-- Properties related to usage and Unit

open import Graded.Modality
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions

module Graded.Derived.Unit
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (UR : Usage-restrictions 𝕄)

open Modality 𝕄
open Usage-restrictions UR

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Unit 𝕄

open import Graded.Context 𝕄
open import Graded.Context.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄
open import Graded.Usage 𝕄 UR
open import Graded.Usage.Properties 𝕄 UR

open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
open import Tools.Relation

private variable
  n       : Nat
  A t u   : Term _
  γ δ η θ : Conₘ _
  p q     : M
  m       : Mode
  s       : Strength

  unfolding unitrec⟨_⟩

  -- A usage rule for unitrec⟨_⟩.

  ▸unitrec⟨⟩ :
    (s  𝕨  Unitrec-allowed m p q) 
    (s  𝕨  γ   𝟘ᵐ?  · q ▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ] A) 
    (s  𝕨  δ ▸[ m ᵐ· p ] t) 
    η ▸[ m ] u 
    (s  𝕨  θ ≤ᶜ p ·ᶜ δ +ᶜ η) 
    (s  𝕤  θ ≤ᶜ η) 
    θ ▸[ m ] unitrec⟨ s  p q A t u
  ▸unitrec⟨⟩ {s = 𝕨} ok ▸A ▸t ▸u hyp₁ _ =
    sub (unitrecₘ (▸t refl) ▸u (▸A refl) (ok refl)) (hyp₁ refl)
  ▸unitrec⟨⟩ {s = 𝕤} _ _ _ ▸u _ hyp₂ =
    sub ▸u (hyp₂ refl)


  -- A grade used to state ▸Unit-η.

  Unit-η-grade : M
  Unit-η-grade = case Id-erased? of λ where
    (yes _)  𝟘
    (no _)   𝟙

  unfolding Unit-η Unit-η-grade

  -- A usage rule for Unit-η.

  ▸Unit-η :
    (s  𝕨  Unitrec-allowed m 𝟙 Unit-η-grade) 
    (s  𝕨  γ ▸[ m ] t) 
    (s  𝕤  γ ≤ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ) 
    γ ▸[ m ] Unit-η s Unit-η-grade t
  ▸Unit-η {γ} ok ▸t ≤𝟘ᶜ =
    ▸unitrec⟨⟩ ok lemma (▸-cong (sym ᵐ·-identityʳ) ∘→ ▸t) rflₘ
       _  begin
         γ             ≈˘⟨ ≈ᶜ-trans (+ᶜ-identityʳ _) $
                           ·ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
         𝟙 ·ᶜ γ +ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ  )
    open ≤ᶜ-reasoning

    lemma :
      s  𝕨 
      𝟘ᶜ {n = n}   𝟘ᵐ?  · Unit-η-grade ▸[ 𝟘ᵐ? ]
        Id (Unit s) (star s) (var x0)
    lemma refl with Id-erased?
     | yes erased = sub
      (Id₀ₘ erased Unitₘ starₘ var)
         𝟘ᶜ   𝟘ᵐ?  · 𝟘  ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-zeroʳ _ 
         𝟘ᶜ                )
     | no not-erased = sub
      (Idₘ not-erased Unitₘ starₘ var)
         𝟘ᶜ   𝟘ᵐ?  · 𝟙      ≈⟨ ≈ᶜ-refl  ·-identityʳ _ 
         𝟘ᶜ   𝟘ᵐ?           ≈˘⟨ +ᶜ-identityˡ _ 
         𝟘ᶜ +ᶜ (𝟘ᶜ   𝟘ᵐ? )  )


  -- A variant of ▸Unit-η.

  ▸Unit-η′ :
    (s  𝕨  Unitrec-allowed m 𝟙 Unit-η-grade) 
    (s  𝕨   λ γ  γ ▸[ m ] t) 
     λ γ  γ ▸[ m ] Unit-η s Unit-η-grade t
  ▸Unit-η′ {s = 𝕤} _  _  = 𝟘ᶜ , ▸Unit-η  ())  ())  _  ≤ᶜ-refl)
  ▸Unit-η′ {s = 𝕨} ok ▸t = case ▸t refl of λ where
    (γ , ▸t)  γ , ▸Unit-η ok  _  ▸t)  ())