-- Properties of the reduction relation.

open import Definition.Typed.Restrictions
open import Graded.Modality

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.Reduction
  {a} {M : Set a}
  {𝕄 : Modality M}
  (R : Type-restrictions 𝕄)

open Type-restrictions R

open import Definition.Untyped M
open import Definition.Untyped.Neutral M type-variant
open import Definition.Typed R
open import Definition.Typed.Properties R
open import Definition.Typed.EqRelInstance R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Equality R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inequality R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Injectivity R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inversion R
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic R
open import Definition.Typed.RedSteps R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Hidden R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Properties R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Reducibility R
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution.Introductions R

open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Function
open import Tools.Nat using (Nat)
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

    n : Nat
    Γ : Con Term n
    A B t u v : Term _
    p q : M
    m : Strength


  -- If the type of t is U, then t reduces to an application of a type
  -- constructor or a neutral term.

  red-U : Γ  t  U   λ u  Type u × Γ  t :⇒*: u  U
  red-U ⊢t =
    case ⊩∷U⇔ .proj₁ $ reducible-⊩∷ ⊢t of λ
      (_ , u , t⇒*u , u-type , _) 
    u , u-type , t⇒*u


  -- If the type of t is Empty, then t reduces to a neutral term.

  red-Empty : Γ  t  Empty   λ u  Neutral u × Γ  t :⇒*: u  Empty
  red-Empty ⊢t =
    case ⊩∷Empty⇔ .proj₁ $ reducible-⊩∷ ⊢t of λ {
      (Emptyₜ u t⇒*u _ (ne (neNfₜ u-ne _ _))) 
    u , u-ne , t⇒*u }


  -- If the type of t is Unit, then t reduces to star or a neutral
  -- term.

  red-Unit : Γ  t  Unit m   λ u  Star u × Γ  t :⇒*: u  Unit m
  red-Unit ⊢t =
    case ⊩∷Unit⇔ .proj₁ $ reducible-⊩∷ ⊢t of λ
      (_ , Unitₜ u t⇒*u _ rest) 
    , (case rest of λ where
         starᵣ                  starₙ
         (ne (neNfₜ u-ne _ _))  ne u-ne)
    , t⇒*u


  -- If the type of t is ℕ, then t reduces to zero, an application of
  -- suc, or a neutral term.

  red-ℕ : Γ  t     λ u  Natural u × Γ  t :⇒*: u  
  red-ℕ ⊢t =
    case ⊩∷ℕ⇔ .proj₁ $ reducible-⊩∷ ⊢t of λ
      (ℕₜ u t⇒*u _ rest) 
    , (case rest of λ where
         zeroᵣ                  zeroₙ
         (sucᵣ _)               sucₙ
         (ne (neNfₜ u-ne _ _))  ne u-ne)
    , t⇒*u


  -- If t has a Π-type, then t reduces to a lambda or a neutral term.

  red-Π :
    Γ  t  Π p , q  A  B 
     λ u  Function u × Γ  t :⇒*: u  Π p , q  A  B
  red-Π ⊢t =
    case ⊩∷Π⇔ .proj₁ $ reducible-⊩∷ ⊢t of λ
      (_ , u , t⇒*u , u-fun , _) 
    u , u-fun , t⇒*u


  -- If t has a Σ-type, then t reduces to a pair or a neutral term.

  red-Σ :
    Γ  t  Σ⟨ m  p , q  A  B 
     λ u  Product u × Γ  t :⇒*: u  Σ⟨ m  p , q  A  B
  red-Σ {m = 𝕤} ⊢t =
    case ⊩∷Σˢ⇔ .proj₁ $ reducible-⊩∷ ⊢t of λ
      (_ , u , t⇒*u , u-prod , _) 
    u , u-prod , t⇒*u
  red-Σ {m = 𝕨} ⊢t =
    case ⊩∷Σʷ⇔ .proj₁ $ reducible-⊩∷ ⊢t of λ
      (_ , u , t⇒*u , _ , rest) 
    u , ⊩∷Σʷ→Product rest , t⇒*u


  -- If the type of t is Id A u v, then t reduces to rfl or a neutral
  -- term.

  red-Id :
    Γ  t  Id A u v 
     λ w  Identity w × Γ  t :⇒*: w  Id A u v
  red-Id ⊢t =
    case ⊩∷Id⇔ .proj₁ $ reducible-⊩∷ ⊢t of λ
      (w , t⇒*w , _ , _ , rest) 
    , (case rest of λ where
         (rflᵣ _)     rflₙ
         (ne w-ne _)  ne w-ne)
    , t⇒*w

-- Helper function where all reducible types can be reduced to WHNF.
whNorm′ :  {A l} ([A] : Γ ⊩⟨ l  A)
                  λ B  Whnf B × Γ  A :⇒*: B
whNorm′ (Uᵣ′ . 0<1 ⊢Γ) = U , Uₙ , idRed:*: (Uⱼ ⊢Γ)
whNorm′ (ℕᵣ D) =  , ℕₙ , D
whNorm′ (Emptyᵣ D) = Empty , Emptyₙ , D
whNorm′ (Unitᵣ (Unitₜ D _)) = Unit! , Unitₙ , D
whNorm′ (ne′ H D neH H≡H) = H , ne neH , D
whNorm′ (Πᵣ′ F G D _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = Π _ , _  F  G , ΠΣₙ , D
whNorm′ (𝕨′ F G D _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = Σ _ , _  F  G , ΠΣₙ , D
whNorm′ (Idᵣ ⊩Id) = _ , Idₙ , _⊩ₗId_.⇒*Id ⊩Id
whNorm′ (emb 0<1 [A]) = whNorm′ [A]

-- Well-formed types can all be reduced to WHNF.
whNorm :  {A}  Γ  A   λ B  Whnf B × Γ  A :⇒*: B
whNorm A = whNorm′ (reducible-⊩ A)

ΠNorm :  {A F G}  Γ  A  Γ  A  Π p , q  F  G
       ∃₂ λ F′ G′  Γ  A ⇒* Π p , q  F′  G′ × Γ  F  F′
         × Γ  F  G  G′
ΠNorm {A = A} ⊢A A≡ΠFG with whNorm ⊢A
... | _ , Uₙ , D = ⊥-elim (U≢Π (trans (sym (subset* (red D))) A≡ΠFG))
... | _ , ΠΣₙ {b = BMΠ} , D =
  let Π≡Π′ = trans (sym A≡ΠFG) (subset* (red D))
      F≡F′ , G≡G′ , p≡p′ , q≡q′ = injectivity Π≡Π′
      D′ = PE.subst₂  p q  _  A ⇒* Π p , q  _  _) (PE.sym p≡p′) (PE.sym q≡q′) (red D)
  in  _ , _ , D′ , F≡F′ , G≡G′
... | _ , ΠΣₙ {b = BMΣ s} , D = ⊥-elim (Π≢Σⱼ (trans (sym A≡ΠFG) (subset* (red D))))
... | _ , ℕₙ , D = ⊥-elim (ℕ≢Π (trans (sym (subset* (red D))) A≡ΠFG))
... | _ , Unitₙ , D = ⊥-elim (Unit≢Πⱼ (trans (sym (subset* (red D))) A≡ΠFG))
... | _ , Emptyₙ , D = ⊥-elim (Empty≢Πⱼ (trans (sym (subset* (red D))) A≡ΠFG))
... | _ , Idₙ , A⇒*Id =
  ⊥-elim $ Id≢Π (trans (sym (subset* (red A⇒*Id))) A≡ΠFG)
... | _ , lamₙ , [ ⊢A , univ ⊢B , A⇒B ] =
  let _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , U≡Π , _ = inversion-lam ⊢B
  in  ⊥-elim (U≢Π U≡Π)
... | _ , zeroₙ , [ ⊢A , univ ⊢B , A⇒B ] = ⊥-elim (U≢ℕ (inversion-zero ⊢B))
... | _ , sucₙ , [ ⊢A , univ ⊢B , A⇒B ] = ⊥-elim (U≢ℕ (proj₂ (inversion-suc ⊢B)))
... | _ , starₙ , [ _ , univ ⊢B , _ ] =
  ⊥-elim (U≢Unitⱼ (inversion-star ⊢B .proj₁))
... | _ , prodₙ , [ _ , univ ⊢B , _ ] =
  let _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , U≡Σ , _ = inversion-prod ⊢B
  in  ⊥-elim (U≢Σ U≡Σ)
... | _ , rflₙ , [ _ , univ ⊢rfl , _ ] =
  ⊥-elim $ Id≢U $ sym (inversion-rfl ⊢rfl .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂)
... | _ , ne x , D = ⊥-elim (Π≢ne x (trans (sym A≡ΠFG) (subset* (red D))))

ΣNorm :  {A F G m}  Γ  A  Γ  A  Σ⟨ m  p , q  F  G
       ∃₂ λ F′ G′  Γ  A ⇒* Σ⟨ m  p , q  F′  G′
         × Γ  F  F′ × Γ  F  G  G′
ΣNorm {A = A} ⊢A A≡ΣFG with whNorm ⊢A
... | _ , Uₙ , D = ⊥-elim (U≢Σ (trans (sym (subset* (red D))) A≡ΣFG))
... | _ , (ΠΣₙ {b = BMΠ}) , D = ⊥-elim (Π≢Σⱼ (trans (sym (subset* (red D))) A≡ΣFG))
... | _ , (ΠΣₙ {b = BMΣ m}) , D =
  let Σ≡Σ′ = trans (sym A≡ΣFG) (subset* (red D))
      F≡F′ , G≡G′ , p≡p′ , q≡q′ , m≡m′ = Σ-injectivity Σ≡Σ′
      D′ = PE.subst₃  m p q  _  A ⇒* Σ⟨ m  p , q  _  _)
                     (PE.sym m≡m′) (PE.sym p≡p′) (PE.sym q≡q′) (red D)
  in  _ , _ , D′ , F≡F′ , G≡G′
... | _ , ℕₙ , D = ⊥-elim (ℕ≢Σ (trans (sym (subset* (red D))) A≡ΣFG))
... | _ , Unitₙ , D = ⊥-elim (Unit≢Σⱼ (trans (sym (subset* (red D))) A≡ΣFG))
... | _ , Emptyₙ , D = ⊥-elim (Empty≢Σⱼ (trans (sym (subset* (red D))) A≡ΣFG))
... | _ , Idₙ , A⇒*Id =
  ⊥-elim $ Id≢Σ (trans (sym (subset* (red A⇒*Id))) A≡ΣFG)
... | _ , lamₙ , [ ⊢A , univ ⊢B , A⇒B ] =
  let _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , U≡Π , _ = inversion-lam ⊢B
  in  ⊥-elim (U≢Π U≡Π)
... | _ , zeroₙ , [ ⊢A , univ ⊢B , A⇒B ] = ⊥-elim (U≢ℕ (inversion-zero ⊢B))
... | _ , sucₙ , [ ⊢A , univ ⊢B , A⇒B ] = ⊥-elim (U≢ℕ (proj₂ (inversion-suc ⊢B)))
... | _ , starₙ , [ _ , univ ⊢B , _ ] =
  ⊥-elim (U≢Unitⱼ (inversion-star ⊢B .proj₁))
... | _ , prodₙ , [ _ , univ ⊢B , _ ] =
  let _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , U≡Σ , _ = inversion-prod ⊢B
  in  ⊥-elim (U≢Σ U≡Σ)
... | _ , rflₙ , [ _ , univ ⊢rfl , _ ] =
  ⊥-elim $ Id≢U $ sym (inversion-rfl ⊢rfl .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂)
... | _ , ne x , D = ⊥-elim (Σ≢ne x (trans (sym A≡ΣFG) (subset* (red D))))


  -- If A is definitionally equal to Id B t u, then A reduces to
  -- Id B′ t′ u′ for some B′, t′ and u′ that are definitionally equal to
  -- B, t and u.

  Id-norm :
    Γ  A  Id B t u 
    ∃₃ λ B′ t′ u′  (Γ  A ⇒* Id B′ t′ u′) ×
    (Γ  B  B′) × Γ  t  t′  B × Γ  u  u′  B
  Id-norm A≡Id =
    case whNorm (syntacticEq A≡Id .proj₁) of λ {
      (_ , A′-whnf , A⇒*A′) 
    case trans (sym A≡Id) (subset* (red A⇒*A′)) of λ {
    case Id≡Whnf Id≡A′ A′-whnf of λ {
      (_ , _ , _ , PE.refl) 
    _ , _ , _ , red A⇒*A′ , Id-injectivity Id≡A′ }}}

-- Helper function where reducible all terms can be reduced to WHNF.
whNormTerm′ :  {a A l} ([A] : Γ ⊩⟨ l  A)  Γ ⊩⟨ l  a  A / [A]
                  λ b  Whnf b × Γ  a :⇒*: b  A
whNormTerm′ (Uᵣ x) (Uₜ A d typeA A≡A [t]) = A , typeWhnf typeA , d
whNormTerm′ (ℕᵣ x) (ℕₜ n d n≡n prop) =
  let natN = natural prop
  in  n , naturalWhnf natN , convRed:*: d (sym (subset* (red x)))
whNormTerm′ (Emptyᵣ x) (Emptyₜ n d n≡n prop) =
  let emptyN = empty prop
  in  n , ne emptyN , convRed:*: d (sym (subset* (red x)))
whNormTerm′ (Unitᵣ (Unitₜ x _)) (Unitₜ n d n≡n prop) =
  n , unit prop , convRed:*: d (sym (subset* (red x)))
whNormTerm′ (ne (ne H D neH H≡H)) (neₜ k d (neNfₜ neH₁ ⊢k k≡k)) =
  k , ne neH₁ , convRed:*: d (sym (subset* (red D)))
whNormTerm′ (Πᵣ′ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _) (Πₜ f d funcF _ _ _) =
  f , functionWhnf funcF , convRed:*: d (sym (subset* (red D)))
whNormTerm′ (𝕨′ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _) (Σₜ p d _ pProd _) =
  p , productWhnf pProd , convRed:*: d (sym (subset* (red D)))
whNormTerm′ (Idᵣ ⊩Id) (a′ , a⇒*a′ , a′-id , _) =
    a′ , identityWhnf a′-id
  , convRed:*: a⇒*a′ (sym (subset* (red (_⊩ₗId_.⇒*Id ⊩Id))))
whNormTerm′ (emb 0<1 [A]) [a] = whNormTerm′ [A] [a]


  -- Well-formed terms reduce to WHNFs.

  whNormTerm : Γ  t  A   λ u  Whnf u × Γ  t :⇒*: u  A
  whNormTerm ⊢t =
    case reducible-⊩∷ ⊢t of λ
    case wf-⊩∷ ⊩t of λ
    whNormTerm′ ⊩A (⊩∷→⊩∷/ ⊩A ⊩t)

redMany :  {t u A}  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t ⇒* u  A
redMany d =
  let _ , _ , ⊢u = syntacticEqTerm (subsetTerm d)
  in  d  id ⊢u