-- Equality lemmata.

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.Equality
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open Type-restrictions R

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Neutral M type-variant
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typed.EqRelInstance R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inversion R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic R
open import Definition.Typed.RedSteps R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Hidden R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Reducibility R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Introductions R

open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat)
open import Tools.Product as Σ
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

    n         : Nat
    Γ         : Con Term n
    A B C t u : Term _
    b         : BinderMode
    p q       : M
    s         : Strength


  -- If A is judgmentally equal to U, then A is propositionally equal
  -- to U.

  U≡A : Γ  U  A  A PE.≡ U
  U≡A = proj₂ ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ ⊩U≡⇔ .proj₁ ∘→ reducible-⊩≡


  -- If the WHNF A is judgmentally equal to ℕ, then A is
  -- propositionally equal to ℕ.

  ℕ≡A : Γ    A  Whnf A  A PE.≡ 
  ℕ≡A {Γ} {A} ℕ≡A A-whnf =
                $⟨ ℕ≡A 
    Γ    A   →⟨ ⊩ℕ≡⇔ .proj₁ ∘→ reducible-⊩≡ 
    Γ ⊩ℕ   A  ≡⟨ PE.refl ⟩→
    Γ  A ⇒*   →⟨ flip whnfRed* A-whnf 
    A PE.≡     


  -- If the WHNF A is judgmentally equal to Empty, then A is
  -- propositionally equal to Empty.

  Empty≡A : Γ  Empty  A  Whnf A  A PE.≡ Empty
  Empty≡A {Γ} {A} Empty≡A A-whnf =
                        $⟨ Empty≡A 
    Γ  Empty  A       →⟨ ⊩Empty≡⇔ .proj₁ ∘→ reducible-⊩≡ 
    Γ ⊩Empty Empty  A  ≡⟨ PE.refl ⟩→
    Γ  A ⇒* Empty      →⟨ flip whnfRed* A-whnf 
    A PE.≡ Empty        


  -- If the WHNF A is judgmentally equal to Unit s, then A is
  -- propositionally equal to Unit s.

  Unit≡A : Γ  Unit s  A  Whnf A  A PE.≡ Unit s
  Unit≡A {Γ} {s} {A} Unit≡A A-whnf =
                         $⟨ Unit≡A 
    Γ  Unit s  A       →⟨ reducible-⊩≡ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  Unit s  A  →⟨ proj₂ ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ ⊩Unit≡⇔ .proj₁ 
    Γ  A ⇒* Unit s      →⟨ flip whnfRed* A-whnf 
    A PE.≡ Unit s        


  -- If the neutral term B is judgmentally equal to the WHNF A, then A
  -- is neutral.

  ne≡A : Neutral B  Γ  B  A  Whnf A  Neutral A
  ne≡A {B} {Γ} {A} B-ne B≡A A-whnf =  $⟨ B≡A 
    Γ  B  A                         →⟨ reducible-⊩≡ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  B  A                    →⟨ Σ.map idᶠ (Σ.map idᶠ (proj₁ ∘→ proj₂)) ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ ⊩ne≡⇔ B-ne .proj₁ 
    ( λ C  Neutral C × Γ  A ⇒* C)  →⟨  (_ , C-ne , A⇒*C) 
                                            PE.subst Neutral (PE.sym $ whnfRed* A⇒*C A-whnf) C-ne) 
    Neutral A                         


  -- If a WHNF C is definitionally equal to ΠΣ⟨ b ⟩ p , q ▷ A ▹ B, then
  -- C has the shape ΠΣ⟨ b ⟩ p , q ▷ _ ▹ _.

  ΠΣ≡Whnf :
    Γ  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A  B  C  Whnf C 
    ∃₂ λ A′ B′  C PE.≡ ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A′  B′
  ΠΣ≡Whnf {Γ} {b} {p} {q} {A} {B} {C} ΠΣ≡C C-whnf =    $⟨ ΠΣ≡C 
    Γ  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A  B  C                      →⟨ reducible-⊩≡ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A  B  C                 →⟨ Σ.map idᶠ (Σ.map idᶠ proj₁) ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ ⊩ΠΣ≡⇔ .proj₁ 
    (∃₂ λ A′ B′  Γ  C :⇒*: ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A′  B′)  →⟨ Σ.map idᶠ $ Σ.map idᶠ (flip whnfRed* C-whnf ∘→ red) 
    (∃₂ λ A′ B′  C PE.≡ ΠΣ⟨ b  p , q  A′  B′)      


  -- If a WHNF A is definitionally equal to Π p , q ▷ B ▹ C, then A
  -- has the shape Π p , q ▷ _ ▹ _.

  Π≡A :
    Γ  Π p , q  B  C  A  Whnf A 
    ∃₂ λ B′ C′  A PE.≡ Π p , q  B′  C′
  Π≡A = ΠΣ≡Whnf


  -- If a WHNF A is definitionally equal to Σ⟨ s ⟩ p , q ▷ B ▹ C, then
  -- A has the shape Σ⟨ s ⟩ p , q ▷ _ ▹ _.

  Σ≡A :
    Γ  Σ⟨ s  p , q  B  C  A  Whnf A 
    ∃₂ λ B′ C′  A PE.≡ Σ⟨ s  p , q  B′  C′
  Σ≡A = ΠΣ≡Whnf


  -- If the WHNF B is judgmentally equal to Id A t u, then there are
  -- A′, t′ and u′ such that B is propositionally equal to
  -- Id A′ t′ u′.

  Id≡Whnf :
    Γ  Id A t u  B  Whnf B 
    ∃₃ λ A′ t′ u′  B PE.≡ Id A′ t′ u′
  Id≡Whnf {Γ} {A} {t} {u} {B} Id≡B B-whnf =   $⟨ Id≡B 
    Γ  Id A t u  B                          →⟨ reducible-⊩≡ 
    Γ ⊩⟨ ¹  Id A t u  B                     →⟨ Σ.map idᶠ (Σ.map idᶠ (Σ.map idᶠ proj₁)) ∘→ proj₂ ∘→ ⊩Id≡⇔ .proj₁ 
    (∃₃ λ A′ t′ u′  Γ  B :⇒*: Id A′ t′ u′)  →⟨ Σ.map idᶠ $ Σ.map idᶠ $ Σ.map idᶠ (flip whnfRed* B-whnf ∘→ red) 
    (∃₃ λ A′ t′ u′  B PE.≡ Id A′ t′ u′)      


  -- If t is definitionally equal to rfl, then t reduces to rfl.

  rfl-norm : Γ  t  rfl  A  Γ  t ⇒* rfl  A
  rfl-norm t≡rfl =
    case inversion-rfl (syntacticEqTerm t≡rfl .proj₂ .proj₂) of λ
      (_ , _ , _ , _ , A≡Id) 
    case ⊩≡∷Id⇔ .proj₁ $ reducible-⊩≡∷ $ conv t≡rfl A≡Id of λ
      (t′ , _ , t⇒*u , rfl⇒*v , _ , _ , u∼v) 
    case whnfRed*Term (redₜ rfl⇒*v) rflₙ of λ {
    case u∼v of λ where
      (rfl₌ _) 
        conv* (redₜ t⇒*u) (sym A≡Id)
      (ne _ () _) }


  -- If the WHNF t is judgmentally equal to rfl, then t is
  -- propositionally equal to rfl.

  whnf≡rfl : Γ  t  rfl  A  Whnf t  t PE.≡ rfl
  whnf≡rfl = whnfRed*Term ∘→ rfl-norm