-- Decidability of typing.

open import Definition.Typechecking.Decidable.Assumptions
open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Decidable
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  {R : Type-restrictions 𝕄}
  (as : Assumptions R)

open Assumptions as

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typechecking R
open import Definition.Typechecking.Soundness R
open import Definition.Typechecking.Completeness R
open import Definition.Typechecking.Decidable as

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat)
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.Relation as Dec

    n : Nat
    Γ : Con Term n
    A t : Term n

-- Re-export decidability of type and term equality
open import Definition.Typed.Decidable.Equality R _≟_ public

-- If Γ is well-formed and A is checkable, then Γ ⊢ A is decidable.

dec :  Γ  Checkable A  Dec (Γ  A)
dec ⊢Γ A =
  Dec.map (soundness⇇Type ⊢Γ) (completeness⇇Type A) (dec⇇Type ⊢Γ A)

-- Type-checking for well-formed types: if Γ ⊢ A holds and t is
-- checkable, then Γ ⊢ t ∷ A is decidable.

decTermᶜ : Γ  A  Checkable t  Dec (Γ  t  A)
decTermᶜ ⊢A t = Dec.map (soundness⇇ ⊢Γ) (completeness⇇ t) (dec⇇ ⊢Γ t ⊢A)
  ⊢Γ = wf ⊢A

-- Type-checking for arbitrary checkable types: if Γ is well-formed
-- and A and t are checkable, then Γ ⊢ t ∷ A is decidable.

decTermTypeᶜ :  Γ  Checkable A  Checkable t  Dec (Γ  t  A)
decTermTypeᶜ ⊢Γ A t =
  case dec ⊢Γ A of λ where
    (yes ⊢A)  decTermᶜ ⊢A t
    (no ¬⊢A)  no (¬⊢A ∘→ syntacticTerm)

-- Type inference: if ⊢ Γ holds and t is inferable, then
-- ∃ λ A → Γ ⊢ t ∷ A is decidable.

decTermᵢ :  Γ  Inferable t  Dec ( λ A  Γ  t  A)
decTermᵢ ⊢Γ t = Dec.map
   { (A , t⇉A)  A , (proj₂ (soundness⇉ ⊢Γ t⇉A))})
   { (A , ⊢t)   _ , (proj₁ (proj₂ (completeness⇉ t ⊢t)))})
  (dec⇉ ⊢Γ t)

-- If Γ is a checkable context, then ⊢ Γ is decidable.

decWfCon : CheckableCon Γ  Dec ( Γ)
decWfCon ε = yes ε
decWfCon (Γ  A) = case decWfCon Γ of λ where
  (yes ⊢Γ)  case dec ⊢Γ A of λ where
    (yes ⊢A)  yes (⊢Γ  ⊢A)
    (no ⊬A)  no λ where
      (⊢Γ  ⊢A)  ⊬A ⊢A
  (no ⊬Γ)  no λ where
    (⊢Γ  ⊢A)  ⊬Γ ⊢Γ

-- If Γ and A are checkable, then Γ ⊢ A is decidable.

decConTypeᶜ : CheckableCon Γ  Checkable A  Dec (Γ  A)
decConTypeᶜ Γ A =
  case decWfCon Γ of λ where
    (yes ⊢Γ)  dec ⊢Γ A
    (no ¬⊢Γ)  no (¬⊢Γ ∘→ wf)

-- Type-checking for arbitrary checkable contexts and types: if Γ, A
-- and t are checkable, then Γ ⊢ t ∷ A is decidable.

decConTermTypeᶜ :
  CheckableCon Γ  Checkable A  Checkable t  Dec (Γ  t  A)
decConTermTypeᶜ Γ A t =
  case decWfCon Γ of λ where
    (yes ⊢Γ)  decTermTypeᶜ ⊢Γ A t
    (no ¬⊢Γ)  no (¬⊢Γ ∘→ wfTerm)

-- Type inference for arbitrary checkable contexts: if Γ is checkable
-- and t is inferable, then ∃ λ A → Γ ⊢ t ∷ A is decidable.

decConTermᵢ : CheckableCon Γ  Inferable t  Dec ( λ A  Γ  t  A)
decConTermᵢ Γ t =
  case decWfCon Γ of λ where
    (yes ⊢Γ)  decTermᵢ ⊢Γ t
    (no ¬⊢Γ)  no (¬⊢Γ ∘→ wfTerm ∘→ proj₂)