-- Inversion lemmata for the typing relation.

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inversion
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open Type-restrictions R

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Neutral M type-variant
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R

open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Injectivity R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Stability R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Substitution R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inequality R

import Graded.Derived.Erased.Untyped 𝕄 as Erased

open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)

    n : Nat
    Γ : Con Term n
    p p′ q q′ r : M
    b : BinderMode
    s s′ : Strength
    A B C t u v w : Term _

-- Inversion of U (it has no type).
inversion-U :  {C}  Γ  U  C  
inversion-U (conv x x₁) = inversion-U x

-- Inversion of natural number type.
inversion-ℕ :  {C}  Γ    C  Γ  C  U
inversion-ℕ (ℕⱼ x) = refl (Uⱼ x)
inversion-ℕ (conv x x₁) = trans (sym x₁) (inversion-ℕ x)

-- Inversion of Empty.
inversion-Empty :  {C}  Γ  Empty  C  Γ  C  U
inversion-Empty (Emptyⱼ x) = refl (Uⱼ x)
inversion-Empty (conv x x₁) = trans (sym x₁) (inversion-Empty x)

-- Inversion for the term Unit.
inversion-Unit-U : Γ  Unit s  C  Γ  C  U × Unit-allowed s
inversion-Unit-U (Unitⱼ ⊢Γ ok) = refl (Uⱼ ⊢Γ) , ok
inversion-Unit-U (conv ⊢Unit A≡B) =
  case inversion-Unit-U ⊢Unit of λ {
    (A≡U , ok) 
  trans (sym A≡B) A≡U , ok }

-- Inversion for the Unit type.
inversion-Unit : Γ  Unit s  Unit-allowed s
inversion-Unit = λ where
  (Unitⱼ _ ok)  ok
  (univ ⊢Unit)  case inversion-Unit-U ⊢Unit of λ where
    (_ , ok)  ok

-- If a term has type Unit, then Unit-allowed holds.
⊢∷Unit→Unit-allowed : Γ  t  Unit s  Unit-allowed s
⊢∷Unit→Unit-allowed {Γ = Γ} {t = t} {s = s} =
  Γ  t  Unit s  →⟨ syntacticTerm 
  Γ  Unit s      →⟨ inversion-Unit 
  Unit-allowed s  

-- Inversion for terms that are Π- or Σ-types.
inversion-ΠΣ-U :
   {F G C} 
  Γ  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G  C 
  Γ  F  U × Γ  F  G  U × Γ  C  U × ΠΣ-allowed b p q
inversion-ΠΣ-U (ΠΣⱼ x x₁ ok) = x , x₁ , refl (Uⱼ (wfTerm x)) , ok
inversion-ΠΣ-U (conv x x₁)  =
  let a , b , c , ok = inversion-ΠΣ-U x
  in  a , b , trans (sym x₁) c , ok

-- Inversion for Π- and Σ-types.
inversion-ΠΣ :
  Γ  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A  B 
  Γ  A × Γ  A  B × ΠΣ-allowed b p q
inversion-ΠΣ = λ where
  (ΠΣⱼ ⊢A ⊢B ok)  ⊢A , ⊢B , ok
  (univ ⊢ΠΣAB)   case inversion-ΠΣ-U ⊢ΠΣAB of λ where
    (⊢A , ⊢B , _ , ok)  univ ⊢A , univ ⊢B , ok

-- If a term has type ΠΣ⟨ b ⟩ p , q ▷ A ▹ B, then ΠΣ-allowed b p q
-- holds.
⊢∷ΠΣ→ΠΣ-allowed :
  Γ  t  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A  B  ΠΣ-allowed b p q
  {Γ = Γ} {t = t} {b = b} {p = p} {q = q} {A = A} {B = B} =
  Γ  t  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A  B  →⟨ syntacticTerm 
  Γ  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A  B      →⟨ proj₂ ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ inversion-ΠΣ 
  ΠΣ-allowed b p q               

-- Inversion of variables
inversion-var :  {x C}  Γ  var x  C   λ A  x  A  Γ × Γ  C  A
inversion-var ⊢x@(var x x₁) =
  let ⊢C = syntacticTerm ⊢x
  in  _ , x₁ , refl ⊢C
inversion-var (conv x x₁) =
  let a , b , c = inversion-var x
  in  a , b , trans (sym x₁) c

-- Inversion of zero.
inversion-zero :  {C}  Γ  zero  C  Γ  C  
inversion-zero (zeroⱼ x) = refl (ℕⱼ x)
inversion-zero (conv x x₁) = trans (sym x₁) (inversion-zero x)

-- Inversion of successor.
inversion-suc :  {t C}  Γ  suc t  C  Γ  t   × Γ  C  
inversion-suc (sucⱼ x) = x , refl (ℕⱼ (wfTerm x))
inversion-suc (conv x x₁) =
  let a , b = inversion-suc x
  in  a , trans (sym x₁) b

-- Inversion of natural recursion.
inversion-natrec :  {c g n A C}  Γ  natrec p q r C c g n  A
   (Γ    C)
  × Γ  c  C [ zero ]₀
  × Γ    C  g  C [ suc (var x1) ]↑²
  × Γ  n  
  × Γ  A  C [ n ]₀
inversion-natrec (natrecⱼ x d d₁ n) = x , d , d₁ , n , refl (substType x n)
inversion-natrec (conv d x) = let a , b , c , d , e = inversion-natrec d
                              in  a , b , c , d , trans (sym x) e

-- Inversion of application.
inversion-app :   {f a A}  Γ  f ∘⟨ p  a  A 
  ∃₃ λ F G q  Γ  f  Π p , q  F  G × Γ  a  F × Γ  A  G [ a ]₀
inversion-app (d ∘ⱼ d₁) = _ , _ , _ , d , d₁ , refl (substTypeΠ (syntacticTerm d) d₁)
inversion-app (conv d x) = let a , b , c , d , e , f = inversion-app d
                           in  a , b , c , d , e , trans (sym x) f

-- Inversion of lambda.
inversion-lam :  {t A}  Γ  lam p t  A 
  ∃₃ λ F G q 
     (Γ  F) ×
     Γ  F  t  G ×
     Γ  A  Π p , q  F  G ×
     Π-allowed p q
inversion-lam (lamⱼ ⊢F ⊢G ok) =
  _ , _ , _ , ⊢F , ⊢G , refl (ΠΣⱼ ⊢F (syntacticTerm ⊢G) ok) , ok
inversion-lam (conv x x₁) =
  let a , b , c , d , e , f , g = inversion-lam x
  in  a , b , c , d , e , trans (sym x₁) f , g


  -- A variant of the previous lemma.

  inversion-lam-Π :
    Γ  lam p′ t  Π p , q  A  B 
    Γ  A  t  B × p PE.≡ p′ × Π-allowed p q
  inversion-lam-Π ⊢lam =
    case inversion-lam ⊢lam of λ {
      (_ , _ , _ , _ , ⊢t , Π≡Π , ok) 
    case ΠΣ-injectivity Π≡Π of λ {
      (A≡A′ , B≡B′ , PE.refl , PE.refl , _) 
      conv (stabilityTerm (reflConEq (wfTerm ⊢lam)  sym A≡A′) ⊢t)
        (sym B≡B′)
    , PE.refl
    , ok }}

-- Inversion of products.
inversion-prod :
   {t u A m} 
  Γ  prod m p t u  A 
  ∃₃ λ F G q 
    (Γ  F) ×
    (Γ  F  G) ×
    (Γ  t  F) ×
    (Γ  u  G [ t ]₀) ×
    Γ  A  Σ⟨ m  p , q  F  G ×
    Σ-allowed m p q
  -- NOTE fundamental theorem not required since prodⱼ has inversion built-in.
inversion-prod (prodⱼ ⊢F ⊢G ⊢t ⊢u ok) =
  _ , _ , _ , ⊢F , ⊢G , ⊢t , ⊢u , refl (ΠΣⱼ ⊢F ⊢G ok) , ok
inversion-prod (conv x x₁) =
  let F , G , q , a , b , c , d , e , ok = inversion-prod x
  in F , G , q , a , b , c , d , trans (sym x₁) e , ok


  -- A variant of the previous lemma.

  inversion-prod-Σ :
    Γ  prod s′ p′ t u  Σ⟨ s  p , q  A  B 
    Γ  t  A × Γ  u  B [ t ]₀ ×
    s PE.≡ s′ × p PE.≡ p′ × Σ-allowed s p q
  inversion-prod-Σ ⊢prod =
    case inversion-prod ⊢prod of λ {
      (_ , _ , _ , _ , _ , ⊢t , ⊢u , Σ≡Σ , ok) 
    case ΠΣ-injectivity Σ≡Σ of λ {
      (A≡A′ , B≡B′ , PE.refl , PE.refl , PE.refl) 
    case conv ⊢t (sym A≡A′) of λ {
    , conv ⊢u (sym (substTypeEq B≡B′ (refl ⊢t)))
    , PE.refl
    , PE.refl
    , ok }}}

-- Inversion of projections
inversion-fst :  {t A}  Γ  fst p t  A 
  ∃₃ λ F G q 
    Γ  F × Γ  F  G ×
    (Γ  t  Σˢ p , q  F  G) × (Γ  A  F)
inversion-fst (fstⱼ ⊢F ⊢G ⊢t) = _ , _ , _ , ⊢F , ⊢G , ⊢t , refl ⊢F
inversion-fst (conv ⊢t x) =
  let F , G , q , a , b , c , d = inversion-fst ⊢t
  in  F , G , q , a , b , c , trans (sym x) d

inversion-snd :  {t A}  Γ  snd p t  A 
  ∃₃ λ F G q 
    Γ  F × Γ  F  G ×
    (Γ  t  Σˢ p , q  F  G) × (Γ  A  G [ fst p t ]₀)
inversion-snd (sndⱼ ⊢F ⊢G ⊢t) =
  _ , _ , _ , ⊢F , ⊢G , ⊢t , refl (substType ⊢G (fstⱼ ⊢F ⊢G ⊢t))
inversion-snd (conv ⊢t x) =
  let F , G , q , a , b , c , d = inversion-snd ⊢t
  in  F , G , q , a , b , c , trans (sym x) d

-- Inversion of prodrec
inversion-prodrec :
   {t u A C} 
  Γ  prodrec r p q′ C t u  A 
  ∃₃ λ F G q 
    (Γ  F) ×
    (Γ  F  G) ×
    (Γ  (Σʷ p , q  F  G)  C) ×
    Γ  t  Σʷ p , q  F  G ×
    Γ  F  G  u  C [ prodʷ p (var x1) (var x0) ]↑² ×
    Γ  A  C [ t ]₀
inversion-prodrec (prodrecⱼ ⊢F ⊢G ⊢C ⊢t ⊢u _) =
  _ , _ , _ , ⊢F , ⊢G , ⊢C , ⊢t , ⊢u , refl (substType ⊢C ⊢t)
inversion-prodrec (conv x x₁) =
  let F , G , q , a , b , c , d , e , f = inversion-prodrec x
  in  F , G , q , a , b , c , d , e , trans (sym x₁) f

-- Inversion of star.
inversion-star : Γ  star s  C  Γ  C  Unit s × Unit-allowed s
inversion-star (starⱼ ⊢Γ ok) = refl (Unitⱼ ⊢Γ ok) , ok
inversion-star (conv ⊢star A≡B) =
  case inversion-star ⊢star of λ {
    (A≡Unit , ok) 
  trans (sym A≡B) A≡Unit , ok }

-- Inversion of unitrec
inversion-unitrec : Γ  unitrec p q A t u  C
                   (Γ  Unitʷ  A)
                  × (Γ  t  Unitʷ)
                  × (Γ  u  A [ starʷ ]₀)
                  × (Γ  C  A [ t ]₀)
inversion-unitrec (unitrecⱼ ⊢A ⊢t ⊢u _) =
  ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u , refl (substType ⊢A ⊢t)
inversion-unitrec (conv x x₁) =
  let ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u , x = inversion-unitrec x
  in  ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u , trans (sym x₁) x

-- Inversion of emptyrec
inversion-emptyrec :  {C A t}  Γ  emptyrec p A t  C
                    (Γ  A) × (Γ  t  Empty) × Γ  C  A
inversion-emptyrec (emptyrecⱼ x ⊢t) = x , ⊢t , refl x
inversion-emptyrec (conv ⊢t x) =
  let q , w , e = inversion-emptyrec ⊢t
  in  q , w , trans (sym x) e


  -- Inversion for terms that are identity types.

  inversion-Id-U :
    Γ  Id A t u  B 
    Γ  A  U × Γ  t  A × Γ  u  A × Γ  B  U
  inversion-Id-U = λ where
    (Idⱼ ⊢A ⊢t ⊢u)  ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u , refl (Uⱼ (wfTerm ⊢A))
    (conv ⊢Id C≡B) 
      case inversion-Id-U ⊢Id of λ {
        (⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u , C≡U) 
      ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u , trans (sym C≡B) C≡U }


  -- Inversion for identity types.

  inversion-Id :
    Γ  Id A t u 
    (Γ  A) × Γ  t  A × Γ  u  A
  inversion-Id = λ where
    (Idⱼ ⊢t ⊢u)  syntacticTerm ⊢t , ⊢t , ⊢u
    (univ ⊢Id)  
      case inversion-Id-U ⊢Id of λ {
        (⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u , _) 
      univ ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u }


  -- Inversion for rfl.

  inversion-rfl :
    Γ  rfl  A 
    ∃₂ λ B t  (Γ  B) × Γ  t  B × Γ  A  Id B t t
  inversion-rfl = λ where
    ⊢rfl@(rflⱼ ⊢t)  
      _ , _ , syntacticTerm ⊢t , ⊢t , refl (syntacticTerm ⊢rfl)
    (conv ⊢rfl C≡A) 
      case inversion-rfl ⊢rfl of λ {
        (_ , _ , ⊢B , ⊢t , C≡Id) 
      _ , _ , ⊢B , ⊢t , trans (sym C≡A) C≡Id }


  -- A variant of the previous lemma.

  inversion-rfl-Id : Γ  rfl  Id A t u  Γ  t  u  A
  inversion-rfl-Id ⊢rfl =
    case inversion-rfl ⊢rfl of λ {
      (_ , _ , _ , _ , Id≡Id) 
    case Id-injectivity Id≡Id of λ {
      (_ , t≡v , u≡v) 
    trans t≡v (sym u≡v) }}


  -- Inversion for J.

  inversion-J :
    Γ  J p q A t B u v w  C 
    (Γ  A) ×
    Γ  t  A ×
    (Γ  A  Id (wk1 A) (wk1 t) (var x0)  B) ×
    Γ  u  B [ t , rfl ]₁₀ ×
    Γ  v  A ×
    Γ  w  Id A t v ×
    Γ  C  B [ v , w ]₁₀
  inversion-J = λ where
    ⊢J@(Jⱼ ⊢A ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u ⊢v ⊢w) 
      ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢B , ⊢u , ⊢v , ⊢w , refl (syntacticTerm ⊢J)
    (conv ⊢J D≡C) 
      case inversion-J ⊢J of λ {
        (⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢B , ⊢u , ⊢v , ⊢w , D≡B) 
      ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢B , ⊢u , ⊢v , ⊢w , trans (sym D≡C) D≡B }


  -- Inversion for K.

  inversion-K :
    Γ  K p A t B u v  C 
    (Γ  A) ×
    Γ  t  A ×
    (Γ  Id A t t  B) ×
    Γ  u  B [ rfl ]₀ ×
    Γ  v  Id A t t ×
    K-allowed ×
    Γ  C  B [ v ]₀
  inversion-K = λ where
    ⊢K@(Kⱼ ⊢t ⊢B ⊢u ⊢v ok) 
        syntacticTerm ⊢t , ⊢t , ⊢B , ⊢u , ⊢v , ok
      , refl (syntacticTerm ⊢K)
    (conv ⊢K D≡C) 
      case inversion-K ⊢K of λ {
        (⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢B , ⊢u , ⊢v , ok , D≡B) 
      ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢B , ⊢u , ⊢v , ok , trans (sym D≡C) D≡B }


  -- Inversion for []-cong.

  inversion-[]-cong :
    Γ  []-cong s A t u v  B 
    let open Erased s in
      (Γ  A) ×
      Γ  t  A ×
      Γ  u  A ×
      Γ  v  Id A t u ×
      []-cong-allowed s ×
      Γ  B  Id (Erased A) ([ t ]) ([ u ])
  inversion-[]-cong = λ where
    ⊢[]-cong@([]-congⱼ ⊢t ⊢u ⊢v ok) 
        syntacticTerm ⊢t , ⊢t , ⊢u , ⊢v , ok
      , refl (syntacticTerm ⊢[]-cong)
    (conv ⊢[]-cong C≡B) 
      case inversion-[]-cong ⊢[]-cong of λ {
        (⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u , ⊢v , ok , C≡Id) 
      ⊢A , ⊢t , ⊢u , ⊢v , ok , trans (sym C≡B) C≡Id }

-- Inversion of products in WHNF.
whnfProduct :
   {p F G m} 
  Γ  p  Σ⟨ m  p′ , q  F  G  Whnf p  Product p
whnfProduct x prodₙ = prodₙ
whnfProduct x (ne pNe) = ne pNe

whnfProduct x Uₙ = ⊥-elim (inversion-U x)
whnfProduct x ΠΣₙ =
  let _ , _ , Σ≡U , _ = inversion-ΠΣ-U x
  in  ⊥-elim (U≢Σ (sym Σ≡U))
whnfProduct x ℕₙ = ⊥-elim (U≢Σ (sym (inversion-ℕ x)))
whnfProduct x Unitₙ = ⊥-elim (U≢Σ (sym (inversion-Unit-U x .proj₁)))
whnfProduct x Emptyₙ = ⊥-elim (U≢Σ (sym (inversion-Empty x)))
whnfProduct x lamₙ =
  let _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , Σ≡Π , _ = inversion-lam x
  in  ⊥-elim (Π≢Σⱼ (sym Σ≡Π))
whnfProduct x zeroₙ = ⊥-elim (ℕ≢Σ (sym (inversion-zero x)))
whnfProduct x sucₙ =
  let _ , A≡ℕ = inversion-suc x
  in  ⊥-elim (ℕ≢Σ (sym A≡ℕ))
whnfProduct x starₙ = ⊥-elim (Unit≢Σⱼ (sym (inversion-star x .proj₁)))
whnfProduct ⊢∷Σ Idₙ =
  ⊥-elim (U≢Σ (sym (inversion-Id-U ⊢∷Σ .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂)))
whnfProduct ⊢∷Σ rflₙ =
  ⊥-elim (Id≢Σ (sym (inversion-rfl ⊢∷Σ .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂)))