-- Validity of the unit type.

open import Definition.Typed.EqualityRelation
open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Introductions.Unit
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)
  {{eqrel : EqRelSet R}}

open EqRelSet {{...}}
open Type-restrictions R

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Neutral M type-variant
open import Definition.Untyped.Properties M
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typed.Reasoning.Reduction.Primitive R
open import Definition.Typed.RedSteps R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Hidden R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.ShapeView R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Introductions.Universe R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance R

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat)
open import Tools.Product as Σ
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Relation
open import Tools.Sum using (inj₂)

    n : Nat
    Γ Δ : Con Term n
    σ σ₁ σ₂ : Subst _ _
    s s₁ s₂ : Strength
    l l′ l″ : TypeLevel
    A A₁ A₂ t t₁ t₂ u u₁ u₂ : Term n
    p q : M

-- Characterisation lemmas


  -- A characterisation lemma for _⊩⟨_⟩_.

  ⊩Unit⇔ :
    Γ ⊩⟨ l  Unit s 
    ( Γ × Unit-allowed s)
  ⊩Unit⇔ =
       ⊩Unit  lemma (Unit-elim ⊩Unit))
    ,  (⊢Γ , ok) 
         Unitᵣ $
         Unitₜ (idRed:*: (Unitⱼ ⊢Γ ok)) ok)
    lemma :
      Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩Unit⟨ s  Unit s 
       Γ × Unit-allowed s
    lemma (emb 0<1 ⊩Unit)               = lemma ⊩Unit
    lemma (noemb (Unitₜ Unit⇒*Unit ok)) = wf (⊢A-red Unit⇒*Unit) , ok

  unfolding _⊩⟨_⟩_∷_ ⊩Unit⇔

  -- A characterisation lemma for _⊩⟨_⟩_∷_.

  ⊩∷Unit⇔ :
    Γ ⊩⟨ l  t  Unit s 
    (Unit-allowed s ×
     Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  t ∷Unit)
  ⊩∷Unit⇔ =
       (⊩Unit , ⊩t) 
         lemma (Unit-elim ⊩Unit)
           (irrelevanceTerm ⊩Unit (Unit-intr (Unit-elim ⊩Unit)) ⊩t))
    ,  (ok , ⊩t@(Unitₜ _ t⇒*u _ _)) 
         ⊩Unit⇔ .proj₂ (wfTerm (⊢t-redₜ t⇒*u) , ok) , ⊩t)
    lemma :
      (⊩Unit : Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩Unit⟨ s  Unit s) 
      Γ ⊩⟨ l  t  Unit s / Unit-intr ⊩Unit 
      Unit-allowed s ×
      Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  t ∷Unit
    lemma (emb 0<1 ⊩Unit)      ⊩t = lemma ⊩Unit ⊩t
    lemma (noemb (Unitₜ _ ok)) ⊩t = ok , ⊩t

  unfolding _⊩⟨_⟩_≡_

  -- A characterisation lemma for _⊩⟨_⟩_≡_.

  ⊩Unit≡⇔ :
    Γ ⊩⟨ l  Unit s  A 
    ( Γ × Unit-allowed s × Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  Unit s  A)
  ⊩Unit≡⇔ {s} {A} =
       (⊩Unit₁ , _ , Unit₁≡Unit₂) 
         case Unit-elim ⊩Unit₁ of λ
         lemma ⊩Unit₁′
           (irrelevanceEq ⊩Unit₁ (Unit-intr ⊩Unit₁′) Unit₁≡Unit₂))
    ,  (⊢Γ , ok , A⇒*Unit) 
           (A       ⇒*⟨ A⇒*Unit ⟩⊩
            Unit s  ∎⟨ ⊩Unit⇔ .proj₂ (⊢Γ , ok) ⟩⊩))
    lemma :
      (⊩Unit : Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩Unit⟨ s  Unit s) 
      Γ ⊩⟨ l  Unit s  A / Unit-intr ⊩Unit 
       Γ × Unit-allowed s × Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  Unit s  A
    lemma (emb 0<1 ⊩Unit) =
      lemma ⊩Unit
    lemma {l} ⊩Unit@(noemb _) A⇒*Unit =
      case ⊩Unit⇔ {l = l} .proj₁ $ Unit-intr ⊩Unit of λ
        (⊢Γ , ok) 
      ⊢Γ , ok , A⇒*Unit


  -- A characterisation lemma for _⊩⟨_⟩_≡_.

  ⊩Unit≡Unit⇔ :
    Γ ⊩⟨ l  Unit s₁  Unit s₂ 
    ( Γ × Unit-allowed s₁ × s₁ PE.≡ s₂)
  ⊩Unit≡Unit⇔ {Γ} {l} {s₁} {s₂} =
    Γ ⊩⟨ l  Unit s₁  Unit s₂                      ⇔⟨ ⊩Unit≡⇔ 
     Γ × Unit-allowed s₁ × Γ  Unit s₂ ⇒* Unit s₁  ⇔⟨ (Σ-cong-⇔ λ ⊢Γ  Σ-cong-⇔ λ ok 
                                                             case whnfRed* Unit⇒*Unit Unitₙ of λ {
                                                             PE.refl })
                                                        ,  { PE.refl  id (Unitⱼ ⊢Γ ok) })) 
     Γ × Unit-allowed s₁ × s₁ PE.≡ s₂              □⇔

  unfolding _⊩⟨_⟩_≡_∷_ ⊩Unit⇔

  -- A characterisation lemma for _⊩⟨_⟩_≡_∷_.

  ⊩≡∷Unit⇔ :
    Γ ⊩⟨ l  t  u  Unit s 
    (Unit-allowed s ×
     Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  t ∷Unit ×
     Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  u ∷Unit ×
     Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  t  u ∷Unit)
  ⊩≡∷Unit⇔ {s} =
       (⊩Unit , ⊩t , ⊩u , t≡u) 
         lemma (Unit-elim ⊩Unit)
           (irrelevanceTerm ⊩Unit (Unit-intr (Unit-elim ⊩Unit)) ⊩t)
           (irrelevanceTerm ⊩Unit (Unit-intr (Unit-elim ⊩Unit)) ⊩u)
           (irrelevanceEqTerm ⊩Unit (Unit-intr (Unit-elim ⊩Unit)) t≡u))
    ,  (ok , ⊩t , ⊩u , t≡u) 
           (case t≡u of λ where
              (Unitₜ₌ˢ ⊢t _ _)           wfTerm ⊢t
              (Unitₜ₌ʷ _ _ t⇒* _ _ _ _)  wfTerm (⊢t-redₜ t⇒*))
         of λ
         ⊩Unit⇔ .proj₂ (⊢Γ , ok) , ⊩t , ⊩u , t≡u)
    lemma :
      (⊩Unit : Γ ⊩⟨ l ⟩Unit⟨ s  Unit s) 
      Γ ⊩⟨ l  t  Unit s / Unit-intr ⊩Unit 
      Γ ⊩⟨ l  u  Unit s / Unit-intr ⊩Unit 
      Γ ⊩⟨ l  t  u  Unit s / Unit-intr ⊩Unit 
      Unit-allowed s ×
      Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  t ∷Unit ×
      Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  u ∷Unit ×
      Γ ⊩Unit⟨ s  t  u ∷Unit
    lemma (emb 0<1 ⊩Unit)      ⊩t ⊩u t≡u = lemma ⊩Unit ⊩t ⊩u t≡u
    lemma (noemb (Unitₜ _ ok)) ⊩t ⊩u t≡u = ok , ⊩t , ⊩u , t≡u

-- Unit


  -- If the type Unit s is valid, then it is allowed.

  ⊩ᵛUnit→Unit-allowed :
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  Unit s 
    Unit-allowed s
  ⊩ᵛUnit→Unit-allowed {Γ} {l} {s} =
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  Unit s      →⟨ ⊩ᵛ→⊩ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ l  Unit s       ⇔⟨ ⊩Unit⇔ ⟩→
     Γ × Unit-allowed s  →⟨ proj₂ 
    Unit-allowed s        


  -- Reducibility for Unit.

  ⊩Unit :
    Unit-allowed s 
    Γ ⊩⟨ l  Unit s
  ⊩Unit ⊢Γ ok = ⊩Unit⇔ .proj₂ (⊢Γ , ok)


  -- Validity for Unit, seen as a type former.

  Unitᵛ :
    ⊩ᵛ Γ 
    Unit-allowed s 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  Unit s
  Unitᵛ {Γ} {s} {l} ⊩Γ ok =
    ⊩ᵛ⇔ .proj₂
      ( ⊩Γ
      , λ {_} {Δ = Δ} {σ₁ = σ₁} {σ₂ = σ₂} 
          Δ ⊩ˢ σ₁  σ₂  Γ          →⟨ proj₁ ∘→ escape-⊩ˢ≡∷ 
           Δ                       →⟨ flip ⊩Unit ok 
          (Δ ⊩⟨ l  Unit s)         →⟨ refl-⊩≡ 
          Δ ⊩⟨ l  Unit s  Unit s  


  -- Validity for Unit, seen as a term former.

  Unitᵗᵛ :
    ⊩ᵛ Γ 
    Unit-allowed s 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ ¹  Unit s  U
  Unitᵗᵛ ⊩Γ ok =
    ⊩ᵛ∷⇔ .proj₂
      ( ⊩ᵛU ⊩Γ
      , λ σ₁≡σ₂ 
          case escape-⊩ˢ≡∷ σ₁≡σ₂ of λ
            (⊢Δ , _) 
          case Unitⱼ ⊢Δ ok of λ
          Type→⊩≡∷U⇔ Unitₙ Unitₙ .proj₂
            ( ⊢Unit , ⊢Unit , ≅ₜ-Unitrefl ⊢Δ ok
            , (_ , 0<1 , refl-⊩≡ (⊩Unit ⊢Δ ok))

-- The constructor star


  -- Reducibility for star.

  ⊩star :
    Unit-allowed s 
    Γ ⊩⟨ l  star s  Unit s
  ⊩star ⊢Γ ok =
    ⊩∷Unit⇔ .proj₂
      ( ok
      , Unitₜ _ (idRedTerm:*: (starⱼ ⊢Γ ok)) (≅ₜ-starrefl ⊢Γ ok) starᵣ


  -- Validity of star.

  starᵛ :
    ⊩ᵛ Γ 
    Unit-allowed s 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  star s  Unit s
  starᵛ {Γ} {s} {l} ⊩Γ ok =
    ⊩ᵛ∷⇔ .proj₂
      ( Unitᵛ ⊩Γ ok
      , λ {_} {Δ = Δ} {σ₁ = σ₁} {σ₂ = σ₂} 
          Δ ⊩ˢ σ₁  σ₂  Γ                   →⟨ proj₁ ∘→ escape-⊩ˢ≡∷ 
           Δ                                →⟨ flip ⊩star ok 
          Δ ⊩⟨ l  star s  Unit s           →⟨ refl-⊩≡∷ 
          Δ ⊩⟨ l  star s  star s  Unit s  

-- The typing rule η-unit


  -- Validity of η-unit.

  η-unitᵛ :
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  t  Unit s 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l′  u  Unit s 
    Unit-with-η s 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  t  u  Unit s
  η-unitᵛ ⊩t ⊩u η =
    ⊩ᵛ≡∷⇔ .proj₂
      ( wf-⊩ᵛ∷ ⊩t
      , λ σ₁≡σ₂ 
          case wf-⊩ˢ≡∷ σ₁≡σ₂ of λ
            (⊩σ₁ , ⊩σ₂) 
          case ⊩∷Unit⇔ .proj₁ (⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[]∷ ⊩t ⊩σ₁) of λ
            (ok , ⊩t@(Unitₜ _ t⇒*t′ _ _)) 
          case ⊩∷Unit⇔ .proj₁ (⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[]∷ ⊩u ⊩σ₂) of λ
            (_ , ⊩u@(Unitₜ _ u⇒*u′ _ _)) 
          ⊩≡∷Unit⇔ .proj₂
            (ok , ⊩t , ⊩u , Unitₜ₌ˢ (⊢t-redₜ t⇒*t′) (⊢t-redₜ u⇒*u′) η)

-- The eliminator unitrec

private opaque

  -- A variant of unitrec-subst for _⊢_⇒*_∷_.

  unitrec-subst* :
    Γ  Unitʷ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  A 
    Δ ⊩ˢ σ  Γ 
    Δ ⊩⟨ l′  t₁  Unitʷ 
    Δ  t₁ ⇒* t₂  Unitʷ 
    Δ  u  A [ σ  ] [ starʷ ]₀ 
    ¬ Unitʷ-η 
    Δ  unitrec p q (A [ σ  ]) t₁ u ⇒* unitrec p q (A [ σ  ]) t₂ u 
      A [ σ  ] [ t₁ ]₀
  unitrec-subst* {l} {A} ⊩A ⊩σ ⊩t₁ t₁⇒*t₂ ⊢u no-η =
    case ⊩ᵛUnit→Unit-allowed $ wf-∙-⊩ᵛ ⊩A .proj₂ of λ
    case escape $ ⊩ᵛ→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[⇑] ⊩A ⊩σ of λ
    case t₁⇒*t₂ of λ where
      (id ⊢t₁)          id (unitrecⱼ ⊢A[σ⇑] ⊢t₁ ⊢u ok)
      (t₁⇒t₃  t₃⇒*t₂) 
        case redFirst*Term t₃⇒*t₂ of λ
        case ⊩∷-⇒* [ redFirstTerm t₁⇒t₃ , ⊢t₃ , t₁⇒t₃  id ⊢t₃ ]
               ⊩t₁ of λ
        unitrec-subst ⊢A[σ⇑] ⊢u t₁⇒t₃ ok no-η 
          (unitrec-subst* ⊩A ⊩σ (wf-⊩≡∷ t₁≡t₃ .proj₂) t₃⇒*t₂ ⊢u no-η)
          (≅-eq $ escape-⊩≡ $
           ⊩ᵛ≡→⊩ˢ≡∷→⊩≡∷→⊩[⇑][]₀≡[⇑][]₀ (refl-⊩ᵛ≡ ⊩A) (refl-⊩ˢ≡∷ ⊩σ)
             (sym-⊩≡∷ t₁≡t₃))


  -- Reducibility of equality between applications of unitrec.

  ⊩unitrec≡unitrec :
    Γ  Unitʷ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  A₁  A₂ 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l′  t₁  t₂  Unitʷ 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l″  u₁  u₂  A₁ [ starʷ ]₀ 
    Δ ⊩ˢ σ₁  σ₂  Γ 
    Δ ⊩⟨ l  unitrec p q A₁ t₁ u₁ [ σ₁ ]  unitrec p q A₂ t₂ u₂ [ σ₂ ] 
      A₁ [ t₁ ]₀ [ σ₁ ]
    {l} {A₁} {A₂} {t₁} {t₂} {u₁} {u₂} {σ₁} {σ₂} {p} {q}
    A₁≡A₂ t₁≡t₂ u₁≡u₂ σ₁≡σ₂ =
    case wf-⊩ᵛ≡ A₁≡A₂ of λ
      (⊩A₁ , ⊩A₂) 
    case ⊩ᵛ≡∷⇔″ .proj₁ t₁≡t₂ of λ
      (⊩t₁ , ⊩t₂ , t₁≡t₂) 
    case ⊩ᵛ≡∷⇔″ .proj₁ u₁≡u₂ of λ
      (⊩u₁ , ⊩u₂ , u₁≡u₂) 
    case wf-⊩ˢ≡∷ σ₁≡σ₂ of λ
      (⊩σ₁ , ⊩σ₂) 
    case ⊩ᵛ∷⇔ .proj₁ ⊩t₁ .proj₁ of λ
    case ⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[]∷ ⊩t₁ ⊩σ₁ of λ
    case ⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[]∷ ⊩t₂ ⊩σ₂ of λ
    case ⊩ᵛ≡→⊩ˢ≡∷→⊩[⇑]≡[⇑] A₁≡A₂ σ₁≡σ₂ of λ
    case Σ.map escape escape (wf-⊩≡ A₁[σ₁⇑]≡A₂[σ₂⇑]) of λ
      (⊢A₁[σ₁⇑] , ⊢A₂[σ₂⇑]) 
    case refl-⊩≡∷ $
         ⊩star {l = l} (escape-⊩ˢ∷ ⊩σ₁ .proj₁) $
         ⊩ᵛUnit→Unit-allowed ⊩Unit of λ
    case PE.subst₂ (_⊢_≡_ _) (substConsId A₁) (substConsId A₂) $
         ≅-eq $ escape-⊩≡ $
         ⊩ᵛ≡→⊩ˢ≡∷→⊩≡∷→⊩[,]≡[,] A₁≡A₂ σ₁≡σ₂ ⋆≡⋆ of λ
    case escape-⊩∷ $
         PE.subst (_⊩⟨_⟩_∷_ _ _ _) (singleSubstLift A₁ starʷ) $
         ⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[]∷ ⊩u₁ ⊩σ₁ of λ
    case escape-⊩∷ $
           (⊩ᵛ≡→⊩ˢ≡∷→⊩≡∷→⊩[⇑][]₀≡[⇑][]₀ A₁≡A₂ (refl-⊩ˢ≡∷ ⊩σ₂) ⋆≡⋆) $
         PE.subst (_⊩⟨_⟩_∷_ _ _ _) (singleSubstLift A₁ starʷ) $
         ⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[]∷ ⊩u₂ ⊩σ₂ of λ
    case ⊩≡∷Unit⇔ .proj₁ (t₁≡t₂ σ₁≡σ₂) of λ where
      (ok , _ , _ , Unitₜ₌ˢ ⊢t₁ ⊢t₂ (inj₂ η)) 
        case starᵛ {l = l} (wf-⊩ᵛ ⊩Unit) ok of λ
        unitrec p q A₁ t₁ u₁ [ σ₁ ]  A₁ [ t₁ ]₀ [ σ₁ ]       ⇒⟨ PE.subst (_⊢_⇒_∷_ _ _ _) (PE.sym $ singleSubstLift A₁ t₁) $
                                                                 unitrec-β-η ⊢A₁[σ₁⇑] (escape-⊩∷ ⊩t₁[σ₁]) ⊢u₁[σ₁] ok η ⟩⊩∷∷
                                                                ⊩ᵛ≡→⊩≡∷→⊩ˢ≡∷→⊩[]₀[]≡[]₀[] (refl-⊩ᵛ≡ ⊩A₁)
                                                                   (⊩ᵛ≡∷⇔ .proj₁ (η-unitᵛ ⊩t₁ ⊩⋆ (inj₂ η)) .proj₂ $
                                                                    refl-⊩ˢ≡∷ ⊩σ₁)
                                                                   (refl-⊩ˢ≡∷ ⊩σ₁) ⟩⊩∷
        u₁ [ σ₁ ]                    A₁ [ starʷ ]₀ [ σ₁ ]    ≡⟨ u₁≡u₂ σ₁≡σ₂ ⟩⊩∷∷⇐*
                                                                A₁[⋆]₀[σ₁]≡A₂[⋆]₀[σ₂] ⟩⇒
                                     A₂ [ starʷ ]₀ [ σ₂ ]      singleSubstLift A₂ starʷ ⟩⇐≡
        u₂ [ σ₂ ]                    A₂ [ σ₂  ] [ starʷ ]₀  ⇐⟨ conv (unitrec-β-η ⊢A₂[σ₂⇑] (escape-⊩∷ ⊩t₂[σ₂]) ⊢u₂[σ₂] ok η)
                                                                   (≅-eq $ escape-⊩≡ $
                                                                    ⊩ᵛ≡→⊩ˢ≡∷→⊩≡∷→⊩[⇑][]₀≡[⇑][]₀ (refl-⊩ᵛ≡ ⊩A₂) (refl-⊩ˢ≡∷ ⊩σ₂) $
                                                                    ⊩ᵛ≡∷⇔ .proj₁ (η-unitᵛ ⊩t₂ ⊩⋆ (inj₂ η)) .proj₂ $
                                                                    refl-⊩ˢ≡∷ ⊩σ₂)
                                                               , ⊢u₂[σ₂]
        unitrec p q A₂ t₂ u₂ [ σ₂ ]                           

      (ok , _ , _ ,
       Unitₜ₌ʷ t₁′ t₂′ t₁[σ₁]⇒*t₁′@([ _ , ⊢t₁′ , _ ])
         t₂[σ₂]⇒*t₂′@([ _ , ⊢t₂′ , _ ]) _ rest no-η) 
        case PE.subst (_⊢_⇒*_∷_ _ _ _)
               (PE.sym $ singleSubstLift A₁ t₁) $
             unitrec-subst* ⊩A₁ ⊩σ₁ ⊩t₁[σ₁] (redₜ t₁[σ₁]⇒*t₁′) ⊢u₁[σ₁]
               no-η of λ
        case PE.subst (_⊢_⇒*_∷_ _ _ _)
               (PE.sym $ singleSubstLift A₂ t₂) $
             unitrec-subst* ⊩A₂ ⊩σ₂ ⊩t₂[σ₂] (redₜ t₂[σ₂]⇒*t₂′) ⊢u₂[σ₂]
               no-η of λ
        case PE.subst₂ (_⊩⟨_⟩_≡_ _ _)
               (PE.sym $ singleSubstLift A₁ t₁) PE.refl $
             ⊩ᵛ≡→⊩ˢ≡∷→⊩≡∷→⊩[⇑][]₀≡[⇑][]₀ (refl-⊩ᵛ≡ ⊩A₁) (refl-⊩ˢ≡∷ ⊩σ₁)
               (⊩∷-⇒* t₁[σ₁]⇒*t₁′ ⊩t₁[σ₁]) of λ
        case ≅-eq $ escape-⊩≡ $
             PE.subst₂ (_⊩⟨_⟩_≡_ _ _)
               (PE.sym $ singleSubstLift A₂ t₂) PE.refl $
             ⊩ᵛ≡→⊩ˢ≡∷→⊩≡∷→⊩[⇑][]₀≡[⇑][]₀ (refl-⊩ᵛ≡ ⊩A₂) (refl-⊩ˢ≡∷ ⊩σ₂)
               (⊩∷-⇒* t₂[σ₂]⇒*t₂′ ⊩t₂[σ₂]) of λ
        case rest of λ where
            unitrec p q A₁ t₁    u₁ [ σ₁ ]  A₁ [ t₁ ]₀ [ σ₁ ]       ⇒*⟨ unitrec⇒*₁ ⟩⊩∷∷
                                                                        A₁[t₁]₀[σ₁]≡A₁[σ₁⇑][t₁′]₀ ⟩⊩∷
            unitrec p q A₁ starʷ u₁ [ σ₁ ]  A₁ [ σ₁  ] [ starʷ ]₀  ⇒⟨ unitrec-β ⊢A₁[σ₁⇑] ⊢u₁[σ₁] ok no-η ⟩⊩∷∷
                                                                     ˘⟨ singleSubstLift A₁ starʷ ⟩⊩∷≡
            u₁ [ σ₁ ]                       A₁ [ starʷ ]₀ [ σ₁ ]    ≡⟨ u₁≡u₂ σ₁≡σ₂ ⟩⊩∷∷⇐*
                                                                       A₁[⋆]₀[σ₁]≡A₂[⋆]₀[σ₂] ⟩⇒
                                            A₂ [ starʷ ]₀ [ σ₂ ]      singleSubstLift A₂ starʷ ⟩⇐≡
            u₂ [ σ₂ ]                       A₂ [ σ₂  ] [ starʷ ]₀  ⇐⟨ unitrec-β ⊢A₂[σ₂⇑] ⊢u₂[σ₂] ok no-η , ⊢u₂[σ₂] ⟩∷
                                                                     ˘⟨ ⊢A₂[t₂]₀[σ₂]≡A₂[σ₂⇑][t₂′]₀ ⟩⇒
            unitrec p q A₂ starʷ u₂ [ σ₂ ]  A₂ [ t₂ ]₀ [ σ₂ ]       ⇐*⟨ unitrec⇒*₂ ⟩∎∷
            unitrec p q A₂ t₂    u₂ [ σ₂ ]                           

          (ne (neNfₜ₌ t₁′-ne t₂′-ne t₁′~t₂′)) 
            case ≅-eq $ escape-⊩≡ $
                 ⊩ᵛ≡→⊩ˢ≡∷→⊩≡∷→⊩[⇑][]₀≡[⇑][]₀ A₁≡A₂ σ₁≡σ₂ $
                 neutral-⊩≡∷ (⊩ᵛ→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[] ⊩Unit ⊩σ₁)
                   t₁′-ne t₂′-ne ⊢t₁′ ⊢t₂′ t₁′~t₂′ of λ
            unitrec p q (A₁ [ σ₁  ]) (t₁ [ σ₁ ]) (u₁ [ σ₁ ])
               A₁ [ t₁ ]₀ [ σ₁ ]                              ⇒*⟨ unitrec⇒*₁ ⟩⊩∷∷
                                                                  A₁[t₁]₀[σ₁]≡A₁[σ₁⇑][t₁′]₀ ⟩⊩∷
            unitrec p q (A₁ [ σ₁  ]) t₁′         (u₁ [ σ₁ ])
               A₁ [ σ₁  ] [ t₁′ ]₀                           ≡⟨ neutral-⊩≡∷ (wf-⊩≡ A₁[t₁]₀[σ₁]≡A₁[σ₁⇑][t₁′]₀ .proj₂)
                                                                    (unitrecₙ no-η t₁′-ne) (unitrecₙ no-η t₂′-ne)
                                                                    (unitrecⱼ ⊢A₁[σ₁⇑] ⊢t₁′ ⊢u₁[σ₁] ok)
                                                                    (conv (unitrecⱼ ⊢A₂[σ₂⇑] ⊢t₂′ ⊢u₂[σ₂] ok)
                                                                       (sym ⊢A₁[σ₁⇑][t₁′]₀≡A₂[σ₂⇑][t₂′]₀))
                                                                    (~-unitrec (escape-⊩≡ A₁[σ₁⇑]≡A₂[σ₂⇑]) t₁′~t₂′
                                                                       (PE.subst (_⊢_≅_∷_ _ _ _) (singleSubstLift A₁ _) $
                                                                        escape-⊩≡∷ (u₁≡u₂ σ₁≡σ₂))
                                                                       ok no-η) ⟩⊩∷∷⇐*
                                                                  ⊢A₁[σ₁⇑][t₁′]₀≡A₂[σ₂⇑][t₂′]₀ ⟩⇒
               A₂ [ σ₂  ] [ t₂′ ]₀                            ˘⟨ ⊢A₂[t₂]₀[σ₂]≡A₂[σ₂⇑][t₂′]₀ ⟩⇒

            unitrec p q (A₂ [ σ₂  ]) t₂′         (u₂ [ σ₂ ])
               A₂ [ t₂ ]₀ [ σ₂ ]                              ⇐*⟨ unitrec⇒*₂ ⟩∎∷

            unitrec p q (A₂ [ σ₂  ]) (t₂ [ σ₂ ]) (u₂ [ σ₂ ])  


  -- Validity of equality between applications of unitrec.

  unitrec-congᵛ :
    Γ  Unitʷ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  A₁  A₂ 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l′  t₁  t₂  Unitʷ 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l″  u₁  u₂  A₁ [ starʷ ]₀ 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  unitrec p q A₁ t₁ u₁  unitrec p q A₂ t₂ u₂  A₁ [ t₁ ]₀
  unitrec-congᵛ A₁≡A₂ t₁≡t₂ u₁≡u₂ =
    ⊩ᵛ≡∷⇔ .proj₂
      ( ⊩ᵛ→⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ᵛ[]₀ (wf-⊩ᵛ≡ A₁≡A₂ .proj₁) (wf-⊩ᵛ≡∷ t₁≡t₂ .proj₁)
      , ⊩unitrec≡unitrec A₁≡A₂ t₁≡t₂ u₁≡u₂


  -- Validity of unitrec.

  unitrecᵛ :
    Γ  Unitʷ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  A 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l′  t  Unitʷ 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l″  u  A [ starʷ ]₀ 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  unitrec p q A t u  A [ t ]₀
  unitrecᵛ ⊩A ⊩t ⊩u =
    ⊩ᵛ∷⇔⊩ᵛ≡∷ .proj₂ $
    unitrec-congᵛ (refl-⊩ᵛ≡ ⊩A) (refl-⊩ᵛ≡∷ ⊩t) (refl-⊩ᵛ≡∷ ⊩u)


  -- Validity of the unitrec β rule.

  unitrec-βᵛ :
    Γ  Unitʷ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l′  A 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  t  A [ starʷ ]₀ 
    ¬ Unitʷ-η 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  unitrec p q A starʷ t  t  A [ starʷ ]₀
  unitrec-βᵛ {A} ⊩A ⊩t no-η =
         PE.subst (_⊢_⇒_∷_ _ _ _) (PE.sym $ singleSubstLift A _) $
           (escape $ ⊩ᵛ→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[⇑] ⊩A ⊩σ)
           (PE.subst (_⊢_∷_ _ _) (singleSubstLift A _) $
            escape-⊩∷ (⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[]∷ ⊩t ⊩σ))
           (⊩ᵛUnit→Unit-allowed (wf-∙-⊩ᵛ ⊩A .proj₂)) no-η)


  -- Validity of the rule called unitrec-β-η.

  unitrec-β-ηᵛ :
    Γ  Unitʷ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  A 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  t  Unitʷ 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  u  A [ starʷ ]₀ 
    Γ ⊩ᵛ⟨ l  unitrec p q A t u  u  A [ t ]₀
  unitrec-β-ηᵛ {l} {A} ⊩A ⊩t ⊩u η =
    case wf-⊩ᵛ (wf-⊩ᵛ∷ ⊩t) of λ
    case ⊩ᵛUnit→Unit-allowed (wf-∙-⊩ᵛ ⊩A .proj₂) of λ
         PE.subst (_⊢_⇒_∷_ _ _ _) (PE.sym $ singleSubstLift A _) $
           (escape $
            ⊩ᵛ→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[] ⊩A $
            ⊩ˢ∷-liftSubst (Unitᵛ {l = l} ⊩Γ ok) ⊩σ)
           (escape-⊩∷ (⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[]∷ ⊩t ⊩σ))
           (PE.subst (_⊢_∷_ _ _) (singleSubstLift A _) $
            escape-⊩∷ (⊩ᵛ∷→⊩ˢ∷→⊩[]∷ ⊩u ⊩σ))
           ok η)
         (⊩ᵛ≡→⊩ᵛ≡∷→⊩ᵛ[]₀≡[]₀ (refl-⊩ᵛ≡ ⊩A) $
          η-unitᵛ (starᵛ {l = l} ⊩Γ ok) ⊩t (inj₂ η))