrec _ _ ▸A _ _) 
                ¬▸A _ ▸A
              (inj₁ ▸A) 
                case  𝟘ᵐ?  · q ≤? headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?) of λ where
                  (no q≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
                    case inv-usage-prodrec ▸nr of
                      λ (invUsageProdrec _ _ ▸A′ _ _) 
                    q≰ (headₘ-monotone (usage-upper-bound ▸A′))
                  (yes q≤) 
                    let lemma₁ =
                          let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
                          in begin
                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( u  m)) 
                           m  · r · p   m  · r          ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mrp≤  mr≤ 

                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( u  m)) 
                          headₘ (tailₘ ( u  m)) 
                          headₘ ( u  m)                    ≡⟨ cong (_∙ headₘ ( u  m)) (headₘ-tailₘ-correct _) 

                          tailₘ ( u  m)  headₘ ( u  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 

                           u  m                            

                        lemma₂ =
                          let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
                          in begin
                          tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)   𝟘ᵐ?  · q        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  q≤ 
                          tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                           A  𝟘ᵐ?                              
                    inj₁ (prodrecₘ ▸t (sub ▸u lemma₁)
                            (sub ▸A lemma₂) ok)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? natrec p q r A z s n = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? z of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸z)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
    case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
      (invUsageNatrec ▸z _ _ _ _ _) 
        ¬▸z _ ▸z
  (inj₁ ▸z)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? s of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸s)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
      case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
        (invUsageNatrec _ ▸s _ _ _ _) 
          ¬▸s _ ▸s
    (inj₁ ▸s)  case  m  · p ≤? headₘ (tailₘ ( s  m)) of λ where
      (no mp≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
        case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
          (invUsageNatrec _ ▸s′ _ _ _ _) 
            mp≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ tailₘ-monotone $
            usage-upper-bound ▸s′
      (yes mp≤)  case  m  · r ≤? headₘ ( s  m) of λ where
        (no mr≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
          case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
            (invUsageNatrec _ ▸s′ _ _ _ _) 
              mr≰ $ headₘ-monotone $
              usage-upper-bound ▸s′
        (yes mr≤)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? n of λ where
          (inj₂ ¬▸n)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
            case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
              (invUsageNatrec _ _ ▸n _ _ _) 
                ¬▸n _ ▸n
          (inj₁ ▸n)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
            (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
              case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
                (invUsageNatrec _ _ _ ▸A _ _) 
                  ¬▸A _ ▸A
            (inj₁ ▸A) 
              case  𝟘ᵐ?  · q ≤? headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?) of λ where
                (no q≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸nr 
                  case inv-usage-natrec ▸nr of λ where
                    (invUsageNatrec _ _ _ ▸A′ _ _) 
                      q≰ $ headₘ-monotone $
                      usage-upper-bound ▸A′
                (yes q≤) 
                  let lemma₁ =
                        let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
                        in begin
                        tailₘ (tailₘ ( s  m)) 
                         m  · p   m  · r              ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mp≤  mr≤ 

                        tailₘ (tailₘ ( s  m)) 
                        headₘ (tailₘ ( s  m)) 
                        headₘ ( s  m)                    ≡⟨ cong (_∙ headₘ ( s  m)) (headₘ-tailₘ-correct _) 

                        tailₘ ( s  m)  headₘ ( s  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 

                         s  m                            

                      lemma₂ =
                        let open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
                        in begin
                        tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)   𝟘ᵐ?  · q        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  q≤ 
                        tailₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  headₘ ( A  𝟘ᵐ?)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                         A  𝟘ᵐ?                              
                  inj₁ (natrecₘ ▸z (sub ▸s lemma₁) ▸n (sub ▸A lemma₂))

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? Id A t u with Id-erased?
 | yes erased =
  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸Id 
      case inv-usage-Id ▸Id of λ where
        (invUsageId₀ _ ▸A _ _ _)  ¬▸A _ ▸A
        (invUsageId ok _ _ _ _)   ok erased
    (inj₁ ▸A)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? t of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸Id 
        case inv-usage-Id ▸Id of λ where
          (invUsageId₀ _ _ ▸t _ _)  ¬▸t _ ▸t
          (invUsageId ok _ _ _ _)   ok erased
      (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? u of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸Id 
          case inv-usage-Id ▸Id of λ where
            (invUsageId₀ _ _ _ ▸u _)  ¬▸u _ ▸u
            (invUsageId ok _ _ _ _)   ok erased
        (inj₁ ▸u)  inj₁ (Id₀ₘ erased ▸A ▸t ▸u)
 | no not-erased =
  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸Id 
      case inv-usage-Id ▸Id of λ where
        (invUsageId _ ▸A _ _ _)   ¬▸A _ ▸A
        (invUsageId₀ ok _ _ _ _)  not-erased ok
    (inj₁ ▸A)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸Id 
        case inv-usage-Id ▸Id of λ where
          (invUsageId _ _ ▸t _ _)   ¬▸t _ ▸t
          (invUsageId₀ ok _ _ _ _)  not-erased ok
      (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸Id 
          case inv-usage-Id ▸Id of λ where
            (invUsageId _ _ _ ▸u _)   ¬▸u _ ▸u
            (invUsageId₀ ok _ _ _ _)  not-erased ok
        (inj₁ ▸u)  inj₁ (Idₘ not-erased ▸A ▸t ▸u)

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? rfl =
  inj₁ rflₘ

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? J p q A t B u t′ v with J-view p q m
 | is-all ≡all =
  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
      case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
        (invUsageJ₀₂ _ ▸A _ _ _ _ _ _)     ¬▸A _ ▸A
        (invUsageJ ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
        (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
    (inj₁ ▸A)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? t of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
        case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
          (invUsageJ₀₂ _ _ ▸t _ _ _ _ _)     ¬▸t _ ▸t
          (invUsageJ ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
          (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
      (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
          case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
            (invUsageJ₀₂ _ _ _ _ ▸u _ _ _)     ¬▸u _ ▸u
            (invUsageJ ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
            (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
        (inj₁ ▸u)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? t′ of λ where
          (inj₂ ¬▸t′)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
            case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
              (invUsageJ₀₂ _ _ _ _ _ ▸t′ _ _)    ¬▸t′ _ ▸t′
              (invUsageJ ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
              (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
          (inj₁ ▸t′)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? v of λ where
            (inj₂ ¬▸v)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
              case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                (invUsageJ₀₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ ▸v _)     ¬▸v _ ▸v
                (invUsageJ ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
                (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
            (inj₁ ▸v)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? B of λ where
              (inj₂ ¬▸B)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
                case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                  (invUsageJ₀₂ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _ _)     ¬▸B _ ▸B
                  (invUsageJ ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
                  (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
              (inj₁ ▸B)  case  𝟘ᵐ?  · p ≤?
                               headₘ (tailₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?)) of λ where
                (no 𝟘ᵐ?p≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
                  case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                    (invUsageJ₀₂ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _ _) 
                      𝟘ᵐ?p≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ tailₘ-monotone $
                      usage-upper-bound ▸B
                    (invUsageJ ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                      case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
                    (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                      case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
                (yes 𝟘ᵐ?p≤)  case  𝟘ᵐ?  · q ≤?
                                   headₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?) of λ where
                  (no 𝟘ᵐ?q≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
                    case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                      (invUsageJ₀₂ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _ _) 
                        𝟘ᵐ?q≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ usage-upper-bound ▸B
                      (invUsageJ ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                        case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
                      (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                        case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
                  (yes 𝟘ᵐ?q≤) 
                    let lemma = begin
                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?)) 
                           𝟘ᵐ?  · p   𝟘ᵐ?  · q                      ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  𝟘ᵐ?p≤  𝟘ᵐ?q≤ 

                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?)) 
                          headₘ (tailₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?))  headₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?)  ≡⟨ cong (_∙ headₘ ( B  _)) (headₘ-tailₘ-correct _) 

                          tailₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?)  headₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?)          ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 

                           B  𝟘ᵐ?                                      
                    inj₁ (J₀ₘ₂ ≡all ▸A ▸t (sub ▸B lemma) ▸u ▸t′ ▸v)
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
 | is-some-yes ≡some (refl , refl) =
  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
      case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
        (invUsageJ₀₁ _ _ _ ▸A _ _ _ _ _ _)  ¬▸A _ ▸A
        (invUsageJ _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _)     
          ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (refl , refl)
        (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
    (inj₁ ▸A)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? t of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
        case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
          (invUsageJ₀₁ _ _ _ _ ▸t _ _ _ _ _)  ¬▸t _ ▸t
          (invUsageJ _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _)     
            ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (refl , refl)
          (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
      (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
          case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
            (invUsageJ₀₁ _ _ _ _ _ _ ▸u _ _ _)  ¬▸u _ ▸u
            (invUsageJ _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _)     
              ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (refl , refl)
            (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
        (inj₁ ▸u)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? t′ of λ where
          (inj₂ ¬▸t′)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
            case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
              (invUsageJ₀₁ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ▸t′ _ _)  ¬▸t′ _ ▸t′
              (invUsageJ _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _)      
                ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (refl , refl)
              (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
          (inj₁ ▸t′)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? v of λ where
            (inj₂ ¬▸v)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
              case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                (invUsageJ₀₁ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ▸v _)  ¬▸v _ ▸v
                (invUsageJ _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _)     
                  ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (refl , refl)
                (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
            (inj₁ ▸v)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? B of λ where
              (inj₂ ¬▸B)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
                case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                  (invUsageJ₀₁ _ _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _ _)  ¬▸B _ ▸B
                  (invUsageJ _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _)     
                    ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (refl , refl)
                  (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
              (inj₁ ▸B)  case 𝟘 ≤? headₘ (tailₘ ( B  m)) of λ where
                (no 𝟘≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
                  case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                    (invUsageJ₀₁ _ _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _ _) 
                      𝟘≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ tailₘ-monotone $
                      usage-upper-bound ▸B
                    (invUsageJ _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                      ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (refl , refl)
                    (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                      case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
                (yes 𝟘≤₁)  case 𝟘 ≤? headₘ ( B  m) of λ where
                  (no 𝟘≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
                    case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                      (invUsageJ₀₁ _ _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _ _) 
                        𝟘≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ usage-upper-bound ▸B
                      (invUsageJ _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                        ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (refl , refl)
                      (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                        case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
                  (yes 𝟘≤₂) 
                    let lemma = begin
                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( B  m))  𝟘  𝟘            ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  𝟘≤₁  𝟘≤₂ 

                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( B  m)) 
                          headₘ (tailₘ ( B  m))  headₘ ( B  m)  ≡⟨ cong (_∙ headₘ ( B  _)) (headₘ-tailₘ-correct _) 

                          tailₘ ( B  m)  headₘ ( B  m)          ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 

                           B  m                                    
                    inj₁ $
                    J₀ₘ₁ ≡some refl refl ▸A ▸t (sub ▸B lemma) ▸u ▸t′ ▸v
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
 | is-other ≤some ≢𝟘 =
  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
      case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
        (invUsageJ _ _ ▸A _ _ _ _ _ _)             ¬▸A _ ▸A
        (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 q≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (p≡𝟘 , q≡𝟘)
        (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
    (inj₁ ▸A)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
        case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
          (invUsageJ _ _ _ ▸t _ _ _ _ _)             ¬▸t _ ▸t
          (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 q≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (p≡𝟘 , q≡𝟘)
          (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
      (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
          case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
            (invUsageJ _ _ _ _ _ ▸u _ _ _)             ¬▸u _ ▸u
            (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 q≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (p≡𝟘 , q≡𝟘)
            (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
        (inj₁ ▸u)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t′ of λ where
          (inj₂ ¬▸t′)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
            case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
              (invUsageJ _ _ _ _ _ _ ▸t′ _ _)            ¬▸t′ _ ▸t′
              (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 q≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (p≡𝟘 , q≡𝟘)
              (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
          (inj₁ ▸t′)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? v of λ where
            (inj₂ ¬▸v)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
              case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                (invUsageJ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ▸v _)             ¬▸v _ ▸v
                (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 q≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (p≡𝟘 , q≡𝟘)
                (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
            (inj₁ ▸v)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? B of λ where
              (inj₂ ¬▸B)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
                case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                  (invUsageJ _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _ _)             ¬▸B _ ▸B
                  (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 q≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (p≡𝟘 , q≡𝟘)
                  (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
              (inj₁ ▸B)  case  m  · p ≤?
                               headₘ (tailₘ ( B  m)) of λ where
                (no mp≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
                  case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                    (invUsageJ _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _ _) 
                      mp≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ tailₘ-monotone $
                      usage-upper-bound ▸B
                    (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 q≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                      ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (p≡𝟘 , q≡𝟘)
                    (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                      case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
                (yes mp≤)  case  m  · q ≤? headₘ ( B  m) of λ where
                  (no mq≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸J 
                    case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
                      (invUsageJ _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _ _) 
                        mq≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ usage-upper-bound ▸B
                      (invUsageJ₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 q≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                        ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some (p≡𝟘 , q≡𝟘)
                      (invUsageJ₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                        case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
                  (yes mq≤) 
                    let lemma = begin
                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( B  m)) 
                           m  · p   m  · q                      ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mp≤  mq≤ 

                          tailₘ (tailₘ ( B  m)) 
                          headₘ (tailₘ ( B  m))  headₘ ( B  m)  ≡⟨ cong (_∙ headₘ ( B  _)) (headₘ-tailₘ-correct _) 

                          tailₘ ( B  m)  headₘ ( B  m)          ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 

                           B  m                                    
                    inj₁ (Jₘ ≤some ≢𝟘 ▸A ▸t (sub ▸B lemma) ▸u ▸t′ ▸v)
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? K p A t B u v with K-view p m
 | is-all ≡all =
  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
      case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
        (invUsageK₀₂ _ ▸A _ _ _ _ _)     ¬▸A _ ▸A
        (invUsageK ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
        (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
    (inj₁ ▸A)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? t of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
        case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
          (invUsageK₀₂ _ _ ▸t _ _ _ _)     ¬▸t _ ▸t
          (invUsageK ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
          (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
      (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
          case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
            (invUsageK₀₂ _ _ _ _ ▸u _ _)     ¬▸u _ ▸u
            (invUsageK ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
            (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
        (inj₁ ▸u)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? v of λ where
          (inj₂ ¬▸v)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
            case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
              (invUsageK₀₂ _ _ _ _ _ ▸v _)     ¬▸v _ ▸v
              (invUsageK ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
              (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
          (inj₁ ▸v)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? B of λ where
            (inj₂ ¬▸B)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
              case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
                (invUsageK₀₂ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _)     ¬▸B _ ▸B
                (invUsageK ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
                (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
            (inj₁ ▸B)  case  𝟘ᵐ?  · p ≤? headₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?) of λ where
              (no 𝟘ᵐ?p≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
                case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
                  (invUsageK₀₂ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _) 
                    𝟘ᵐ?p≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ usage-upper-bound ▸B
                  (invUsageK ≤some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
                  (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some _ _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    case trans (sym ≡some) ≡all of λ ()
              (yes 𝟘ᵐ?p≤) 
                let lemma = begin
                      tailₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?)   𝟘ᵐ?  · p        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  𝟘ᵐ?p≤ 
                      tailₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?)  headₘ ( B  𝟘ᵐ?)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                       B  𝟘ᵐ?                              
                inj₁ (K₀ₘ₂ ≡all ▸A ▸t (sub ▸B lemma) ▸u ▸v)
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
 | is-some-yes ≡some refl =
  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
      case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
        (invUsageK₀₁ _ _ ▸A _ _ _ _ _)  ¬▸A _ ▸A
        (invUsageK _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _)   
          ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some refl
        (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
    (inj₁ ▸A)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? t of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
        case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
          (invUsageK₀₁ _ _ _ ▸t _ _ _ _)  ¬▸t _ ▸t
          (invUsageK _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _)   
            ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some refl
          (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
      (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
          case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
            (invUsageK₀₁ _ _ _ _ _ ▸u _ _)  ¬▸u _ ▸u
            (invUsageK _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _)   
              ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some refl
            (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
        (inj₁ ▸u)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? v of λ where
          (inj₂ ¬▸v)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
            case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
              (invUsageK₀₁ _ _ _ _ _ _ ▸v _)  ¬▸v _ ▸v
              (invUsageK _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _)   
                ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some refl
              (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
          (inj₁ ▸v)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? B of λ where
            (inj₂ ¬▸B)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
              case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
                (invUsageK₀₁ _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _)  ¬▸B _ ▸B
                (invUsageK _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _)   
                  ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some refl
                (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
            (inj₁ ▸B)  case 𝟘 ≤? headₘ ( B  m) of λ where
              (no 𝟘≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
                case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
                  (invUsageK₀₁ _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _) 
                    𝟘≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ usage-upper-bound ▸B
                  (invUsageK _ ≢𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some refl
                  (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    case trans (sym ≡all) ≡some of λ ()
              (yes 𝟘≤) 
                let lemma = begin
                      tailₘ ( B  m)  𝟘                ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  𝟘≤ 
                      tailₘ ( B  m)  headₘ ( B  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                       B  m                            
                inj₁ (K₀ₘ₁ ≡some refl ▸A ▸t (sub ▸B lemma) ▸u ▸v)
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset
 | is-other ≤some ≢𝟘 =
  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
      case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
        (invUsageK _ _ ▸A _ _ _ _ _)         ¬▸A _ ▸A
        (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some p≡𝟘
        (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
          case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
    (inj₁ ▸A)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
        case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
          (invUsageK _ _ _ ▸t _ _ _ _)         ¬▸t _ ▸t
          (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some p≡𝟘
          (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
            case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
      (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? u of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
          case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
            (invUsageK _ _ _ _ _ ▸u _ _)         ¬▸u _ ▸u
            (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some p≡𝟘
            (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
              case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
        (inj₁ ▸u)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? v of λ where
          (inj₂ ¬▸v)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
            case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
              (invUsageK _ _ _ _ _ _ ▸v _)         ¬▸v _ ▸v
              (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some p≡𝟘
              (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
          (inj₁ ▸v)  case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? B of λ where
            (inj₂ ¬▸B)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
              case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
                (invUsageK _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _)         ¬▸B _ ▸B
                (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some p≡𝟘
                (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                  case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
            (inj₁ ▸B)  case  m  · p ≤? headₘ ( B  m) of λ where
              (no mp≰)  inj₂ λ _ ▸K 
                case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
                  (invUsageK _ _ _ _ ▸B _ _ _) 
                    mp≰ $ headₘ-monotone $ usage-upper-bound ▸B
                  (invUsageK₀₁ ≡some p≡𝟘 _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    ⊥-elim $ ≢𝟘 ≡some p≡𝟘
                  (invUsageK₀₂ ≡all _ _ _ _ _ _) 
                    case ≤ᵉᵐ→≡all→≡all ≤some ≡all of λ ()
              (yes mp≤) 
                let lemma = begin
                      tailₘ ( B  m)   m  · p        ≤⟨ ≤ᶜ-refl  mp≤ 
                      tailₘ ( B  m)  headₘ ( B  m)  ≡⟨ headₘ-tailₘ-correct _ 
                       B  m                            
                inj₁ (Kₘ ≤some ≢𝟘 ▸A ▸t (sub ▸B lemma) ▸u ▸v)
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤ᶜ-poset

⌈⌉▸[ m ]? []-cong _ A t u v = case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? A of λ where
  (inj₂ ¬▸A)  inj₂ λ _ ▸bc 
    case inv-usage-[]-cong ▸bc of λ (invUsage-[]-cong ▸A _ _ _ _) 
    ¬▸A _ ▸A
  (inj₁ ▸A)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? t of λ where
    (inj₂ ¬▸t)  inj₂ λ _ ▸bc 
      case inv-usage-[]-cong ▸bc of λ (invUsage-[]-cong _ ▸t _ _ _) 
      ¬▸t _ ▸t
    (inj₁ ▸t)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? u of λ where
      (inj₂ ¬▸u)  inj₂ λ _ ▸bc 
        case inv-usage-[]-cong ▸bc of λ (invUsage-[]-cong _ _ ▸u _ _) 
        ¬▸u _ ▸u
      (inj₁ ▸u)  case ⌈⌉▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]? v of λ where
        (inj₂ ¬▸v)  inj₂ λ _ ▸bc 
          case inv-usage-[]-cong ▸bc of
            λ (invUsage-[]-cong _ _ _ ▸v _) 
          ¬▸v _ ▸v
        (inj₁ ▸v)  inj₁ ([]-congₘ ▸A ▸t ▸u ▸v)

infix 10 ⌈⌉▸[_]?′_

-- It is decidable whether a term is well-resourced under the inferred
-- context.

⌈⌉▸[_]?′_ :  m (t : Term n)  Dec ( t  m ▸[ m ] t)
⌈⌉▸[ m ]?′ t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₁ ▸t)  yes ▸t
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  no  ▸t  ¬▸t _ ▸t)

-- It is decidable whether a term is well-resourced with respect to a
-- given mode, and in that case a greatest usage context for which the
-- term is well-resourced (with respect to the given mode) can be
-- computed.

infix 10 ▸[_]?_

▸[_]?_ :
   m (t : Term n) 
   λ (d : Dec ( λ γ  γ ▸[ m ] t)) 
    case d of λ where
      (yes (γ , _))   δ  δ ▸[ m ] t  δ ≤ᶜ γ
      (no _)         Lift _ 
▸[ m ]? t = case ⌈⌉▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (inj₁ ▸t)   yes ( t  m , ▸t) , λ _  usage-upper-bound
  (inj₂ ¬▸t)  no  (_ , ▸t)  ¬▸t _ ▸t) , _

-- It is decidable whether a term is well-resourced with respect to a
-- given context and mode.

infix 10 _▸[_]?_

_▸[_]?_ :  γ m (t : Term n)  Dec (γ ▸[ m ] t)
γ ▸[ m ]? t = case ▸[ m ]? t of λ where
  (no ¬▸t , _)         no λ ▸t  ¬▸t (_ , ▸t)
  (yes (δ , δ▸) , ≤δ)  case γ ≤ᶜ? δ of λ where
    (no γ≰δ)   no λ ▸t  γ≰δ (≤δ _ ▸t)
    (yes γ≤δ)  yes (sub δ▸ γ≤δ)