-- A modality for the natural numbers extended with infinity

module Graded.Modality.Instances.Nat-plus-infinity where

import Tools.Algebra
open import Tools.Bool using (T)
open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Level
open import Tools.Nat as N using (Nat; 1+)
open import Tools.Product as Σ
open import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
import Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder
import Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum as  using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

open import Graded.FullReduction.Assumptions
import Graded.Modality
import Graded.Modality.Instances.BoundedStar as BoundedStar
import Graded.Modality.Instances.LowerBounded as LowerBounded
import Graded.Modality.Instances.Recursive.Sequences
import Graded.Modality.Properties.Division
import Graded.Modality.Properties.Meet
import Graded.Modality.Properties.PartialOrder
open import Graded.Modality.Variant lzero

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Definition.Untyped using (BMΣ; 𝕤)
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions

-- The grades are the natural numbers extended with ∞.

data ℕ⊎∞ : Set where
  ⌞_⌟ : Nat  ℕ⊎∞
     : ℕ⊎∞

open Graded.Modality ℕ⊎∞
open Tools.Algebra   ℕ⊎∞

private variable
  m n o   : ℕ⊎∞
  TRs     : Type-restrictions _
  URs     : Usage-restrictions _
  variant : Modality-variant

-- Operators

-- Meet.
-- The meet operation is defined in such a way that
-- ∞ ≤ … ≤ ⌞ 1 ⌟ ≤ ⌞ 0 ⌟.

infixr 40 _∧_

_∧_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
      _     = 
 _        = 
 m    n  =  m N.⊔ n 

-- Addition.

infixr 40 _+_

_+_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
     + _     = 
 _  +      = 
 m  +  n  =  m N.+ n 

-- Multiplication.

infixr 45 _·_

_·_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
 0  · _     =  0 
_     ·  0  =  0 
     · _     = 
 _  ·      = 
 m  ·  n  =  m N.* n 

-- Division.

infixl 45 _/_

_/_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
_     /  0     = 
 m  /  1+ n  =  m N./ 1+ n 
     /  1+ _  = 
     /         = 
 _  /         =  0 

-- A star operator.

infix 50 _*

_* : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞
 0  * =  1 
_     * = 

-- The inferred ordering relation.

infix 10 _≤_

_≤_ : ℕ⊎∞  ℕ⊎∞  Set
m  n = m  m  n

-- Some properties

-- The grade ∞ is the least one.

∞≤ :  n    n
∞≤ _ = refl

-- The grade ⌞ 0 ⌟ is the greatest one.

≤0 : n   0 
≤0 {n = }     = refl
≤0 {n =  n } = cong ⌞_⌟ (
  n        ≡˘⟨ N.⊔-identityʳ _ 
  n N.⊔ 0  )
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- Multiplication is commutative.

·-comm : Commutative _·_
·-comm = λ where
   0      0      refl
   1+ _   0      refl
   0      1+ _   refl
   1+ m   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.*-comm (1+ m) _)
   0              refl
   1+ _           refl
           0      refl
           1+ _   refl

-- The function ⌞_⌟ is injective.

⌞⌟-injective :  {m n}   m    n   m  n
⌞⌟-injective refl = refl

-- The function ⌞_⌟ is antitone.

⌞⌟-antitone :  {m n}  m N.≤ n   n    m 
⌞⌟-antitone {m = m} {n = n} m≤n =
   n         ≡˘⟨ cong ⌞_⌟ (N.m≥n⇒m⊔n≡m m≤n) 
   n N.⊔ m   
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

-- An inverse to ⌞⌟-antitone.

⌞⌟-antitone⁻¹ :  {m n}   n    m   m N.≤ n
⌞⌟-antitone⁻¹ {m = m} {n = n} =
   n    m   →⟨ ⌞⌟-injective 
  n  n N.⊔ m    →⟨ N.m⊔n≡m⇒n≤m ∘→ sym 
  m N.≤ n        

-- The function ⌞_⌟ is homomorphic with respect to _·_/N._*_.

⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ :  {m n}   m  ·  n    m N.* n 
⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ {m = 0}               = refl
⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ {m = 1+ _} {n = 1+ _} = refl
⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ {m = 1+ m} {n = 0}    = cong ⌞_⌟ (sym (N.*-zeroʳ m))

-- Addition is decreasing for the left argument.

+-decreasingˡ : m + n  m
+-decreasingˡ {m = }                 = refl
+-decreasingˡ {m =  _ } {n = }     = refl
+-decreasingˡ {m =  _ } {n =  n } = ⌞⌟-antitone (N.m≤m+n _ n)

-- One of the two characteristic properties of the star operator of a
-- star semiring.

*≡+·* : n *   1  + n · n *
*≡+·* {n = }        = refl
*≡+·* {n =  0 }    = refl
*≡+·* {n =  1+ _ } = refl

-- One of the two characteristic properties of the star operator of a
-- star semiring.

*≡+*· : n *   1  + n * · n
*≡+*· {n = }        = refl
*≡+*· {n =  0 }    = refl
*≡+*· {n =  1+ _ } = refl

-- Equality is decidable.

_≟_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = ℕ⊎∞})
_≟_ = λ where
             yes refl
   _        no  ())
        _   no  ())
   m   n   case m N.≟ n of λ where
    (yes refl)  yes refl
    (no m≢n)    no  { refl  m≢n refl })

-- The relation _≤_ is total.

≤-total :  m n  m  n  n  m
≤-total      _     = inj₁ refl
≤-total _          = inj₂ refl
≤-total  m   n  = case N.≤-total m n of λ where
  (inj₁ m≤n)  inj₂ (⌞⌟-antitone m≤n)
  (inj₂ n≤m)  inj₁ (⌞⌟-antitone n≤m)

-- The type ℕ⊎∞ is a set.

ℕ⊎∞-set : Is-set ℕ⊎∞
ℕ⊎∞-set {x = }     {y = }     {x = refl} {y = refl} = refl
ℕ⊎∞-set {x =  m } {y =  n } {x = p}    {y = q}    =
                                                         $⟨ N.Nat-set 
  ⌞⌟-injective p  ⌞⌟-injective q                        →⟨ cong (cong ⌞_⌟) 
  cong ⌞_⌟ (⌞⌟-injective p)  cong ⌞_⌟ (⌞⌟-injective q)  →⟨  hyp  trans (sym (lemma _)) (trans hyp (lemma _))) 
  p  q                                                  
  lemma : (p :  m    n )  cong ⌞_⌟ (⌞⌟-injective p)  p
  lemma refl = refl


  -- The grade ∞ · (m + n) is bounded by ∞ · n.

  ∞·+≤∞·ʳ :  · (m + n)   · n
  ∞·+≤∞·ʳ {m = }                       = refl
  ∞·+≤∞·ʳ {m =  _ }    {n = }        = refl
  ∞·+≤∞·ʳ {m =  0 }    {n =  0 }    = refl
  ∞·+≤∞·ʳ {m =  1+ _ } {n =  0 }    = refl
  ∞·+≤∞·ʳ {m =  0 }    {n =  1+ _ } = refl
  ∞·+≤∞·ʳ {m =  1+ _ } {n =  1+ _ } = refl

-- The modality

-- A "semiring with meet" for ℕ⊎∞.

ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet : Semiring-with-meet
ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet = record
  { _+_          = _+_
  ; _·_          = _·_
  ; _∧_          = _∧_
  ; 𝟘            =  0 
  ; 𝟙            =  1 
  ; ω            = 
  ; ω≤𝟙          = refl
  ; ω·+≤ω·ʳ      = ∞·+≤∞·ʳ
  ; is-𝟘?        = _≟  0 
  ; +-·-Semiring = record
    { isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
      { +-isCommutativeMonoid = record
        { isMonoid = record
          { isSemigroup = record
            { isMagma = record
              { isEquivalence = PE.isEquivalence
              ; ∙-cong        = cong₂ _+_
            ; assoc = +-assoc
          ; identity =
                    _   refl
              ,  where
                    _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-identityʳ _)
        ; comm = +-comm
      ; *-cong = cong₂ _·_
      ; *-assoc = ·-assoc
      ; *-identity =
                0      refl
                1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-identityʳ _)
          ,  where
                0      refl
                1+ _   cong (⌞_⌟ ∘→ 1+) (N.*-identityʳ _)
      ; distrib = ·-distrib-+
    ; zero =
           _  refl)
        ,  where
              0      refl
              1+ _   refl
  ; ∧-Semilattice = record
    { isBand = record
      { isSemigroup = record
        { isMagma = record
          { isEquivalence = PE.isEquivalence
          ; ∙-cong        = cong₂ _∧_
        ; assoc = ∧-assoc
      ; idem = λ where
           _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.⊔-idem _)
    ; comm = ∧-comm
  ; ·-distrib-∧ = ·-distrib-∧
  ; +-distrib-∧ = +-distrib-∧
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

  +-assoc : Associative _+_
  +-assoc = λ where
     m   _   _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-assoc m _ _)
     _   _        refl
     _       _      refl
         _     _      refl

  +-comm : Commutative _+_
  +-comm = λ where
     0      0      refl
     1+ _   0      cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-identityʳ _)
     0      1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (sym (N.+-identityʳ _))
     1+ m   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-comm (1+ m) _)
     0              refl
     1+ _           refl
             0      refl
             1+ _   refl

  ·-assoc : Associative _·_
  ·-assoc = λ where
     0     _        _         refl
     1+ _   0     _         refl
     1+ _   1+ _   0      refl
     1+ m   1+ n   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ $
                                 N.*-assoc (1+ m) (1+ n) (1+ _)
     1+ _   1+ _           refl
     1+ _           0      refl
     1+ _           1+ _   refl
     1+ _                   refl
             0     _         refl
             1+ _   0      refl
             1+ _   1+ _   refl
             1+ _           refl
                     0      refl
                     1+ _   refl

  ·-distribˡ-+ : _·_ DistributesOverˡ _+_
  ·-distribˡ-+ = λ where
     0     _        _         refl
     1+ _   0      0      refl
     1+ _   0      1+ _   refl
     1+ _   0              refl
     1+ m   1+ n   0     
       1+ m  · ( 1+ n  +  0 )           ≡⟨⟩
       1+ m N.* (1+ n N.+ 0)                ≡⟨ cong ⌞_⌟ (N.*-distribˡ-+ (1+ m) (1+ _) 0) 
       1+ m N.* 1+ n N.+ 1+ m N.* 0         ≡⟨ cong  o   1+ m N.* 1+ n N.+ o ) (N.*-zeroʳ (1+ m)) 
       1+ m N.* 1+ n N.+ 0                  ≡⟨⟩
       1+ m  ·  1+ n  +  1+ m  ·  0   
     1+ m   1+ _   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ $
                                 N.*-distribˡ-+ (1+ m) (1+ _) (1+ _)
     1+ _   1+ _           refl
     1+ _           0      refl
     1+ _           1+ _   refl
     1+ _                   refl
             0      0      refl
             0      1+ _   refl
             0              refl
             1+ _   0      refl
             1+ _   1+ _   refl
             1+ _           refl
                     0      refl
                     1+ _   refl

  ·-distrib-+ : _·_ DistributesOver _+_
  ·-distrib-+ =
    ·-distribˡ-+ , comm∧distrˡ⇒distrʳ ·-comm ·-distribˡ-+

  ∧-assoc : Associative _∧_
  ∧-assoc = λ where
     m   _   _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.⊔-assoc m _ _)
     _   _        refl
     _       _      refl
         _     _      refl

  ∧-comm : Commutative _∧_
  ∧-comm = λ where
     0      0      refl
     1+ _   0      refl
     0      1+ _   refl
     1+ m   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.⊔-comm (1+ m) (1+ _))
     0              refl
     1+ _           refl
             0      refl
             1+ _   refl

  ·-distribˡ-∧ : _·_ DistributesOverˡ _∧_
  ·-distribˡ-∧ = λ where
     0     _        _         refl
     1+ _   0      0      refl
     1+ _   0      1+ _   refl
     1+ _   0              refl
     1+ _   1+ _   0      refl
     1+ m   1+ n   1+ _   cong ⌞_⌟ $
                                 N.*-distribˡ-⊔ (1+ m) (1+ n) (1+ _)
     1+ _   1+ _           refl
     1+ _           0      refl
     1+ _           1+ _   refl
     1+ _                   refl
             0      0      refl
             0      1+ _   refl
             0              refl
             1+ _   0      refl
             1+ _   1+ _   refl
             1+ _           refl
                     0      refl
                     1+ _   refl

  ·-distrib-∧ : _·_ DistributesOver _∧_
  ·-distrib-∧ =
    ·-distribˡ-∧ , comm∧distrˡ⇒distrʳ ·-comm ·-distribˡ-∧

  +-distribˡ-∧ : _+_ DistributesOverˡ _∧_
  +-distribˡ-∧ = λ where
     m   _   _   cong ⌞_⌟ (N.+-distribˡ-⊔ m _ _)
     _   _        refl
     _       _      refl
         _     _      refl

  +-distrib-∧ : _+_ DistributesOver _∧_
  +-distrib-∧ =
    +-distribˡ-∧ , comm∧distrˡ⇒distrʳ +-comm +-distribˡ-∧


  -- The semiring has a well-behaved zero.

  ℕ⊎∞-has-well-behaved-zero :
    Has-well-behaved-zero ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
  ℕ⊎∞-has-well-behaved-zero = record
    { non-trivial  = λ ()
    ; zero-product = λ where
        {p =  0 } {q =  _ } _  inj₁ refl
        {p =  0 } {q = }     _  inj₁ refl
        {p =  _ } {q =  0 } _  inj₂ refl
        {p = }     {q =  0 } _  inj₂ refl
    ; +-positiveˡ  = λ where
        {p =  0 } {q =  _ } _  refl
    ; ∧-positiveˡ  = λ where
        {p =  0 }    {q =  _ } _   refl
        {p =  1+ _ } {q =  0 } ()

  module BS =
      ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet _*  _  *≡+·*)  _  inj₁ ≤0)

-- A natrec-star operator for ℕ⊎∞ defined using the construction in
-- Graded.Modality.Instances.BoundedStar.

ℕ⊎∞-has-star-bounded-star : Has-star ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
ℕ⊎∞-has-star-bounded-star = BS.has-star

-- A natrec-star operator for ℕ⊎∞ defined using the construction in
-- Graded.Modality.Instances.LowerBounded.

ℕ⊎∞-has-star-lower-bounded : Has-star ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
ℕ⊎∞-has-star-lower-bounded =
  LowerBounded.has-star ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet  ∞≤

-- The _⊛_▷_ operator of the second modality is equal to the _⊛_▷_
-- operator of the first modality for non-zero last arguments.

≢𝟘→⊛▷≡⊛▷ :
  let module HS₁ = Has-star ℕ⊎∞-has-star-bounded-star
      module HS₂ = Has-star ℕ⊎∞-has-star-lower-bounded
  o   0  
  m HS₁.⊛ n  o  m HS₂.⊛ n  o
≢𝟘→⊛▷≡⊛▷ {o = }        _   = refl
≢𝟘→⊛▷≡⊛▷ {o =  1+ _ } _   = refl
≢𝟘→⊛▷≡⊛▷ {o =  0 }    0≢0 = ⊥-elim (0≢0 refl)

-- The _⊛_▷_ operator of the second modality is bounded strictly by
-- the _⊛_▷_ operator of the first modality.

⊛▷<⊛▷ :
  let module HS₁ = Has-star ℕ⊎∞-has-star-bounded-star
      module HS₂ = Has-star ℕ⊎∞-has-star-lower-bounded
  (∀ m n o  m HS₂.⊛ n  o  m HS₁.⊛ n  o) ×
  (∃₃ λ m n o  m HS₂.⊛ n  o  m HS₁.⊛ n  o)
⊛▷<⊛▷ =
    BS.LowerBounded.⊛′≤⊛   _  refl)
  ,  1  ,  1  ,  0  ,  ())

-- A modality (of any kind) for ℕ⊎∞ defined using the construction in
-- Graded.Modality.Instances.BoundedStar.

ℕ⊎∞-modality : Modality-variant  Modality
ℕ⊎∞-modality variant =
  BS.isModality variant  _  ℕ⊎∞-has-well-behaved-zero)

-- A property related to division

  module D = Graded.Modality.Properties.Division ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet

-- The division operator is correctly defined.

/≡/ : m D./ n  m / n
/≡/ {m = }     {n = }        = refl , λ _ _  refl
/≡/ {m =  _ } {n = }        = ≤0   , λ {  0  _  refl }
/≡/             {n =  0 }    = ≤0   , λ _ _  refl
/≡/ {m = }     {n =  1+ _ } = refl , λ _ _  refl
/≡/ {m =  m } {n =  1+ n } =
        m                       ≤⟨ ⌞⌟-antitone (N.m/n*n≤m _ (1+ _)) 
        (m N./ 1+ n) N.* 1+ n   ≡⟨ cong ⌞_⌟ (N.*-comm _ (1+ n)) 
        1+ n N.* (m N./ 1+ n)   ≡˘⟨ ⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ 
        1+ n  ·  m N./ 1+ n   )
  , λ where
         m    1+ n  ·  o   ≡⟨ cong (_ ≤_) ⌞⌟·⌞⌟≡⌞*⌟ ⟩→
         m    1+ n N.* o     →⟨ ⌞⌟-antitone⁻¹ 
        1+ n N.* o N.≤ m          →⟨ N.*≤→≤/ 
        o N.≤ m N./ 1+ n          →⟨ ⌞⌟-antitone 
         m N./ 1+ n    o     
  open Graded.Modality.Properties.PartialOrder ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
  open Tools.Reasoning.PartialOrder ≤-poset

-- A lemma related to Graded.Modality.Instances.Recursive

open Graded.Modality.Instances.Recursive.Sequences

-- The family of sequences that Graded.Modality.Instances.Recursive is
-- about does not have the required fixpoints.

¬-Has-fixpoints-nr : ¬ Has-fixpoints-nr
¬-Has-fixpoints-nr =
  (∀ r   λ n   p q  nr (1+ n) p q r  nr n p q r)  →⟨  hyp  Σ.map idᶠ  f  f p q) (hyp r)) 
  ( λ n  nr (1+ n) p q r  nr n p q r)                →⟨ Σ.map idᶠ  {x = n}  trans (sym (increasing n))) 
  ( λ n   1  + nr n p q r  nr n p q r)             →⟨  (n , hyp) 
                                                              , subst  n   1  + n  n) (always-⌞⌟ n .proj₂) hyp) 
  ( λ n   1+ n    n )                            →⟨  { (_ , ()) }) 
  open module S = Semiring-with-meet ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet using (𝟘; 𝟙)
  open Graded.Modality.Properties.Meet ℕ⊎∞-semiring-with-meet
  open Tools.Reasoning.PropositionalEquality

  r = 𝟙
  p = 𝟘
  q = 𝟙

  increasing :  n  nr (1+ n) p q r  𝟙 + nr n p q r
  increasing 0      = refl
  increasing (1+ n) =
    p  (q + r · nr (1+ n) p q r)   ≡⟨ largest→∧≡ʳ  _  ≤0) 
    q + r · nr (1+ n) p q r         ≡⟨ cong  n  q + r · n) (increasing n) 
    q + r · (𝟙 + nr n p q r)        ≡⟨ cong (q +_) (S.·-identityˡ _) 
    q + (𝟙 + nr n p q r)            ≡˘⟨ S.+-assoc _ _ _ 
    (q + 𝟙) + nr n p q r            ≡⟨ cong (_+ nr n p q r) (S.+-comm q _) 
    (𝟙 + q) + nr n p q r            ≡⟨ S.+-assoc _ _ _ 
    𝟙 + (q + nr n p q r)            ≡˘⟨ cong ((𝟙 +_) ∘→ (q +_)) (S.·-identityˡ _) 
    𝟙 + (q + r · nr n p q r)        ≡˘⟨ cong (𝟙 +_) (largest→∧≡ʳ  _  ≤0)) 
    𝟙 + (p  (q + r · nr n p q r))  

  always-⌞⌟ :  m   λ n  nr m p q r   n 
  always-⌞⌟ 0      = _ , refl
  always-⌞⌟ (1+ m) =
    case always-⌞⌟ m of λ {
      (n , eq) 
      1+ n
    , (nr (1+ m) p q r  ≡⟨ increasing m 
       𝟙 + nr m p q r   ≡⟨ cong (𝟙 +_) eq 
        1+ n          ) }

-- Instances of Full-reduction-assumptions

-- An instance of Type-restrictions (ℕ⊎∞-modality variant) is suitable
-- for the full reduction theorem if whenever Σˢ-allowed m n holds,
-- then m is ⌞ 1 ⌟, or m is ⌞ 0 ⌟ and 𝟘ᵐ is allowed.

Suitable-for-full-reduction :
   variant  Type-restrictions (ℕ⊎∞-modality variant)  Set
Suitable-for-full-reduction variant TRs =
   m n  Σˢ-allowed m n  m   1   m   0  × T 𝟘ᵐ-allowed
  open Modality-variant variant
  open Type-restrictions TRs

-- Given an instance of Type-restrictions (ℕ⊎∞-modality variant) one
-- can create a "suitable" instance of Type-restrictions.

suitable-for-full-reduction :
  Type-restrictions (ℕ⊎∞-modality variant) 
   (Suitable-for-full-reduction variant)
suitable-for-full-reduction {variant = variant} TRs =
    record TRs
      { ΠΣ-allowed = λ b m n 
          ΠΣ-allowed b m n ×
          (b  BMΣ 𝕤  m   1   m   0  × T 𝟘ᵐ-allowed)
      ; []-cong-allowed = λ s 
          []-cong-allowed s × T 𝟘ᵐ-allowed
      ; []-cong→Erased = λ (ok₁ , ok₂) 
            []-cong→Erased ok₁ .proj₁ , []-cong→Erased ok₁ .proj₂
          ,  _  inj₂ (refl , ok₂))
      ; []-cong→¬Trivial =
          λ _ ()
  ,  _ _  (_$ refl) ∘→ proj₂)
  open Modality-variant variant
  open Type-restrictions TRs

-- The full reduction assumptions hold for ℕ⊎∞-modality variant and
-- any "suitable" instance of Type-restrictions.

full-reduction-assumptions :
  Suitable-for-full-reduction variant TRs 
  Full-reduction-assumptions TRs URs
full-reduction-assumptions ok = record
  { sink⊎𝟙≤𝟘    = λ _ _  inj₂ refl
  ; ≡𝟙⊎𝟙≤𝟘 = ⊎.map idᶠ  (p≡⌞0⌟ , ok)  p≡⌞0⌟ , ok , refl) ∘→ ok _ _

-- Type and usage restrictions that satisfy the full reduction
-- assumptions are "suitable".

full-reduction-assumptions-suitable :
  Full-reduction-assumptions TRs URs 
  Suitable-for-full-reduction variant TRs
full-reduction-assumptions-suitable as =
  λ m n Σ-ok 
    case ≡𝟙⊎𝟙≤𝟘 Σ-ok of λ where
      (inj₁ m≡𝟙)  inj₁ m≡𝟙
      (inj₂ (m≡𝟘 , 𝟘ᵐ-ok , _))  inj₂ (m≡𝟘 , 𝟘ᵐ-ok)
  open Full-reduction-assumptions as