-- The fundamental lemma of the logical relation.

open import Graded.Modality
open import Graded.Usage.Restrictions
open import Definition.Typed.EqualityRelation
import Definition.Typed
open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
import Definition.Untyped
open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Sum hiding (id)
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

module Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (open Modality 𝕄)
  (TR : Type-restrictions 𝕄)
  (UR : Usage-restrictions 𝕄)
   𝟘-well-behaved : Has-well-behaved-zero M semiring-with-meet 
  {{eqrel : EqRelSet TR}}

open Definition.Untyped M
open Definition.Typed TR
open EqRelSet {{...}}

open import Definition.LogicalRelation TR hiding (_≤_)
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Hidden TR
import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties TR as LP
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution TR
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Introductions.Nat TR
import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Introductions.Var TR as V

import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental TR as F

open import Graded.Context 𝕄
open import Graded.Context.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Modality.Dedicated-nr.Instance
open import Graded.Modality.Nr-instances
open import Graded.Modality.Properties 𝕄
open import Graded.Usage 𝕄 UR
open import Graded.Usage.Inversion 𝕄 UR
open import Graded.Usage.Properties 𝕄 UR
open import Graded.Mode 𝕄

open import Definition.Untyped.Properties M
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic TR
open import Definition.Typed.Properties TR

import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation
open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Assumptions TR
open import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Assumptions TR UR
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Empty
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Identity
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Nat
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Pi-Sigma
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Unit
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Conversion
import Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Hidden

open import Graded.Erasure.Target as T using (Strictness)
open import Graded.Erasure.Extraction 𝕄
import Graded.Erasure.Target.Properties as TP

open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Fin
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat)
open import Tools.Product as Σ
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Tools.Relation
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

     l n : Nat
     Γ Δ : Con Term n
     t u A B : Term n
     γ δ : Conₘ n
     p q : M
     x : Fin n
     m : Mode

-- A lemma.

module _ (⊢Δ :  Δ) {s : Strictness} where

  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Hidden
         (record { ⊢Δ = ⊢Δ; str = s })


    -- A fundamental lemma for variables.

    fundamentalVar :
      x  A  Γ 
      γ ▸[ m ] var x 
      γ  Γ ⊩ʳ⟨ ¹  var x ∷[ m ] A
    fundamentalVar {x} {A} {γ} {m} x∈Γ ▸x =
      ▸⊩ʳ∷⇔ .proj₂ λ {σ = σ} {σ′ = σ′} _ σ®σ′ 
      case ®∷[]◂⇔ .proj₁ σ®σ′ x∈Γ of λ
        (l , σx®σ′x) 
                                                   $⟨ σx®σ′x 
      σ x ®⟨ l  σ′ x  A [ σ ]   m  · γ  x   →⟨ subsumption-®∷◂ (lemma m (inv-usage-var ▸x)) 
      σ x ®⟨ l  σ′ x  A [ σ ]   m             →⟨ emb-®∷◂ LP.≤¹ 
      σ x ®⟨ ¹  σ′ x  A [ σ ]   m             
      lemma :
        γ ≤ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ , x   m  
         m  · γ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘 
         m  PE.≡ 𝟘
      lemma 𝟘ᵐ = λ _ _  PE.refl
      lemma 𝟙ᵐ = curry (
        γ ≤ᶜ 𝟘ᶜ , x  𝟙 × 𝟙 · γ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘  →⟨ Σ.map (PE.subst (_≤_ _) (update-lookup 𝟘ᶜ x) ∘→ lookup-monotone _)
                                                   (PE.trans (PE.sym (·-identityˡ _))) 
        γ  x   𝟙 × γ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘          →⟨ uncurry (flip (PE.subst (_≤ _))) 
        𝟘  𝟙                                 →⟨ 𝟘≰𝟙 
                                             →⟨ ⊥-elim 
        𝟙 PE.≡ 𝟘                              )

-- The fundamental lemma, and a variant for terms in fully erased
-- contexts.

module Fundamental
  (FA : Fundamental-assumptions Δ)
  {s : Strictness}

  open Fundamental-assumptions FA


    as : Assumptions
    as = record { ⊢Δ = well-formed; str = s }

  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Empty UR as consistent
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Identity as
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Nat as
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Pi-Sigma UR as
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Unit as
  open Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Hidden as

  -- The fundamental lemma for the erasure relation.
  -- Note the assumptions of the local module Fundamental.
  -- The main parts of this proof are located in Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.X
  -- The general proof strategy of these is the following:
  -- To show that t is valid, find t′ in whnf such that t ⇒* t′ and show that t′ is valid.
  -- The result that t is valid then follows from the logical relation being closed under
  -- reduction (see Graded.Erasure.LogicalRelation.Reduction).


    fundamental :
      Γ  t  A  γ ▸[ m ] t 
      γ  Γ ⊩ʳ⟨ ¹  t ∷[ m ] A
    fundamental {m = 𝟘ᵐ} ⊢t _ =
    fundamental (ΠΣⱼ _ _ _) _ =
    fundamental (ℕⱼ _) _ =
    fundamental (Emptyⱼ _) _ =
    fundamental (Unitⱼ _ _) _ =
    fundamental (var _ x∈Γ) ▸x =
      fundamentalVar well-formed x∈Γ ▸x
    fundamental (lamⱼ ⊢A ⊢t ok) ▸lam =
      case inv-usage-lam ▸lam of λ
        (invUsageLam ▸t γ≤δ) 
      subsumption-▸⊩ʳ∷[]-≤ γ≤δ $
      lamʳ ok (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢A) (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ∷ ⊢t)
        (fundamental ⊢t ▸t)
    fundamental (⊢t ∘ⱼ ⊢u) ▸∘ =
      case inv-usage-app ▸∘ of λ
        (invUsageApp ▸t ▸u γ≤δ+pη) 
      subsumption-▸⊩ʳ∷[]-≤ γ≤δ+pη $
      ∘ʳ (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ (syntacticTerm ⊢t)) ⊢u (fundamental ⊢t ▸t)
        (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
    fundamental (prodⱼ {k = 𝕤} _ ⊢B ⊢t ⊢u ok) ▸prod =
      case inv-usage-prodˢ ▸prod of λ
        (invUsageProdˢ ▸t ▸u γ≤pδ∧η) 
      subsumption-▸⊩ʳ∷[]-≤ γ≤pδ∧η $
      prodˢʳ ok (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢B) (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ∷ ⊢t) ⊢u
        (fundamental ⊢t ▸t) (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
    fundamental (prodⱼ {k = 𝕨} _ ⊢B ⊢t ⊢u ok) ▸prod =
      case inv-usage-prodʷ ▸prod of λ
        (invUsageProdʷ ▸t ▸u γ≤pδ+η) 
      subsumption-▸⊩ʳ∷[]-≤ γ≤pδ+η $
      prodʷʳ ok (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢B) (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ∷ ⊢t) ⊢u
        (fundamental ⊢t ▸t) (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
    fundamental (fstⱼ _ _ ⊢t) ▸fst =
      case inv-usage-fst ▸fst of λ
        (invUsageFst _ _ ▸t γ≤δ _) 
      fstʳ (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ (syntacticTerm ⊢t))
        (fundamental ⊢t (sub ▸t γ≤δ)) ▸fst
    fundamental (sndⱼ _ _ ⊢t) ▸snd =
      case inv-usage-snd ▸snd of λ
        (invUsageSnd ▸t γ≤δ) 
      sndʳ (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ∷ ⊢t) (fundamental ⊢t (sub ▸t γ≤δ))
    fundamental {m = 𝟙ᵐ} (prodrecⱼ ⊢A ⊢B ⊢C ⊢t ⊢u _) ▸prodrec =
      case inv-usage-prodrec ▸prodrec of λ
        (invUsageProdrec ▸t ▸u _ ok γ≤rδ+η) 
      subsumption-▸⊩ʳ∷[]-≤ γ≤rδ+η $
      prodrecʳ (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢C) ⊢t ⊢u (fundamental ⊢t ▸t)
        (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
        (case closed-or-no-erased-matches of λ where
           (inj₁ nem) r≡𝟘  ⊥-elim (nem non-trivial .proj₁ ok r≡𝟘)
           (inj₂ k≡0) _    k≡0)
    fundamental (zeroⱼ _) _ =
    fundamental (sucⱼ ⊢t) γ▸suc =
      case inv-usage-suc γ▸suc of λ
        (invUsageSuc δ▸t γ≤δ) 
      subsumption-▸⊩ʳ∷[]-≤ γ≤δ $
      sucʳ ⊢t (fundamental ⊢t δ▸t)
    fundamental (natrecⱼ {p} {r} ⊢A ⊢t ⊢u ⊢v) γ▸nr =
      case inv-usage-natrec γ▸nr of λ {
        (invUsageNatrec {δ} {η} {θ} δ▸t η▸u θ▸v _ γ≤χ extra) 
      subsumption-▸⊩ʳ∷[]-≤ γ≤χ $
      natrecʳ (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢A) ⊢t ⊢u ⊢v (fundamental ⊢t δ▸t)
        (fundamental ⊢u η▸u) (fundamental ⊢v θ▸v)
         x  case extra of λ where
             nrᶜ p r δ η θ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                        →⟨ PE.trans (PE.sym (nrᶜ-⟨⟩ δ)) 
             nr p r (δ  x ) (η  x ) (θ  x ) PE.≡ 𝟘       →⟨  hyp 
                                                                     case nr-positive hyp of λ {
                                                                       (p , q , r)  p , r , q }) 
             δ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘 × θ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘 × η  x  PE.≡ 𝟘  
           (invUsageNatrecNoNr {χ = χ} χ≤δ _ χ≤θ fix) 
             χ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                                    →⟨  hyp 
                                                                       ≤ᶜ→⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘 χ≤δ hyp
                                                                     , ≤ᶜ→⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘 χ≤θ hyp
                                                                     , ⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘-fixpoint fix hyp) 
             δ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘 × θ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘 × η  x  PE.≡ 𝟘  ) }
    fundamental (emptyrecⱼ _ ⊢t) ▸t =
      case inv-usage-emptyrec ▸t of λ
        (invUsageEmptyrec ▸t _ ok γ≤pδ) 
      subsumption-▸⊩ʳ∷[]-≤ γ≤pδ $
      emptyrecʳ ok (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ∷ ⊢t) (fundamental ⊢t ▸t)
    fundamental (starⱼ _ ok) _ =
      starʳ ok
    fundamental {m = 𝟙ᵐ} (unitrecⱼ ⊢A ⊢t ⊢u ok) γ▸ur =
      case inv-usage-unitrec γ▸ur of λ
        (invUsageUnitrec δ▸t η▸u _ ok′ γ≤pδ+η) 
      subsumption-▸⊩ʳ∷[]-≤ γ≤pδ+η $
      unitrecʳ (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢A) (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ∷ ⊢t)
        (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ∷ ⊢u) (fundamental ⊢t δ▸t) (fundamental ⊢u η▸u)
         p≡𝟘  case closed-or-no-erased-matches of λ where
           (inj₁ nem)  inj₂ (nem non-trivial .proj₂ .proj₁ ok′ p≡𝟘)
           (inj₂ k≡0)  inj₁ k≡0)
    fundamental (Idⱼ _ _ _) _ =
    fundamental (rflⱼ ⊢t) _ =
      rflʳ ⊢t
    fundamental {γ} {m = 𝟙ᵐ} (Jⱼ _ _ ⊢B ⊢u _ ⊢w) ▸J =
      case F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢B of λ
      case inv-usage-J ▸J of λ where
        (invUsageJ₀₂ em _ _ _ ▸u _ _ γ≤) 
           ⊩B ⊢u ⊢w γ≤ (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
            (inj₁ $ case closed-or-no-erased-matches of λ where
               (inj₂ k≡0)  k≡0
               (inj₁ nem) 
                   PE.trans (PE.sym em)
                     (nem non-trivial .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₁)
                 of λ ())
        (invUsageJ₀₁ {γ₃} {γ₄} em _ _ _ _ _ ▸u _ _ γ≤) 
               γ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                      →⟨ ≤ᶜ→⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘 γ≤ 
               (ω ·ᶜ (γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄))  x  PE.≡ 𝟘      →⟨ ·ᶜ-zero-product-⟨⟩ (γ₃ +ᶜ _) 
               ω PE.≡ 𝟘  (γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘  →⟨  { (inj₁ ω≡𝟘)  ⊥-elim (ω≢𝟘 ω≡𝟘); (inj₂ hyp)  hyp }) 
               (γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘             →⟨ +ᶜ-⟨⟩-≡-𝟘-→-∧ᶜ-⟨⟩-≡-𝟘 γ₃ 
               (γ₃ ∧ᶜ γ₄)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘             ) $
           ⊩B ⊢u ⊢w (∧ᶜ-decreasingʳ γ₃ _) (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
            (inj₁ $ case closed-or-no-erased-matches of λ where
               (inj₂ k≡0)  k≡0
               (inj₁ nem) 
                   PE.trans (PE.sym em)
                     (nem non-trivial .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₁)
                 of λ ())
        (invUsageJ {γ₂} {γ₃} {γ₄} {γ₅} {γ₆} _ _ _ _ _ ▸u _ ▸w γ≤) 
               γ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                                        →⟨ ≤ᶜ→⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘 γ≤ 
               (ω ·ᶜ (γ₂ +ᶜ γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄ +ᶜ γ₅ +ᶜ γ₆))  x  PE.≡ 𝟘      →⟨ ·ᶜ-zero-product-⟨⟩ (γ₂ +ᶜ _) 
               ω PE.≡ 𝟘  (γ₂ +ᶜ γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄ +ᶜ γ₅ +ᶜ γ₆)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘  →⟨  { (inj₁ ω≡𝟘)  ⊥-elim (ω≢𝟘 ω≡𝟘); (inj₂ hyp)  hyp }) 
               (γ₂ +ᶜ γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄ +ᶜ γ₅ +ᶜ γ₆)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘             →⟨ proj₂ ∘→ +ᶜ-positive-⟨⟩ γ₅ ∘→
                                                                        ≤ᶜ→⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘 {γ = γ₄ +ᶜ _}
                                                                          (≤ᶜ-reflexive $
                                                                             (≈ᶜ-trans (≈ᶜ-sym (+ᶜ-assoc _ _ _)) $
                                                                              +ᶜ-congʳ (+ᶜ-comm _ _)) $
                                                                           +ᶜ-assoc _ _ _) ∘→
                                                                        proj₂ ∘→ +ᶜ-positive-⟨⟩ γ₃ ∘→
                                                                        proj₂ ∘→ +ᶜ-positive-⟨⟩ γ₂ 
               (γ₄ +ᶜ γ₆)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                               →⟨ +ᶜ-⟨⟩-≡-𝟘-→-∧ᶜ-⟨⟩-≡-𝟘 γ₄ 
               (γ₄ ∧ᶜ γ₆)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                               )
            ( ⊩B ⊢u ⊢w (∧ᶜ-decreasingˡ γ₄ _) (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
               (inj₂ (_ , ∧ᶜ-decreasingʳ γ₄ _ , _ , fundamental ⊢w ▸w)))
    fundamental {γ} {m = 𝟙ᵐ} (Kⱼ _ ⊢B ⊢u ⊢v ok) ▸K =
      case F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ ⊢B of λ
      case inv-usage-K ▸K of λ where
        (invUsageK₀₂ em _ _ _ ▸u _ γ≤) 
           ⊩B ⊢u ⊢v ok γ≤ (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
            (inj₁ $ case closed-or-no-erased-matches of λ where
               (inj₂ k≡0)  k≡0
               (inj₁ nem) 
                   PE.trans (PE.sym em)
                     (nem non-trivial .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂)
                 of λ ())
        (invUsageK₀₁ {γ₃} {γ₄} em _ _ _ _ ▸u _ γ≤) 
               γ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                      →⟨ ≤ᶜ→⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘 γ≤ 
               (ω ·ᶜ (γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄))  x  PE.≡ 𝟘      →⟨ ·ᶜ-zero-product-⟨⟩ (γ₃ +ᶜ _) 
               ω PE.≡ 𝟘  (γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘  →⟨  { (inj₁ ω≡𝟘)  ⊥-elim (ω≢𝟘 ω≡𝟘); (inj₂ hyp)  hyp }) 
               (γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘             →⟨ +ᶜ-⟨⟩-≡-𝟘-→-∧ᶜ-⟨⟩-≡-𝟘 γ₃ 
               (γ₃ ∧ᶜ γ₄)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘             ) $
           ⊩B ⊢u ⊢v ok (∧ᶜ-decreasingʳ γ₃ _) (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
            (inj₁ $ case closed-or-no-erased-matches of λ where
               (inj₂ k≡0)  k≡0
               (inj₁ nem) 
                   PE.trans (PE.sym em)
                     (nem non-trivial .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂)
                 of λ ())
        (invUsageK {γ₂} {γ₃} {γ₄} {γ₅} _ _ _ _ _ ▸u ▸v γ≤) 
               γ  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                                  →⟨ ≤ᶜ→⟨⟩≡𝟘→⟨⟩≡𝟘 γ≤ 
               (ω ·ᶜ (γ₂ +ᶜ γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄ +ᶜ γ₅))  x  PE.≡ 𝟘      →⟨ ·ᶜ-zero-product-⟨⟩ (γ₂ +ᶜ _) 
               ω PE.≡ 𝟘  (γ₂ +ᶜ γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄ +ᶜ γ₅)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘  →⟨  { (inj₁ ω≡𝟘)  ⊥-elim (ω≢𝟘 ω≡𝟘); (inj₂ hyp)  hyp }) 
               (γ₂ +ᶜ γ₃ +ᶜ γ₄ +ᶜ γ₅)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘             →⟨ proj₂ ∘→ +ᶜ-positive-⟨⟩ γ₃ ∘→
                                                                  proj₂ ∘→ +ᶜ-positive-⟨⟩ γ₂ 
               (γ₄ +ᶜ γ₅)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                         →⟨ +ᶜ-⟨⟩-≡-𝟘-→-∧ᶜ-⟨⟩-≡-𝟘 γ₄ 
               (γ₄ ∧ᶜ γ₅)  x  PE.≡ 𝟘                         ) $
           ⊩B ⊢u ⊢v ok (∧ᶜ-decreasingˡ γ₄ _) (fundamental ⊢u ▸u)
            (inj₂ (_ , ∧ᶜ-decreasingʳ γ₄ _ , _ , fundamental ⊢v ▸v))
    fundamental ([]-congⱼ _ _ ⊢v ok) _ =
        (case closed-or-no-erased-matches of λ where
           (inj₁ nem)  ⊥-elim (nem non-trivial .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₁ ok)
           (inj₂ k≡0)  k≡0)
        ⊢v ok
    fundamental (conv ⊢t A≡B) γ▸t =
      conv-▸⊩ʳ∷ (F.fundamental-⊩ᵛ≡ A≡B) (fundamental ⊢t γ▸t)


    -- A fundamental lemma for terms in fully erased contexts.
    -- Note the assumptions of the local module Fundamental.

    fundamentalErased :
      Δ  t  A  𝟘ᶜ ▸[ m ] t 
      t ®⟨ ¹  erase s t  A   m 
    fundamentalErased {t} {A} {m} ⊢t ▸t =
                                      $⟨ fundamental ⊢t ▸t 
      𝟘ᶜ  Δ ⊩ʳ⟨ ¹  t ∷[ m ] A       →⟨ ▸⊩ʳ∷[]→®∷◂ 
      t ®⟨ ¹  erase s t  A   m   


    -- A variant of fundamentalErased.

    fundamentalErased-𝟙ᵐ :
      Δ  t  A  𝟘ᶜ ▸[ 𝟙ᵐ ] t 
      t ®⟨ ¹  erase s t  A
    fundamentalErased-𝟙ᵐ ⊢t ▸t =
      ®∷→®∷◂ω non-trivial $
      fundamentalErased ⊢t ▸t