-- Inequality lemmata.

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inequality
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open Type-restrictions R

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Neutral M type-variant as U
  using (Neutral; No-η-equality; Whnf)
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.EqRelInstance R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Hidden R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.ShapeView R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Reducibility R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic R

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat)
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Empty
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Sum using (inj₁; inj₂)

    n : Nat
    Γ : Con Term n
    A B C D F G H t u v : Term n
    p p′ q q′ : M
    b : BinderMode
    b′ : BindingType
    m : Strength
    s : Strength
    l l′ : TypeLevel

  unfolding _⊩⟨_⟩_≡_

  A≢B :
    (_⊩′⟨_⟩A_ _⊩′⟨_⟩B_ : Con Term n  TypeLevel  Term n  Set a)
    (A-intr :  {l}  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩A A  Γ ⊩⟨ l  A)
    (B-intr :  {l}  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B B  Γ ⊩⟨ l  B) 
    (∀ {l}  Γ ⊩⟨ l  A   λ l′  Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩A A) 
    (∀ {l}  Γ ⊩⟨ l  B   λ l′  Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩B B) 
    (∀ {l₁ l₂} (⊩A : Γ ⊩′⟨ l₁ ⟩A A) (⊩B : Γ ⊩′⟨ l₂ ⟩B B) 
     ¬ ShapeView Γ l₁ l₂ A B (A-intr ⊩A) (B-intr ⊩B)) 
    ¬ Γ  A  B
  A≢B {A} {B} _ _ A-intr B-intr A-elim B-elim A≢B′ A≡B
    with reducible-⊩≡ A≡B
   | ⊩A , ⊩B , A≡B =
    let _ , ⊩A′ = A-elim ⊩A
        _ , ⊩B′ = B-elim ⊩B
        A≡B′    = irrelevanceEq ⊩A (A-intr ⊩A′) A≡B
    in  A≢B′ ⊩A′ ⊩B′ (goodCases (A-intr ⊩A′) (B-intr ⊩B′) A≡B′)

U≢ℕ′ :  {B l l′}
       ([U] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
       ([ℕ] : Γ ⊩ℕ B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Uᵣ [U]) (ℕᵣ [ℕ])  
U≢ℕ′ a b ()

U≢ℕ-red :  {B}  Γ  B ⇒*   Γ  U  B  
U≢ℕ-red D = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩ℕ B) Uᵣ ℕᵣ
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (U-elim x))
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (ℕ-elim′ D x))

-- U and ℕ cannot be judgmentally equal.
U≢ℕ : Γ  U    
U≢ℕ U≡ℕ =
  let _ , ⊢ℕ = syntacticEq U≡ℕ
  in  U≢ℕ-red (id ⊢ℕ) U≡ℕ

-- U and Empty
U≢Empty′ :  {B l l′}
       ([U] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
       ([Empty] : Γ ⊩Empty B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Uᵣ [U]) (Emptyᵣ [Empty])  
U≢Empty′ a b ()

U≢Empty-red :  {B}  Γ  B ⇒* Empty  Γ  U  B  
U≢Empty-red D = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩Empty B) Uᵣ Emptyᵣ
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (U-elim x))
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (Empty-elim′ D x))

U≢Emptyⱼ : Γ  U  Empty  
U≢Emptyⱼ U≡Empty =
  let _ , ⊢Empty = syntacticEq U≡Empty
  in  U≢Empty-red (id ⊢Empty) U≡Empty

-- U and Unit
U≢Unit′ :  {B l l′}
       ([U] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
       ([Unit] : Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Uᵣ [U]) (Unitᵣ [Unit])  
U≢Unit′ a b ()

U≢Unit-red :  {B}  Γ  B ⇒* Unit s  Γ  U  B  
U≢Unit-red D = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩Unit⟨ _  B) Uᵣ Unitᵣ
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (U-elim x))
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (Unit-elim′ D x))

U≢Unitⱼ : Γ  U  Unit s  
U≢Unitⱼ U≡Unit =
  let _ , ⊢Unit = syntacticEq U≡Unit
  in  U≢Unit-red (id ⊢Unit) U≡Unit

-- ℕ and Empty

ℕ≢Empty′ :  {B l l'}
           ([ℕ] : Γ ⊩ℕ )
           ([Empty] : Γ ⊩Empty B)
            ShapeView Γ l l' _ _ (ℕᵣ [ℕ]) (Emptyᵣ [Empty])  
ℕ≢Empty′ a b ()

ℕ≢Empty-red :  {B}  Γ  B ⇒* Empty  Γ    B  
ℕ≢Empty-red D = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩ℕ A)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩Empty B) ℕᵣ Emptyᵣ
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (ℕ-elim x))
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (Empty-elim′ D x))

ℕ≢Emptyⱼ : Γ    Empty  
ℕ≢Emptyⱼ ℕ≡Empty =
  let _ , ⊢Empty = syntacticEq ℕ≡Empty
  in  ℕ≢Empty-red (id ⊢Empty) ℕ≡Empty

-- ℕ and Unit

ℕ≢Unit′ :  {B l l'}
           ([ℕ] : Γ ⊩ℕ )
           ([Unit] : Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  B)
            ShapeView Γ l l' _ _ (ℕᵣ [ℕ]) (Unitᵣ [Unit])  
ℕ≢Unit′ a b ()

ℕ≢Unit-red :  {B}  Γ  B ⇒* Unit s  Γ    B  
ℕ≢Unit-red D = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩ℕ A)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩Unit⟨ _  B) ℕᵣ Unitᵣ
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (ℕ-elim x))
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (Unit-elim′ D x))

ℕ≢Unitⱼ : Γ    Unit s  
ℕ≢Unitⱼ ℕ≡Unit =
  let _ , ⊢Unit = syntacticEq ℕ≡Unit
  in  ℕ≢Unit-red (id ⊢Unit) ℕ≡Unit

-- Empty and Unit

Empty≢Unit′ :  {B l l'}
           ([Empty] : Γ ⊩Empty Empty)
           ([Unit] : Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  B)
            ShapeView Γ l l' _ _ (Emptyᵣ [Empty]) (Unitᵣ [Unit])  
Empty≢Unit′ a b ()

Empty≢Unit-red :  {B}  Γ  B ⇒* Unit s  Γ  Empty  B  
Empty≢Unit-red D = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩Empty A)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩Unit⟨ _  B) Emptyᵣ Unitᵣ
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (Empty-elim x))
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (Unit-elim′ D x))

Empty≢Unitⱼ : Γ  Empty  Unit s  
Empty≢Unitⱼ Empty≡Unit =
  let _ , ⊢Unit = syntacticEq Empty≡Unit
  in  Empty≢Unit-red (id ⊢Unit) Empty≡Unit

-- Universe and binding types

U≢B′ :  {B l l′} W
       ([U] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
       ([W] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩B⟨ W  B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Uᵣ [U]) (Bᵣ W [W])  
U≢B′ W a b ()

U≢B-red :  {B F G} W  Γ  B ⇒*  W  F  G  Γ  U  B  
U≢B-red W D = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
                   Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨ W  A) Uᵣ (Bᵣ W)
                   x  extractMaybeEmb (U-elim x))
                   x  extractMaybeEmb (B-elim′ W D x))
                  (U≢B′ W)

-- U and Π F ▹ G for any F and G cannot be judgmentally equal.
U≢B :  {F G} W  Γ  U   W  F  G  
U≢B W U≡W =
  let _ , ⊢W = syntacticEq U≡W
  in  U≢B-red W (id ⊢W) U≡W

U≢Π :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G p q}  _
U≢Π {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {p} {q} = U≢B {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} ( p q)
U≢Σ :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G p q m}  _
U≢Σ {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {p} {q} {m} = U≢B {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} ( m p q)

U≢ΠΣⱼ : Γ  U  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G  
U≢ΠΣⱼ {b = BMΠ}   = U≢Π
U≢ΠΣⱼ {b = BMΣ _} = U≢Σ

U≢ne′ :  {K l l′}
       ([U] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
       ([K] : Γ ⊩ne K)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Uᵣ [U]) (ne [K])  
U≢ne′ a b ()

U≢ne-red :  {B K}  Γ  B ⇒* K  Neutral K  Γ  U  B  
U≢ne-red D neK = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩ne B) Uᵣ ne
                      x  extractMaybeEmb (U-elim x))
                      x  extractMaybeEmb (ne-elim′ D neK x))

-- U and K for any neutral K cannot be judgmentally equal.
U≢ne :  {K}  Neutral K  Γ  U  K  
U≢ne neK U≡K =
  let _ , ⊢K = syntacticEq U≡K
  in  U≢ne-red (id ⊢K) neK U≡K

ℕ≢B′ :  {A B l l′} W
       ([ℕ] : Γ ⊩ℕ A)
       ([W] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩B⟨ W  B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (ℕᵣ [ℕ]) (Bᵣ W [W])  
ℕ≢B′ W a b ()

ℕ≢B-red :  {A B F G} W  Γ  A ⇒*   Γ  B ⇒*  W  F  G  Γ  A  B  
ℕ≢B-red W D D′ = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩ℕ A)
                      Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨ W  A) ℕᵣ (Bᵣ W)
                      x  extractMaybeEmb (ℕ-elim′ D x))
                      x  extractMaybeEmb (B-elim′ W D′ x))
                     (ℕ≢B′ W)

-- ℕ and B F ▹ G for any F and G cannot be judgmentally equal.
ℕ≢B :  {F G} W  Γ     W  F  G  
ℕ≢B W ℕ≡W =
  let ⊢ℕ , ⊢W = syntacticEq ℕ≡W
  in  ℕ≢B-red W (id ⊢ℕ) (id ⊢W) ℕ≡W

ℕ≢Π :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G p q}  _
ℕ≢Π {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {p} {q} = ℕ≢B {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} ( p q)
ℕ≢Σ :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G p q m}  _
ℕ≢Σ {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {p} {q} {m} = ℕ≢B {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} ( m p q)

ℕ≢ΠΣⱼ : Γ    ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G  
ℕ≢ΠΣⱼ {b = BMΠ}   = ℕ≢Π
ℕ≢ΠΣⱼ {b = BMΣ _} = ℕ≢Σ

-- Empty and Π
Empty≢B′ :  {A B l l′} W
       ([Empty] : Γ ⊩Empty A)
       ([W] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩B⟨ W  B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Emptyᵣ [Empty]) (Bᵣ W [W])  
Empty≢B′ W a b ()

Empty≢B-red :  {A B F G} W  Γ  A ⇒* Empty  Γ  B ⇒*  W  F  G  Γ  A  B  
Empty≢B-red W D D′ = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩Empty A)
                          Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨ W  A) Emptyᵣ (Bᵣ W)
                          x  extractMaybeEmb (Empty-elim′ D x))
                          x  extractMaybeEmb (B-elim′ W D′ x))
                         (Empty≢B′ W)

Empty≢Bⱼ :  {F G} W  Γ  Empty   W  F  G  
Empty≢Bⱼ W Empty≡W =
  let ⊢Empty , ⊢W = syntacticEq Empty≡W
  in  Empty≢B-red W (id ⊢Empty) (id ⊢W) Empty≡W

Empty≢Πⱼ :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G p q}  _
Empty≢Πⱼ {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {p} {q} = Empty≢Bⱼ {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} ( p q)
Empty≢Σⱼ :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G p q m}  _
Empty≢Σⱼ {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {p} {q} {m} =
  Empty≢Bⱼ {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} ( m p q)

Empty≢ΠΣⱼ : Γ  Empty  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G  
Empty≢ΠΣⱼ {b = BMΠ}   = Empty≢Πⱼ
Empty≢ΠΣⱼ {b = BMΣ _} = Empty≢Σⱼ

-- Unit and Π
Unit≢B′ :  {A B l l′} W
       ([Unit] : Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  A)
       ([W] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩B⟨ W  B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Unitᵣ [Unit]) (Bᵣ W [W])  
Unit≢B′ W a b ()

Unit≢B-red :  {A B F G} W  Γ  A ⇒* Unit s  Γ  B ⇒*  W  F  G  Γ  A  B  
Unit≢B-red W D D′ = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩Unit⟨ _  A)
                     Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨ W  A) Unitᵣ (Bᵣ W)
                     x  extractMaybeEmb (Unit-elim′ D x))
                     x  extractMaybeEmb (B-elim′ W D′ x))
                    (Unit≢B′ W)

Unit≢Bⱼ :  {F G} W  Γ  Unit s   W  F  G  
Unit≢Bⱼ W Unit≡W =
  let ⊢Unit , ⊢W = syntacticEq Unit≡W
  in  Unit≢B-red W (id ⊢Unit) (id ⊢W) Unit≡W

Unit≢Πⱼ :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G p q s}  _
Unit≢Πⱼ {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {p} {q} {s} = Unit≢Bⱼ {Γ = Γ} {s} {F} {G} ( p q)
Unit≢Σⱼ :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G p q m s}  _
Unit≢Σⱼ {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {p} {q} {m} {s} = Unit≢Bⱼ {Γ = Γ} {s} {F} {G} ( m p q)

Unit≢ΠΣⱼ : Γ  Unit s  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G  
Unit≢ΠΣⱼ {b = BMΠ}   = Unit≢Πⱼ
Unit≢ΠΣⱼ {b = BMΣ _} = Unit≢Σⱼ

ℕ≢ne′ :  {A K l l′}
       ([ℕ] : Γ ⊩ℕ A)
       ([K] : Γ ⊩ne K)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (ℕᵣ [ℕ]) (ne [K])  
ℕ≢ne′ a b ()

ℕ≢ne-red :  {A B K}  Γ  A ⇒*   Γ  B ⇒* K  Neutral K  Γ  A  B  
ℕ≢ne-red D D′ neK = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩ℕ A)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩ne B) ℕᵣ ne
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (ℕ-elim′ D x))
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (ne-elim′ D′ neK x))

-- ℕ and K for any neutral K cannot be judgmentally equal.
ℕ≢ne :  {K}  Neutral K  Γ    K  
ℕ≢ne neK ℕ≡K =
  let ⊢ℕ , ⊢K = syntacticEq ℕ≡K
  in  ℕ≢ne-red (id ⊢ℕ) (id ⊢K) neK ℕ≡K

-- Empty and neutral
Empty≢ne′ :  {A K l l′}
       ([Empty] : Γ ⊩Empty A)
       ([K] : Γ ⊩ne K)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Emptyᵣ [Empty]) (ne [K])  
Empty≢ne′ a b ()

Empty≢ne-red :  {A B K}  Γ  A ⇒* Empty  Γ  B ⇒* K  Neutral K  Γ  A  B  
Empty≢ne-red D D′ neK = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩Empty A)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩ne B) Emptyᵣ ne
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (Empty-elim′ D x))
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (ne-elim′ D′ neK x))

Empty≢neⱼ :  {K}  Neutral K  Γ  Empty  K  
Empty≢neⱼ neK Empty≡K =
  let ⊢Empty , ⊢K = syntacticEq Empty≡K
  in  Empty≢ne-red (id ⊢Empty) (id ⊢K) neK Empty≡K

-- Unit and neutral
Unit≢ne′ :  {A K l l′}
       ([Unit] : Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  A)
       ([K] : Γ ⊩ne K)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Unitᵣ [Unit]) (ne [K])  
Unit≢ne′ a b ()

Unit≢ne-red :  {A B K}  Γ  A ⇒* Unit s  Γ  B ⇒* K  Neutral K  Γ  A  B  
Unit≢ne-red D D′ neK = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩Unit⟨ _  A)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩ne B) Unitᵣ ne
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (Unit-elim′ D x))
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (ne-elim′ D′ neK x))

Unit≢neⱼ :  {K}  Neutral K  Γ  Unit s  K  
Unit≢neⱼ neK Unit≡K =
  let ⊢Unit , ⊢K = syntacticEq Unit≡K
  in  Unit≢ne-red (id ⊢Unit) (id ⊢K) neK Unit≡K

B≢ne′ :  {A K l l′} W
       ([W] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨ W  A)
       ([K] : Γ ⊩ne K)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Bᵣ W [W]) (ne [K])  
B≢ne′ W a b ()

B≢ne-red :  {A B F G K} W  Γ  A ⇒*  W  F  G  Γ  B ⇒* K  Neutral K
      Γ  A  B  
B≢ne-red W D D′ neK = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨ W  A)
                           Γ l B  Γ ⊩ne B) (Bᵣ W) ne
                           x  extractMaybeEmb (B-elim′ W D x))
                           x  extractMaybeEmb (ne-elim′ D′ neK x))
                          (B≢ne′ W)

-- ⟦ W ⟧ F ▹ G and K for any W, F, G and neutral K cannot be judgmentally equal.
B≢ne :  {F G K} W  Neutral K  Γ   W  F  G  K  
B≢ne W neK W≡K =
  let ⊢W , ⊢K = syntacticEq W≡K
  in  B≢ne-red W (id ⊢W) (id ⊢K) neK W≡K

Π≢ne :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G H p q}  _
Π≢ne {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {H} {p} {q} = B≢ne {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {H} ( p q)
Σ≢ne :  {Γ : Con Term n} {F G H p q m}  _
Σ≢ne {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {H} {p} {q} {m} =
  B≢ne {Γ = Γ} {F} {G} {H} ( m p q)

ΠΣ≢ne : Neutral H  Γ  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  F  G  H  
ΠΣ≢ne {b = BMΠ}   = B≢ne ( _ _)
ΠΣ≢ne {b = BMΣ _} = B≢ne ( _ _ _)

-- Π and Σ
Π≢Σ′ :  {A B l l′ p q q′ m}
       ([A] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨  p q  A)
       ([B] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩B⟨  m p′ q′  B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Bᵣ ( p q) [A]) (Bᵣ ( m p′ q′) [B])  
Π≢Σ′ _ _ ()

Π≢Σ-red :  {A B F G H E m}  Γ  A ⇒* Π p , q  F  G
          Γ  B ⇒* Σ⟨ m  p′ , q′  H  E  Γ  A  B  
Π≢Σ-red {p′ = p′} {q′ = q′} {m = m} D D′ = A≢B
   Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨ BΠ!  A)
   Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨  m p′ q′  A) (Bᵣ BΠ!) (Bᵣ BΣ!)
   x  extractMaybeEmb (B-elim′ BΠ! D x))
   x  extractMaybeEmb (B-elim′ BΣ! D′ x))

Π≢Σⱼ :  {F G H E m}  Γ  Π p , q  F  G  Σ⟨ m  p′ , q′  H  E  
Π≢Σⱼ Π≡Σ =
  let ⊢Π , ⊢Σ = syntacticEq Π≡Σ
  in  Π≢Σ-red (id ⊢Π) (id ⊢Σ) Π≡Σ

Σˢ≢Σʷ′ :
   {A B l l′ q q′}
  ([A] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨  𝕤 p q  A)
  ([B] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩B⟨  𝕨 p′ q′  B) 
  ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Bᵣ ( 𝕤 p q) [A]) (Bᵣ ( 𝕨 p′ q′) [B])  
Σˢ≢Σʷ′ _ _ ()

Σˢ≢Σʷ-red :  {A B F G H E}  Γ  A ⇒* Σˢ p , q  F  G
           Γ  B ⇒* Σʷ p′ , q′  H  E  Γ  A  B  
Σˢ≢Σʷ-red D D′ = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨ BΣˢ  A)
                      Γ l B  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B⟨ BΣʷ  B)
                     (Bᵣ BΣ!) (Bᵣ BΣ!)
                      x  extractMaybeEmb (B-elim′ BΣ! D x))
                      x  extractMaybeEmb (B-elim′ BΣ! D′ x))

Σˢ≢Σʷⱼ :  {F G H E}  Γ  Σˢ p , q  F  G  Σʷ p′ , q′  H  E  
Σˢ≢Σʷⱼ Σˢ≡Σʷ =
  let ⊢Σˢ , ⊢Σʷ = syntacticEq Σˢ≡Σʷ
  in  Σˢ≢Σʷ-red (id ⊢Σˢ) (id ⊢Σʷ) Σˢ≡Σʷ

-- Weak and strong unit types

Unitʷ≢Unitˢ′ : ([A] : Γ ⊩Unit⟨ 𝕨  A)
               ([B] : Γ ⊩Unit⟨ 𝕤  B)
              ShapeView Γ l l′ A B (Unitᵣ [A]) (Unitᵣ [B])  
Unitʷ≢Unitˢ′ [A] [B] ()

Unitʷ≢Unitˢ-red : Γ  A ⇒* Unitʷ
                 Γ  B ⇒* Unitˢ
                 Γ  A  B  
Unitʷ≢Unitˢ-red D D′ = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩Unit⟨ 𝕨  A)
                            Γ l B  Γ ⊩Unit⟨ 𝕤  B)
                           Unitᵣ Unitᵣ
                            x  extractMaybeEmb (Unit-elim′ D x))
                            x  extractMaybeEmb (Unit-elim′ D′ x))

Unitʷ≢Unitˢ : Γ  Unitʷ  Unitˢ  
Unitʷ≢Unitˢ Unitʷ≡Unitˢ =
  let ⊢Unitʷ , ⊢Unitˢ = syntacticEq Unitʷ≡Unitˢ
  in  Unitʷ≢Unitˢ-red (id ⊢Unitʷ) (id ⊢Unitˢ) Unitʷ≡Unitˢ


  -- Applications of Id are not definitionally equal to neutral types.

  Id≢ne : Neutral B  Γ  Id A t u  B  
  Id≢ne B-ne =
    A≢B _⊩′⟨_⟩Id_  Γ _ A  Γ ⊩ne A) Idᵣ ne
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ Id-elim)
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ ne-elim B-ne)
       _ _ ())

  -- Applications of Id are not definitionally equal to U.

  Id≢U : Γ  Id A t u  U  
  Id≢U =
    A≢B _⊩′⟨_⟩Id_  Γ l _  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U) Idᵣ Uᵣ
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ Id-elim)
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ U-elim)
       _ _ ())

  -- Applications of Id are not definitionally equal to ℕ.

  Id≢ℕ : Γ  Id A t u    
  Id≢ℕ =
    A≢B _⊩′⟨_⟩Id_  Γ _ A  Γ ⊩ℕ A) Idᵣ ℕᵣ
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ Id-elim)
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ ℕ-elim)
       _ _ ())

  -- Applications of Id are not definitionally equal to Unit.

  Id≢Unit : Γ  Id A t u  Unit s  
  Id≢Unit {s = s} =
    A≢B _⊩′⟨_⟩Id_  Γ _ A  Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  A) Idᵣ Unitᵣ
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ Id-elim)
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ Unit-elim)
       _ _ ())

  -- Applications of Id are not definitionally equal to Empty.

  Id≢Empty : Γ  Id A t u  Empty  
  Id≢Empty =
    A≢B _⊩′⟨_⟩Id_  Γ _ A  Γ ⊩Empty A) Idᵣ Emptyᵣ
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ Id-elim)
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ Empty-elim)
       _ _ ())

  -- Applications of Id are not definitionally equal to applications of
  -- Π or Σ.

  Id≢⟦⟧▷ : Γ  Id A t u   b′  B  C  
  Id≢⟦⟧▷ =
    A≢B _⊩′⟨_⟩Id_ _⊩′⟨_⟩B⟨ _ ⟩_ Idᵣ (Bᵣ _)
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ Id-elim)
      (extractMaybeEmb ∘→ B-elim _)
       _ _ ())

  -- Applications of Id are not definitionally equal to applications
  -- of Π.

  Id≢Π : Γ  Id A t u  Π p , q  B  C  
  Id≢Π = Id≢⟦⟧▷ {b′ =  _ _}

  -- Applications of Id are not definitionally equal to applications
  -- of Σ.

  Id≢Σ : Γ  Id A t u  Σ⟨ m  p , q  B  C  
  Id≢Σ = Id≢⟦⟧▷ {b′ =  _ _ _}

  -- Applications of Id are not definitionally equal to applications
  -- of Π or Σ.

  Id≢ΠΣ : Γ  Id A t u  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  B  C  
  Id≢ΠΣ {b = BMΠ}   = Id≢Π
  Id≢ΠΣ {b = BMΣ _} = Id≢Σ

-- If No-η-equality A holds, then A is not a Π-type.

No-η-equality→≢Π : No-η-equality A  Γ  A  Π p , q  B  C  
No-η-equality→≢Π = λ where
  U.Uₙ         U≡Π      U≢ΠΣⱼ U≡Π
  U.Σʷₙ        Σʷ≡Π     Π≢Σⱼ (sym Σʷ≡Π)
  U.Emptyₙ     Empty≡Π  Empty≢ΠΣⱼ Empty≡Π
  U.ℕₙ         ℕ≡Π      ℕ≢ΠΣⱼ ℕ≡Π
  U.Idₙ        Id≡Π     Id≢ΠΣ Id≡Π
  (U.Unitʷₙ _) Unit≡Π   Unit≢ΠΣⱼ Unit≡Π
  (U.neₙ A-ne) A≡Π      ΠΣ≢ne A-ne (sym A≡Π)

-- If No-η-equality A holds, then A is not a Σ-type with η-equality.

No-η-equality→≢Σˢ : No-η-equality A  Γ  A  Σˢ p , q  B  C  
No-η-equality→≢Σˢ = λ where
  U.Uₙ         U≡Σ      U≢ΠΣⱼ U≡Σ
  U.Σʷₙ        Σʷ≡Σ     Σˢ≢Σʷⱼ (sym Σʷ≡Σ)
  U.Emptyₙ     Empty≡Σ  Empty≢ΠΣⱼ Empty≡Σ
  U.ℕₙ         ℕ≡Σ      ℕ≢ΠΣⱼ ℕ≡Σ
  U.Idₙ        Id≡Σ     Id≢ΠΣ Id≡Σ
  (U.Unitʷₙ _) Unit≡Σ   Unit≢ΠΣⱼ Unit≡Σ
  (U.neₙ A-ne) A≡Σ      ΠΣ≢ne A-ne (sym A≡Σ)

-- If No-η-equality A holds, then A is not a unit type with
-- η-equality.

No-η-equality→≢Unit : No-η-equality A  Γ  A  Unit s  ¬ Unit-with-η s
No-η-equality→≢Unit = λ where
  U.Uₙ            U≡Unit      _               U≢Unitⱼ U≡Unit
  U.Σʷₙ           Σʷ≡Unit     _               Unit≢ΠΣⱼ (sym Σʷ≡Unit)
  U.Emptyₙ        Empty≡Unit  _               Empty≢Unitⱼ Empty≡Unit
  U.ℕₙ            ℕ≡Unit      _               ℕ≢Unitⱼ ℕ≡Unit
  U.Idₙ           Id≡Unit     _               Id≢Unit Id≡Unit
  (U.Unitʷₙ _)    Unitʷ≡Unitˢ (inj₁ PE.refl)  Unitʷ≢Unitˢ Unitʷ≡Unitˢ
  (U.Unitʷₙ no-η) _           (inj₂ η)        no-η η
  (U.neₙ A-ne)    A≡Unit      _               Unit≢neⱼ A-ne
                                                 (sym A≡Unit)

-- If A is a type without η-equality, then a non-neutral WHNF is not
-- definitionally equal at type A to any neutral term.

whnf≢ne :
  No-η-equality A  Whnf t  ¬ Neutral t  Neutral u 
  ¬ Γ  t  u  A
whnf≢ne {A} {t} {u} ¬-A-η t-whnf ¬-t-ne u-ne t≡u =
  case reducible-⊩≡∷ t≡u of λ
  case wf-⊩∷ $ wf-⊩≡∷ t≡u .proj₁ of λ
  lemma ⊩A (⊩≡∷→⊩≡∷/ ⊩A t≡u)
  A⇒*no-η : Γ  A :⇒*: B  No-η-equality B
  A⇒*no-η [ _ , _ , A⇒*B ] =
    case whnfRed* A⇒*B (U.No-η-equality→Whnf ¬-A-η) of λ {
    ¬-A-η }

  ¬t⇒*ne : Γ  t :⇒*: v  B  ¬ Neutral v
  ¬t⇒*ne [ _ , _ , t⇒*v ] v-ne =
    case whnfRed*Term t⇒*v t-whnf of λ {
    ¬-t-ne v-ne }

  u⇒*ne : Γ  u :⇒*: v  B  Neutral v
  u⇒*ne [ _ , _ , u⇒*v ] =
    case whnfRed*Term u⇒*v (U.ne u-ne) of λ {
    u-ne }

  lemma : ([A] : Γ ⊩⟨ l  A)  ¬ Γ ⊩⟨ l  t  u  A / [A]
  lemma = λ where
    (ℕᵣ _) (ℕₜ₌ _ _ _ u⇒*zero _ zeroᵣ) 
      U.zero≢ne (u⇒*ne u⇒*zero) PE.refl
    (ℕᵣ _) (ℕₜ₌ _ _ _ u⇒*suc _ (sucᵣ _)) 
      U.suc≢ne (u⇒*ne u⇒*suc) PE.refl
    (ℕᵣ _) (ℕₜ₌ _ _ t⇒*v _ _ (ne (neNfₜ₌ v-ne _ _))) 
      ¬t⇒*ne t⇒*v v-ne
    (Emptyᵣ _) (Emptyₜ₌ _ _ t⇒*v _ _ (ne (neNfₜ₌ v-ne _ _))) 
      ¬t⇒*ne t⇒*v v-ne
    (Unitᵣ (Unitₜ A⇒*Unit _)) [t≡u] 
      case A⇒*no-η A⇒*Unit of λ where
        (U.neₙ ())
        (U.Unitʷₙ not-ok)  case [t≡u] of λ where
          (Unitₜ₌ʷ _ _ _ d′ _ starᵣ _) 
            U.star≢ne (u⇒*ne d′) PE.refl
          (Unitₜ₌ʷ _ _ d _ _ (ne (neNfₜ₌ neK _ _)) _) 
            ¬t⇒*ne d neK
          (Unitₜ₌ˢ _ _ (inj₂ ok)) 
            not-ok ok
    (ne _) (neₜ₌ _ _ t⇒*v _ (neNfₜ₌ v-ne _ _)) 
      ¬t⇒*ne t⇒*v v-ne
    (Bᵣ BΠ! (Bᵣ _ _ A⇒*Π _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) _ 
      case A⇒*no-η A⇒*Π of λ where
        (U.neₙ ())
    (Bᵣ BΣˢ (Bᵣ _ _ A⇒*Σ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) _ 
      case A⇒*no-η A⇒*Σ of λ where
        (U.neₙ ())
    (Bᵣ BΣʷ _) (_ , _ , _ , u⇒*w , _ , _ , _ , _ , U.prodₙ , _) 
      U.prod≢ne (u⇒*ne u⇒*w) PE.refl
    (Bᵣ BΣʷ _) (_ , _ , t⇒*v , _ , _ , _ , _ , U.ne v-ne , _) 
      ¬t⇒*ne t⇒*v v-ne
    (Bᵣ BΣʷ _) (_ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , U.prodₙ , U.ne _  , ())
    (Idᵣ ⊩Id) t≡u@(_ , _ , t⇒*t′ , u⇒*u′ , _) 
      case ⊩Id≡∷-view-inhabited ⊩Id t≡u of λ where
        (ne t′-ne _ _)  ¬t⇒*ne t⇒*t′ t′-ne
        (rfl₌ _)        U.rfl≢ne (u⇒*ne u⇒*u′) PE.refl
    (Uᵣ _) (Uₜ₌ _ _ t⇒*A u⇒*B A-type B-type A≡B _ _ _) 
      case B-type of λ where
        U.ΠΣₙ        U.ΠΣ≢ne _  (u⇒*ne u⇒*B) PE.refl
        U.ℕₙ         U.ℕ≢ne     (u⇒*ne u⇒*B) PE.refl
        U.Emptyₙ     U.Empty≢ne (u⇒*ne u⇒*B) PE.refl
        U.Unitₙ      U.Unit≢ne  (u⇒*ne u⇒*B) PE.refl
        U.Idₙ        U.Id≢ne    (u⇒*ne u⇒*B) PE.refl
        (U.ne B-ne)  case A-type of λ where
          (U.ne A-ne)  ⊥-elim (¬t⇒*ne t⇒*A A-ne)
          U.ΠΣₙ        ΠΣ≢ne     B-ne (univ A≡B)
          U.ℕₙ         ℕ≢ne      B-ne (univ A≡B)
          U.Emptyₙ     Empty≢neⱼ B-ne (univ A≡B)
          U.Unitₙ      Unit≢neⱼ  B-ne (univ A≡B)
          U.Idₙ        Id≢ne     B-ne (univ A≡B)
    (emb 0<1 [A]) [t≡u] 
      lemma [A] [t≡u]

-- The term zero is not definitionally equal (at type ℕ) to any
-- neutral term.

zero≢ne :
  Neutral t 
  ¬ Γ  zero  t  
zero≢ne = whnf≢ne U.ℕₙ U.zeroₙ  ())

-- The term suc t is not definitionally equal (at type ℕ) to any
-- neutral term.

suc≢ne :
  Neutral u 
  ¬ Γ  suc t  u  
suc≢ne = whnf≢ne U.ℕₙ U.sucₙ  ())

-- The term prodʷ p t u is not definitionally equal (at type
-- Σʷ p , q ▷ A ▹ B) to any neutral term.

prodʷ≢ne :
  Neutral v 
  ¬ Γ  prodʷ p t u  v  Σʷ p , q  A  B
prodʷ≢ne = whnf≢ne U.Σʷₙ U.prodₙ  ())

-- The term rfl is not definitionally equal (at type Id A t u) to any
-- neutral term.

rfl≢ne :
  Neutral v 
  ¬ Γ  rfl  v  Id A t u
rfl≢ne = whnf≢ne U.Idₙ U.rflₙ  ())