-- Type conversion lemmata for the logical relation

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Assumptions
open import Graded.Modality

module Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Conversion
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  {R : Type-restrictions 𝕄}
  (as : Assumptions R)

open Assumptions as
open Modality 𝕄
open Type-restrictions R

open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation as
import Graded.Erasure.Target as T

open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Hidden R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Reducibility R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.ShapeView R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties.Conversion R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties.Escape R
open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Neutral M type-variant
open import Definition.Untyped.Properties M

open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Injectivity R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Substitution R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typed.Reasoning.Type R
open import Definition.Typed.Reduction R
open import Definition.Typed.RedSteps R
open import Definition.Typed.Weakening R hiding (wk)

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Unit

    n : Nat
    Γ : Con Term n
    A B t : Term n
    v : T.Term n
    p : M

-- Conversion of logical relation for erasure using ShapeView
-- If t ® v ∷ A and Δ ⊩ A ≡ B then t ® v ∷ B

convTermʳ′ :  {l l′}
            ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)
             ([B] : Δ ⊩⟨ l′  B)
            Δ  A  B
            ShapeView Δ l l′ A B [A] [B]
            t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
            t ®⟨ l′  v  B / [B]
convTermʳ′ _ _ A≡B (Uᵥ UA UB) t®v = t®v
convTermʳ′ _ _ A≡B (ℕᵥ ℕA ℕB) t®v = t®v
convTermʳ′ _ _ A≡B (Unitᵥ UnitA UnitB) t®v = t®v
  [A] [B] A≡B
  (Bᵥ ( p q) (Bᵣ F G [ _ , _ , A⇒Π ] ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _)
     (Bᵣ F₁ G₁ [ _ , _ , B⇒Π₁ ] ⊢F₁ ⊢G₁ A≡A₁ [F]₁ [G]₁ G-ext₁ _))
     with is-𝟘? p
... | yes PE.refl = t®v .proj₁ , λ [a]′ 
  let Π≡Π₁ = reduction′ (A⇒Π , ΠΣₙ) (B⇒Π₁ , ΠΣₙ) A≡B
      F≡F₁ , G≡G₁ , _ , _ = injectivity Π≡Π₁
      [F₁≡F] = ⊩≡→⊩≡/ ([F]₁ _ _) $
               PE.subst₂ (_⊩⟨_⟩_≡_ _ _) (PE.sym $ wk-id _)
                 (PE.sym $ wk-id _) $
               reducible-⊩≡ (sym F≡F₁)
      [a] = convTerm₁ ([F]₁ id ⊢Δ) ([F] id ⊢Δ) [F₁≡F] [a]′
      G≡G₁′ = wkEq (lift id) (⊢Δ  escape ([F] id ⊢Δ)) G≡G₁
      G[a]≡G₁[a] = substTypeEq G≡G₁′ (refl (escapeTerm ([F] id ⊢Δ) [a]))
      [Ga≡G₁a] = ⊩≡→⊩≡/ ([G] _ _ _) (reducible-⊩≡ G[a]≡G₁[a])
      t®v′ = t®v .proj₂ [a]
      SV = goodCases ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) ([G]₁ id ⊢Δ [a]′) [Ga≡G₁a]
  in  convTermʳ′ ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) ([G]₁ id ⊢Δ [a]′) G[a]≡G₁[a] SV t®v′
... | no p≢𝟘 = t®v .proj₁ , λ [a]′ a®w′ 
  let Π≡Π₁ = reduction′ (A⇒Π , ΠΣₙ) (B⇒Π₁ , ΠΣₙ) A≡B
      F≡F₁ , G≡G₁ , _ , _ = injectivity Π≡Π₁
      [F₁≡F] = ⊩≡→⊩≡/ ([F]₁ _ _) $
               PE.subst₂ (_⊩⟨_⟩_≡_ _ _) (PE.sym $ wk-id _)
                 (PE.sym $ wk-id _) $
               reducible-⊩≡ (sym F≡F₁)
      [a] = convTerm₁ ([F]₁ id ⊢Δ) ([F] id ⊢Δ) [F₁≡F] [a]′
      G≡G₁′ = wkEq (lift id) (⊢Δ  escape ([F] id ⊢Δ)) G≡G₁
      G[a]≡G₁[a] = substTypeEq G≡G₁′ (refl (escapeTerm ([F] id ⊢Δ) [a]))
      [Ga≡G₁a] = ⊩≡→⊩≡/ ([G] _ _ _) (reducible-⊩≡ G[a]≡G₁[a])
      SV = goodCases ([F]₁ id ⊢Δ) ([F] id ⊢Δ) [F₁≡F]
      F₁≡F = PE.subst₂ (Δ ⊢_≡_) (PE.sym (wk-id F₁)) (PE.sym (wk-id F)) (sym F≡F₁)
      a®w = convTermʳ′ ([F]₁ id ⊢Δ) ([F] id ⊢Δ) F₁≡F SV a®w′
      t®v′ = t®v .proj₂ [a] a®w
      SV′ = goodCases ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) ([G]₁ id ⊢Δ [a]′) [Ga≡G₁a]
  in  convTermʳ′ ([G] id ⊢Δ [a]) ([G]₁ id ⊢Δ [a]′) G[a]≡G₁[a] SV′ t®v′
convTermʳ′ {v = v}
  [A] [B] A≡B
  (Bᵥ ( _ p _) (Bᵣ F G [ _ , _ , A⇒Σ ] ⊢F ⊢G A≡A [F] [G] G-ext _)
     (Bᵣ F₁ G₁ [ _ , _ , B⇒Σ₁ ] ⊢F₁ ⊢G₁ A≡A₁ [F]₁ [G]₁ G-ext₁ _))
  (t₁ , t₂ , t⇒t′ , [t₁] , v₂ , t₂®v₂ , extra) =
  let Σ≡Σ₁ = reduction′ (A⇒Σ , ΠΣₙ) (B⇒Σ₁ , ΠΣₙ) A≡B
      F≡F₁ , G≡G₁ , _ = Σ-injectivity Σ≡Σ₁
      [F]′ = [F] id ⊢Δ
      [F]₁′ = [F]₁ id ⊢Δ
      [F≡F₁] = ⊩≡→⊩≡/ [F]′ $
               PE.subst₂ (_⊩⟨_⟩_≡_ _ _) (PE.sym $ wk-id _)
                 (PE.sym $ wk-id _) $
               reducible-⊩≡ F≡F₁
      F≡F₁′ = PE.subst₂ (Δ ⊢_≡_) (PE.sym (wk-id F)) (PE.sym (wk-id F₁)) F≡F₁
      [t₁]′ = convTerm₁ [F]′ [F]₁′ [F≡F₁] [t₁]
      G≡G₁′ = wkEq (lift id) (⊢Δ  escape [F]′) G≡G₁
      G[t₁]≡G₁[t₁] = substTypeEq G≡G₁′ (refl (escapeTerm [F]′ [t₁]))
      [Gt₁] = [G] id ⊢Δ [t₁]
      [Gt₁]₁ = [G]₁ id ⊢Δ [t₁]′
      [Gt₁≡G₁t₁] = ⊩≡→⊩≡/ [Gt₁] (reducible-⊩≡ G[t₁]≡G₁[t₁])
      t⇒t″ = conv* t⇒t′ Σ≡Σ₁
      SV₂ = goodCases [Gt₁] [Gt₁]₁ [Gt₁≡G₁t₁]
      t₂®v₂′ = convTermʳ′ [Gt₁] [Gt₁]₁ G[t₁]≡G₁[t₁] SV₂ t₂®v₂
      SV₁ = goodCases [F]′ [F]₁′ [F≡F₁]
      extra′ =
        Σ-®-elim  _  Σ-® _ _ [F]₁′ t₁ v v₂ p) extra
                 λ v₁ v⇒p t₁®v₁ 
                   let t₁®v₁′ = convTermʳ′ [F]′ [F]₁′ F≡F₁′ SV₁ t₁®v₁
                   in  Σ-®-intro-ω v₁ v⇒p t₁®v₁′
  in  t₁ , t₂ , t⇒t″ , [t₁]′ , v₂ , t₂®v₂′ , extra′
convTermʳ′ {A} {B} _ _ A≡B (Idᵥ ⊩A ⊩B) (rflᵣ t⇒*rfl ⇒*↯) =
    (conv* t⇒*rfl
       (Id (_⊩ₗId_.Ty ⊩A) (_⊩ₗId_.lhs ⊩A) (_⊩ₗId_.rhs ⊩A)  ≡˘⟨ subset* (red (_⊩ₗId_.⇒*Id ⊩A)) ⟩⊢
        A                                                  ≡⟨ A≡B ⟩⊢
        B                                                  ≡⟨ subset* (red (_⊩ₗId_.⇒*Id ⊩B)) ⟩⊢∎
        Id (_⊩ₗId_.Ty ⊩B) (_⊩ₗId_.lhs ⊩B) (_⊩ₗId_.rhs ⊩B)  ))
convTermʳ′ (emb 0<1 [A]) [B] A≡B (emb⁰¹ SV) t®v =
  convTermʳ′ [A] [B] A≡B SV t®v
convTermʳ′ [A] (emb 0<1 [B]) A≡B (emb¹⁰ SV) t®v =
  convTermʳ′ [A] [B] A≡B SV t®v
-- Impossible cases
convTermʳ′ _ _ _ (Emptyᵥ _ _) ()
convTermʳ′ _ _ _ (ne _ _) ()

-- Conversion of logical relation for erasure
-- If t ® v ∷ A and Δ ⊢ A ≡ B then t ® v ∷ B

convTermʳ :  {l l′ A B t v}
           ([A] : Δ ⊩⟨ l  A)
            ([B] : Δ ⊩⟨ l′  B)
           Δ  A  B
           t ®⟨ l  v  A / [A]
           t ®⟨ l′  v  B / [B]
convTermʳ [A] [B] A≡B t®v =
  let [A≡B] = ⊩≡→⊩≡/ [A] (reducible-⊩≡ A≡B)
  in convTermʳ′ [A] [B] A≡B (goodCases [A] [B] [A≡B]) t®v