-- Target terms in the logical relation reduce to values

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Assumptions
open import Graded.Modality

module Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Value
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  {R : Type-restrictions 𝕄}
  (as : Assumptions R)

open Assumptions as

open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.Untyped M

open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation as
open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Hidden as
open import Graded.Erasure.Target as T using (strict)
open import Graded.Erasure.Target.Properties

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Product as Σ
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality

private variable
  A t : Term _
  u   : T.Term _
  l   : TypeLevel

  unfolding _®⟨_⟩_∷_

  -- In the strict setting, if t is related to u, then u reduces to a
  -- value.

  reduces-to-value :
    str  strict 
    t ®⟨ l  u  A 
     λ v  T.Value v × u T.⇒* v
  reduces-to-value refl = uncurry helper
    helper :
      (⊩A : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A) 
      t ®⟨ l  u  A / ⊩A 
       λ v  T.Value v × u T.⇒* v
    helper = λ where
      (Uᵣ _)            (Uᵣ v⇒*↯)            _ , T.↯    , v⇒*↯ refl
      (ℕᵣ _)            (zeroᵣ _ v⇒*zero)    _ , T.zero , v⇒*zero
      (ℕᵣ _)            (sucᵣ _ v⇒*suc _ _)  _ , T.suc  , v⇒*suc
      (Emptyᵣ _)        ()
      (Unitᵣ _)         (starᵣ _ v⇒*star)    _ , T.star , v⇒*star
      (ne _)            ()
      (Idᵣ _)           (rflᵣ _ v⇒*↯)        _ , T.↯    , v⇒*↯ refl
      (Bᵣ ( _ _) _)   (u⇒*lam , _)         _ , T.lam  , u⇒*lam refl
      (emb 0<1 ⊩A)      t®u                  helper ⊩A t®u
      (Bᵣ′ ( _ _ _) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⊩B _ _)
        (_ , _ , _ , _ , _ , t₂®v₂ , more) 
        Σ-®-elim _ more
           u⇒*v₂ _ 
             Σ.map idᶠ (Σ.map idᶠ (red*concat u⇒*v₂)) $
             helper (⊩B _ _ _) t₂®v₂)
           _ u⇒*prod _ _  _ , T.prod , u⇒*prod)


  -- In the strict setting, if t is related to u at type ℕ, then u
  -- reduces to a numeral.

  reduces-to-numeral :
    str  strict 
    t ® u ∷ℕ 
     λ v  T.Numeral v × u T.⇒* v
  reduces-to-numeral refl = λ where
    (zeroᵣ _ v⇒*zero)      _ , T.zero    , v⇒*zero
    (sucᵣ _ v⇒*suc num _)  _ , T.suc num , v⇒*suc